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Simp Chat KatiKat - Lolcow Discussion Thread

Also, something that got lost among greenscreengate. I can't be the only one that found it concerning that dex said he was going to Venus, right? I mean her one member that lives in germany didn't even commit to going to the show:monkaCHRIST:
Her one German simp, while definitely delusional, isn’t the king of simps that thinks they’re married either
I mean her one member that lives in germany didn't even commit to going to the show
As far as I remember, Smorf lives in Berlin. It takes a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes to get to Venus by public transport. Since he doesn't have to worry about a hotel, he just takes a vacation and goes there every day, so there's no need for an announcement.
As far as I remember, Smorf lives in Berlin. It takes a maximum of 20 to 30 minutes to get to Venus by public transport. Since he doesn't have to worry about a hotel, he just takes a vacation and goes there every day, so there's no need for an announcement.
After dex said he was going she asked if smorf was going but he didn't say that he was, unless that has changed since I last watched
After dex said he was going she asked if smorf was going but he didn't say that he was, unless that has changed since I last watched
is it bad I feel somewhat sorry for Katie I mean she's gonna have to deal with the most delusional motherfucker across the globe have to deal with him constantly telling people they're married. Well unless she has merk up security and make sure dredds there too for back up
I wish dex would have kept his plans a secret, so when he showed to venus he would have seen katie getting gangbanged by 10 dude:KEKWlaugh:
What could've been had he not tell her would be if she decides to stream at Venus dex comes out of nowhere and she screams like murder and then has to keep up a ruse that she's happy he's there while having her pepper spray ready in case he gets handy as always
when she first logged on, her chat was saying how they barely eat, just mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner or only one meal of mcDonalds :OMEGALUL: those sad fucks
It's all they can afford at this point but at least she has enough money to buy more cards :PepeLaugh: Seriouly it has to be at least 5 figures she has spent on cards since she's started this BS
And she banned Niken
What did she ban him for?
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