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Simp Chat Alicexmaia - Discussion thread

who made #1?
Angie, she had been #2/3 for a couple of months this year. Whoever her whale is pretty much got her #1, outspending even Alice's whole room despite have about half the average viewer count as Alice

Some dude tried to start bad blood between her and Alice by going in each other's rooms and saying the other was talking shit about the other in their stream. Neither of them bought into it
Oh wow, did not know this. That's kinda crazy lol
I've seen a member called "mfcalerts" in Alice's room before, didn't know who/what that was about
Mfcalerts is not a member but a bot, many girls use it. That person must use some “normal” username
Mfcalerts is not a member but a bot, many girls use it. That person must use some “normal” username
So he created the bot? Is there a connection to the mfcalerts Scout mentions and this user/employee?
Still not surprised Alice came in 2nd though, she still had a few MFCShare gifts not claimed and her auction items this year were going for half what they were last year
Still not surprised Alice came in 2nd though, she still had a few MFCShare gifts not claimed and her auction items this year were going for half what they were last year
I think Alice might finally realize that being flaky all year means that come rank month she just simply will not have the people there to simp enough to spend 400 dollars on a dress.
Alice, like many cam girls, faces a common issue. Mental health challenges often prevent them from having regular jobs, so they turned to camming because they wanted money. As their earnings increase, they tend to revert to old habits and become unreliable with their schedule and interactions with members. Those who genuinely enjoy the sexual aspect of camming usually deliver better shows and are more consistent, while others gradually decrease their camming time and fall back on playing video games and being depressed because they dislike their job and have nothing to do. Unless money is a strong motivator like it is for Katie or Chronic. Alice is a decent person with evident mental health problems who engages in camming solely for financial gain. It's unclear how she feels about her fanbase, who idolize her and overlook any flaws she may have. Although she might find it endearing, the room can be dull and somewhat mean-spirited. Alice dislikes jokes about herself, so conversations typically revolve around video games or mocking other members. I feel like the members don't know her recent life or interests (or each other) well enough to have fun topics like rooms where they cam at least a few times a week. Having a place to congregate makes it so people at least can bounce off the other nights, and they tend to forget when you change times and dates via Twitter like an hour before, and cam 5x a month. There's nothing inherently wrong with doing it for the money, as we all work for financial reasons. However, over time, Alice has started phoning it in by doing the exact same cumshow every time (45 degree angle to the cam) and charging a ton for stuff like 4 minute videos and club shows which have never been anything special. Still sells her snapchat and other communication stuff when she will never talk or snap except 1 month of the year. Regardless, even with minimal effort, she will likely continue earning a significant sum, possibly a few hundred thousand dollars a year, for just a few hours of work each week, so it is probably up to her if she is fine with the slow death of her career/room or wants to revitalize it by camming more and being more innovative/interactive or not. She might have made enough at this point to not care.
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I feel like the members don't know her recent life or interests (or each other) well enough to have fun topics like rooms where they cam at least a few times a week.
Her interests are animals, gacha games, and anime. That's it. She rarely goes out of her house unless it's for food, shopping, or getting/sending her packages.
Unless your interests are in those areas, you'd be hard pressed to find something to talk to her about that would keep her interests, and there's only so many games and anime that you can talk about before you've come full circle.
To be fair to Alice, you can tell when she tries. She, now many years ago, used to put in a lot more effort into conversation and engagement because it was the best way to pass the long hours of camming in her room. Now she just gets bored of the same conversations and logs off instead of trying to be on cam to bring new folks into her room to engage.

Her room changed after she moved to MFC because her goals changed. It was no longer about having a community, it was about making money. Now that she's done that for several years and many people have left, the only ones left are the ones who put her on a pedestal and don't talk about anything besides Alice's interests. This is also partially why Twitch will completely fail and it is just the same simps who have stuck it out with her through everything because she has no ability or drive to foster a bigger community. She doesn't seem to care much.

You combine all of this with her just not really trying and what you end up with is 2-3 hours of camming that can be condensed into 7-10 minutes of highlights, a snapchat that is effectively dead, an OF that is effectively dead, twitch streams that are painfully boring, and a panic to triple the price on extremely mid content because people go find other options that actually put in effort.

Alice is absolutely gorgeous, but she's fundamentally lazy. She does not make content in a business where you must make some form of content, be it on cam, via OF, on Twitch, whatever. Engagement and a customer base are vital to continue being able to have what is honestly the most money for the least work she will likely ever make.
I wheel spinned 3 times but still haven’t got her wheels video, but someone got her wheel video and bought her pink bunny video to, but I don’t see them share here on internet, I don’t know what is wrong it ppl why don’t they share stuff but surely watch other stuff for free. If i might had gotten her wheel video I would have posted it here, like I did for other videos
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I wheel spinned 3 times but still haven’t got her wheels video, but someone got her wheel video and bought her pink bunny video to, but I don’t see them share here on internet, I don’t know what is wrong it ppl why don’t they share stuff but surely watch other stuff for free. If i might had gotten her wheel video I would have posted it here, like I did for other videos
I was sharing premium videos and club videos for a while, but no one even stepped up in May to get her other club shows. Sad really
I wheel spinned 3 times but still haven’t got her wheels video, but someone got her wheel video and bought her pink bunny video to, but I don’t see them share here on internet, I don’t know what is wrong it ppl why don’t they share stuff but surely watch other stuff for free. If i might had gotten her wheel video I would have posted it here, like I did for other videos
Also, she had 2 wheel videos in May, with one of them being a May only wheel video. If you didn't get Virgin Killer video, then you never will, supposedly
Well Alice had her cammiversary show last Saturday. Pretty disappointing that there was no cumshow, especially considering it was a drinking show which is usually when she's tipped the most. At one point she even said something like, "Well my goal for this month was to get top 100 but I don't think that's going to happen hahaha"
It looks like she has turned on the DRM feature for videos on her Onlyfans account since last month. Can't download videos from there using the usual downloaders I've used to rip them from there. We won't be missing much though, her Onlyfans videos are short and mostly terrible.
It seems like she's using a heavy filter to soften the details on them too. Fucking horrible
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