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  • We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.

Support General Bunkr / Cyberfile Support, Guides and Issues

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Mar 11, 2022
Here's a thread collating a number of guides, tips, and resolutions for current bunkr issues

Guides and Tools

Uploading files / albums

Bulk Download Albums

Sort album by size

Upload page enhancements

Issues + Fixes

Access/Upload Issues

If you are having difficulties accessing bunkr, please use a VPN and connect to somewhere in Europe. There are multiple free VPNs available you can use, some of which we have listed here:

Status Page

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Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
18Refused to execute script from '<URL>' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
Can you try another browser without anything installed?

Cannot replicate, tried Edge Firefox Chrome and Brave all work good, same file.
Currently getting below error while opening any link on bunkrr.

Oops! An Error Occurred​

The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".​

Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
This problem is happening whenever I try to open a file but I still can see the album
(Bunkr) a bunch of uploads just got randomly removed from their albums. the uploads themselves are still there though

edit: it seems files are getting removed from their albums every time the file is clicked on. uh oh....
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Found a bug, working on restoring the affected albums.

This might take a few.

We''ll be restoring the albumID table on the database from a few hours ago. Unfortunately as we dont take backups every hour as is not efficient, some files that were uploaded in the 2-hour period will not have any albums assigned. Truly sorry about this.
Thread locked while taco fixes issues.
Your files have not been deleted, they are just no longer associated to the album you uploaded them to, a fix is in the works to restore them (or as many as possible) back into the albums you uploaded them to.
Uploads are disabled while the issue is worked on.

Everyone posting the same shit helps no-one, it just makes tacos posts harder to find.
We believe we have recovered/restored ~95% of the files associated to an album, the other 5% of files linked to albums, unfortunately, was lost due to them being fresh uploads and they were not on the backup.

The files are STILL THERE, they just arent associated to any album. If this happened to any of your files simply add them back to your album :OkayChampThumbs:

If any of your files are not associated to any album, and they were uploaded and associated about 13 hours from this msg (3:35 PM GMT +2) then PM ME so I can take a look at the backup.

Keeping the thread closed for a bit longer.
Some updates, about 1-2 hours ago 2 servers decided to go down at the same time.

Milkshake is back online but will be under maintenance while we make a backup.

Fries has a "fried" no pun intended drive and needs a replacement. Waiting on the DC to replace the disk.

We've updated the status page to reflect this.
Cyberfile update:

We finally got the big server, we have started the transfer of the old uploads to the new server. (To make the transfer faster, we've disabled the old uploads)

We also got in hands the other storage servers that will handle new uploads. We are installing the stack and getting them ready.

Bunkr update:

Fries will get the drive replacement today according to the dc.

Disk has been replaced, rebuilding array. ~2 days.
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Most important feature, custom loader for all of u :pepoLove:

Would user public profiles would be of interest?

Like, /profile/taco - and in there you can see all the enabled albums, last uploads, etc. in a grid/list.

(Users will be able to put their profiles public/private)

:POGGIES: - For yes
:FeelsRageMan: - For no
:peepoShrug: - Dont care didn't ask fuck off
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Putting taquito in a quick 20 min maintenance to transfer some hot files over to the cache server :OkayChampThumbs:

Back up :OkayChampThumbs:
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Would user public profiles would be of interest?

Like, /profile/taco - and in there you can see all the enabled albums, last uploads, etc. in a grid/list.

(Users will be able to put their profiles public/private)

:POGGIES: - For yes
:FeelsRageMan: - For no
:peepoShrug: - Dont care didn't ask fuck off
Welp seems like the general consensus is a nope.
:PepeWhy: Some news.. :PepeWhy:

Our primary .ru domain has been suspended by the registrar. You can use/replace bunkrr(dot)ru to bunkr.ws if you have saved some links.

We know the reason, which we wont disclose but all we know is that we didn't get any emails prior to remove the "abusive" content. :FeelsRageMan:

Registration are now closed.

Keep you guys updated :OkayChampThumbs:
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