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Support General Bunkr / Cyberfile Support, Guides and Issues


Mar 11, 2022
Here's a thread collating a number of guides, tips, and resolutions for current bunkr issues

Guides and Tools

Uploading files / albums

Sort album by size

Upload page enhancements

Issues + Fixes

Access/Upload Issues

If you are having difficulties accessing bunkr, please use a VPN and connect to somewhere in Europe. There are multiple free VPNs available you can use, some of which we have listed here:

Status Page

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Is there a way to reset my password on bunkr? Have a lot of things I've already uploaded to my account and can't access it since the site changed. Don't think I'll be starting over.
If you have your login info saved in your browser (like Chrome) check "manage your passwords" (key icon next to URL when you're logging in someplace) and then copy/paste the same username & password from the old bunkr site.
I've noticed the direct links to enlarged images on bunkr aren't loading at all anymore, is that happening for anyone else?


Tested and it works, send a link that isn't working for me to check.
That works. What I meant was linking the enlarged image url into threads so that the picture shows instead of just a link

This is what shows instead of my old uploads now in threads

Honestly, you shouldn't be hotlinking from bunkr or jpg like you have been doing

Hotlinking loads in the full size image every time someone views the post which:
Slows down the page and slows down peoples devices.
Increases bandwidth usage of bunkr and jpg (bandwidth costs money)
Stops bunkr and jpg earning ad revenue which pays for the servers.
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