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Support General Bunkr / Cyberfile Support, Guides and Issues

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Mar 11, 2022
Here's a thread collating a number of guides, tips, and resolutions for current bunkr issues

Guides and Tools

Uploading files / albums

Bulk Download Albums

Sort album by size

Upload page enhancements

Issues + Fixes

Access/Upload Issues

If you are having difficulties accessing bunkr, please use a VPN and connect to somewhere in Europe. There are multiple free VPNs available you can use, some of which we have listed here:

Status Page

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Does anybody run into the issue of bunkrr files being deleted? For me it is usually only the mp4 files that get deleted from my albums but the jpg have disappeared from some as well. I don’t know if I need to convert the original source before uploading but any help would be appreciated thanks.
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Does anybody run into the issue of bunkrr files being deleted? For me it is usually only the mp4 files they get deleted from my albums but the jpg have disappeared from some as well. I don’t know if I need to convert the original source before uploading but any help would be appreciated thanks.
Whats your bunkr username?

I just double checked our deletion filter and it only deletes videos.
Username is same as my profile name brother thank you for the response.
I didnt find any flags on your account.

I'll personally review once again our deletion system, and adjust it so that it tells us (admins) the userID of the files deleted. And maybe (BIG MAYBE) we;ll put the logs for people to see the deletion reason of their files (95% inactivity)

BTW the deletion system has been disabled for like 14 days now.
Something I was wondering, does cyberfile and bunkr store free account files forever or deletes them after a period of time? If so, what's the period of time exactly?

Hey I just got this message on my upload page on bunkr, is there any way to avoid the possibility of getting ban?

Do I need to check every file I've uploaded? Since maybe there are some slight chance that my file's name contain a "telegram promo" even though I don't mean it 😟

About the files with "promotion" name on it.
i often get these kind of files from the vast sea of porn on the internet... don't even rename the files and uploading it right away 😅

I don't want to lose my account there's way too many "treasure" in it
Like POKI :peepoSimp: said, I aint gonna check all the files uploaded. But we do get constant reports of constant TG spam on our listing page (bunkr-albums), plus a lot of these TG groups/channels promoted UA content, so there's that.

Love the new video preview grid. Lets you see if the video has content that you're interested in or if it's some stupid blowjob video that nobody cares about lol.

Glad you like it :pepoLove:

Questions about Bunker
how long does the file stay on bunker (it says permanant on the upload settings ??)
How to get one link to all difrent albums
how to keep up with how many downloads the files have been downloaded
is there a way to chose the thumbnail
1. "Permanent" doesn't mean permanent in the same way you are thinking, it basically means if you dont want it to expire right away.
2. One master link to all your albums on your account? Not possible, never thought of that before.
3. Atm we dont have specific file downloads enabled for regular users. Will be at some point, need to optimize the database load.
4. No

I asked this a while back on the other thread, but with the adding of more rules for the file names that can't be posted I think it's more relevant now than before-

Can a file renaming system be implemented?

You're currently banning any files with Telegram in the title, but a few of my filler Bunkr accounts have the source files not renamed for when I want to download, rename, and share those, and a lot of them are from Megas that do/did have Telegram in the file name.

Now, the problem at the present is that with no way to rename the files, you have to upload them all again.

You've implemented a "sort by" feature after a long while of not having a way to sort, so can I ask if, before you start banning accounts for files that had no intent to advertise anything, you allow people to rename their files?
Thing is the way we currently handle downloads is directly through nginx and not through an API or anything, so basically the filename is exactly as is.

This means that the system will need rename the name on the database + original file name + thumbnail + grid + VTT thumbs, and as you can see its quite a lot.

Not saying it wont be implemented, but so far is not planned :OkayChampThumbs:

can not allowing your files to be on the main page save the account from deletion?
We to take a look from time to time at random accounts, and files uploaded. But very rarely. Not gonna say yes you'll be 1000% safe, but most likely you'll be fine.

Our main issue is the SPAM + UA promoting stuff that come with that spam shit.
Something I was wondering, does cyberfile and bunkr store free account files forever or deletes them after a period of time? If so, what's the period of time exactly?
Cyberfile is every 21 days due to the large 10GB file size upload.

Bunkr is at our discretion (as the process that does this doesnt run 24x7) but usually 35-45 days (and sometimes even more) of inactivity.
Can you give some more information please such as browser, version of browser, any extensions, script blockers etc.
Chrome Version 120.0.6099.217, for extension nothing special, adblock ublock origin,for script this one the only thing i installed on tampermonkey
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What errors do you see in console?
Press F12 and then console tab to get to the console.


Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
18Refused to execute script from '<URL>' because its MIME type ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled.

Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
If we find video files on bunkr that the player can't display and don't appear to work when downloaded, should we be reporting them to be checked and possibly deleted to save space or just ignore?

I keep getting '429 Too many requests' error when trying to download a video. I don't know why it says too many requests if I'm just trying to download 1 video.
Yes, I only hit the download button, it gives me the error like 60% of the time with and without VPN.
Link me the file so I can check the server load and loosen up the restrictions if all good and stable
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