• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
  • Bunkr are having some temporary issues with some videos showing cloudflare tos violations and are restricted.
    Please be patient while the issue is resolved and DONT ask for re-ups.

Guide Onlyfans Downloading - A complete guide for PC and Mobile

Make sure you've got the DownloadPaidPosts etc set to true as well
Am I seeing this wrong or you're giving https://cdrm-project.com/ the session cookie of OF? This is quite dangerous as if they log this information (which they likely are) they could steal OF session of people who use this tool and make a mess with people's account.

Would be nice to make a wrapper around wks-keys so that you could supply your own private key instead of relying on external websites.
Am I seeing this wrong or you're giving https://cdrm-project.com/ the session cookie of OF? This is quite dangerous as if they log this information (which they likely are) they could steal OF session of people who use this tool and make a mess with people's account.

Would be nice to make a wrapper around wks-keys so that you could supply your own private key instead of relying on external websites.
I have no idea if they store that information, I don't know why they would, I know they store the keys. Using https://cdrm-project.com/ is sort of a temporary thing until I get around to making something to get the decryption key myself which might be quite challenging so right now this is the only real way I could get it to work.
I'll consider it but probably not one of the things that will make it on the priority list right now
Took me 15min to setup and download a profile, way better than all the other methods, thanks!
Would it be possible to change the naming of the file? Would like to have "profilename_yyyy.mm.dd_id.jpg" for example, right now I have "resolution_id.jpg" so it's in random order :(
Took me 15min to setup and download a profile, way better than all the other methods, thanks!
Would it be possible to change the naming of the file? Would like to have "profilename_yyyy.mm.dd_id.jpg" for example, right now I have "resolution_id.jpg" so it's in random order :(
Customizing the file format is something yourself and others have suggested already so will definitely look into adding that feature in future.
I am a complete idiot when it comes to this kind of stuff, but is there a chrome ext for this?
There are 2 that you can try. ( However, they do not work on the new DRM content)

Coming back to sim0n00ps scraper, might I suggest a little amendment to the tutorial on

1. Download yt-dlp.exe from the latest release which you can find here https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp/releases.
2. Download ffmpeg from https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ you need to download the ffmpeg-release-essentials.zip, unzip that file and ffmpeg.exe should be in the extracted folder.
3. Download the binaries from https://www.bento4.com/downloads/ extract the zip file and within the bin folder you should find mp4decrypt.exe.
4. Open the auth.json file in
Windows (Notepad/Wordpad/Notepad++)
Mac (Apple TextEdit)

I would recommend copying all 3 of the .exe files somewhere safe where you can then add the path of each file to auth.json file. You can do this easily by holding shift when right clicking on the .exe file which should give you the option to copy as path, this will include \ so you will need to replace them with /. In the auth.json file the lines should look something like this "YTDLP_PATH": "C:/yt-dlp.exe", "FFMPEG_PATH": "C:/ffmpeg.exe" and "MP4DECRYPT_PATH": "C:/mp4decrypt.exe"
Took me 15min to setup and download a profile, way better than all the other methods, thanks!
Would it be possible to change the naming of the file? Would like to have "profilename_yyyy.mm.dd_id.jpg" for example, right now I have "resolution_id.jpg" so it's in random order :(
While we wait for Sim0n00ps to add something, you can use the 'date modified' with a program like bulk rename utility
Gives 2023-05-07_ for example
Could you set the ripper to only rip pics?
PC Ripping - Python Script Part 1

This has been my ‘go to’ for all major rips as once setup it is very easy to use and can rip entire OF accounts with ease. Most people encounter issues with setup as they get scared by github and command line interfaces but I've broken it down into a set of easy steps with pictures to help guide even the most novice user through install, setup and use of the script. This method is the most ‘hacker like’ :HACKERMANS: and is used by all the pros


1. Download the latest version of Python from https://www.python.org/downloads/ The script now requires a minimum of Python 3.10​
During install you MUST tick the box to add python to path as shown here:​
Complete the install​
2. Download the Digital Criminal script from here https://github.com/DIGITALCRIMINALS/OnlyFans/archive/refs/heads/master.zip

3. Unzip the downloaded folder​

4. Open a command prompt/terminal or powershell window in the unzipped folder. The easiest way to do this for those who don't know how is to shift+right click the white space inside the folder and select 'Open Powershell Window here', this is shown in the picture below:​
5. In the powershell window paste the following line pip install poetry and press enter​
When that is complete paste the following line poetry install --no-dev

6. Close the powershell window when it has finished installing everything​
The script is now installed but requires some configuration to run​


1. Double click on Start_ofd to start the script​

2. On the first run the script will create two files for you - config.json and auth.json as well as some extra folders for them to live in:​
- The config.json file in the .settings folder contains various settings for the script, you don't have to change any settings for the script to run but I highly recommend changing a few detailed further down.​
- The auth.json file within the .profiles folder will contain your Onlyfans/Fansly login data when filled out, the contents of this file should not be shared with anyone.​
You don't have to change any of the following settings but I find changing them makes the tool quicker and easier to use.​
These settings are now duplicated for the Fansly section so if using for both Onlyfans and Fansly you will have to fill these out twice, if just using for Onlyfans make sure you are filling out the Onlyfans section​
For version 8.0 of the settings file (version number no line 3)​
The settings I change are as follows:​
"auto_site_choice": "onlyfans", Note: Leave this as default value if you also wish to download from Fansly
"auto_profile_choice": "1",​
"auto_media_choice": "0",​
"paid_content": false​
^ it will still save paid content, this just stops the scraper from making all the folders for it every time you open it​
Some metadata settings detailed below​
NOTE: auto_media_choice now has to be set to 0 and not a as previously​
DO NOT SHARE THE METADATA FOLDER. It contains identifiable information.​
Everytime I have installed this tool the settings for the metadata folder have changed but this is my current preferred config for it:​
First make a new folder called .metadatas at the same level as the .sites and .settings folder​
Change the metadata_directories setting in the config file from .sites to .metadatas
The advantage of this method is it allows you to keep the metadata folder in a separate location where you wont accidentally share it. The metadata folder stores a record of all files you've downloaded with the tool so helps save time and data by not redownloading things if you moved the downloads folder.​
To add a datestamp to downloads you need to change the following two settings:​
"filename_format": "{date}_{filename}.{ext}",​
"date_format": "%Y-%m-%d",​
Right Click Enabled Extension no longer working?
She uploaded a new Video and the Option to save is greyed out?
Tested and it still works on older Pics/Vids just not todays brand new one..
Make sure you've got the DownloadPaidPosts etc set to true as well
Got it all sorted out now. I was using the old auth.json file from v1.3 not realizing the v1.5.1 version had several additional attributes. Once I used the new auth.json file the scraper worked as expected and downloaded the new content. Thanks very much for this tool.
Right Click Enabled Extension no longer working?
She uploaded a new Video and the Option to save is greyed out?
Tested and it still works on older Pics/Vids just not todays brand new one..
That means it has DRM. You need to use this tool they are discussing (if it's still working, haven't been keeping up with the thread) or follow the guide about cracking DRM.
Something has definitely changed recently. My normal method of downloading using Internet Download Manager didn't work. I tried screen recording with OBS and the video had sound but was a black screen.

I'll have to research this thread more, but looks like OF made it harder.
Has anybody else had a problem over the past few days with downloading videos from Aloha?

Something has definitely changed recently. My normal method of downloading using Internet Download Manager didn't work. I tried screen recording with OBS and the video had sound but was a black screen.

I'll have to research this thread more, but looks like OF made it harder.
Go see here

Next time read back a page or two
Hey sim0n00ps I wanted to try your downloader and double checked if I set up something wrong, but it doesn't even start. I double clicked and the window manages to appear for a sec but suddenly closes. Idk if I still have something wrong, appreciate any help
Hey sim0n00ps I wanted to try your downloader and double checked if I set up something wrong, but it doesn't even start. I double clicked and the window manages to appear for a sec but suddenly closes. Idk if I still have something wrong, appreciate any help
I had a similar issue when i first did that, make sure when your putting the information into the auth file that it's correct and that you also replace all the " \ " with "/" with the path names for each of the 3 .exe paths
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I had a similar issue when i first did that, make sure when your putting the information into the auth file that it's correct and that you also replace all the " \ " with "/" with the path names for each of the 3 .exe paths
That it, I didn't place the .exes in C: root they have larger routes, and I wrongly thought the "/" replace were only for the first part of each paths :peepoGiggles:

Thanks for your replies
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