• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
  • Bunkr are having some temporary issues with some videos showing cloudflare tos violations and are restricted.
    Please be patient while the issue is resolved and DONT ask for re-ups.

Guide Onlyfans Downloading - A complete guide for PC and Mobile

It just removes the Free and Paid folder and just combines them. So instead of like Messages/Free/Videos it's just Messages/Videos and everything free or paid goes in the same folder.
I prefer them separated so I know what I bought and what is just free DM spam / trailers
sim0n00ps I would like to say after what was performed today I was successfully able to download and download past 99% and DRM videos,

If I may mention two things not sure if they have been mentioned and not sure if it's really a high priority

1) if there is a way that you can add the name of the file to be date stamped similar to that of other scrapers that way we can verify okay yes 05/05/2023 was the latest download?

2) when scraping there is a folder labeled "profile" for the header and avatar is there any way to possibly remove that from being downloaded again not high on priority but i think it's unneeded

Thank you again for this wonderful and fast implementing of this program
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Sorry to be a bother :(, but could we maybe get a way to set messages to be downloaded first? If a model's latest release is in a paid DM we'll still have to redownload 70 GB+ of wall posts before it gets to scraping messages.

Also, I've noticed that the audio bitrate of the DRM videoes are quite lower than the non-DRM videos. Like 160kbps vs 94kbps. Is there any reason for that?
Sorry to be a bother :(, but could we maybe get a way to set messages to be downloaded first? If a model's latest release is in a paid DM we'll still have to redownload 70 GB+ of wall posts before it gets to scraping messages.

Also, I've noticed that the audio bitrate of the DRM videoes are quite lower than the non-DRM videos. Like 160kbps vs 94kbps. Is there any reason for that?
You can set "DownloadPosts" to "false" in the auth file to skip wall posts.
Yeah, the audio bitrate is lower but video bitrate is higher and we get 30 instead of 24 fps. :HYPERS:
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Yeah it's stuck on paid and free DRM'd messages.

Okay so I have updated my auth file by getting the information using google chrome, I deleted all previously downloaded content from the first run through and re downloading again using the script - as of this message just reached the 99% - with in the directory of "C:\Users\User\Downloads\OF DL V1.3\__user_data__\sites\OnlyFans\princess-rae\Posts\Free\Videos\

it does show the last files to be at this position

There are 4 videos that are on the wall that are DRM that are not downloading, unless it takes a very long time in which case i'll give an hour and see what happens

Looks like you solved your problem but I'm wondering if your path isn't too long/deep in the first place. The max. length of a Windows file path is 256 characters but many times programs can become wonky before that limit is reached. I put the script and plugins in single Desktop folder and I haven't had any problems. I also noticed that the OP appears to be using the root C: folder in his Github readme.
Looks like you solved your problem but I'm wondering if your path isn't too long/deep in the first place. The max. length of a Windows file path is 256 characters but many times programs can become wonky before that limit is reached. I put the script and plugins in single Desktop folder and I haven't had any problems. I also noticed that the OP appears to be using the root C: folder in his Github readme.
Yeah there were a few things I changed up.

First - I deleted everything with in whole process.
Secondly - I redid each step one at a time
Third - I installed a second internal NVMe just as a treat for my bday, (not important) so basically put the three things ffpmeg/yt-dlp/mp4decrypt folders on the second drive - then just copied the path of the exe's where they stood didn't copy and paste them any where just the default ones where they stood
Fourth - after doing all that downloaded the latest release - worked the first time around.

prior to the refresh i copied all the exes and put them into the main folder of the OF DL folder idk if that had any repercussions but yeah. at the end of the day it worked - he also explained a little bit better of what information belongs where.

so after confirming with a few accounts it's all golden from here. i'm sure more tweaks to come from his end. - but do appreciate everyone's help and trial and error
Looks like you solved your problem but I'm wondering if your path isn't too long/deep in the first place. The max. length of a Windows file path is 256 characters but many times programs can become wonky before that limit is reached. I put the script and plugins in single Desktop folder and I haven't had any problems. I also noticed that the OP appears to be using the root C: folder in his Github readme.
I used C: as an example, you can put you're .exe files anywhere you like.
Sorry to be a bother :(, but could we maybe get a way to set messages to be downloaded first? If a model's latest release is in a paid DM we'll still have to redownload 70 GB+ of wall posts before it gets to scraping messages.

Also, I've noticed that the audio bitrate of the DRM videoes are quite lower than the non-DRM videos. Like 160kbps vs 94kbps. Is there any reason for that?
Audio bitrate is probably lower because I decrypt the M4A file to an MP4 so it just becomes a blank video with audio and then I merge the video and audio together with ffmpeg. I can have a look into it to try and get higher bitrate.
I used C: as an example, you can put you're .exe files anywhere you like.

Audio bitrate is probably lower because I decrypt the M4A file to an MP4 so it just becomes a blank video with audio and then I merge the video and audio together with ffmpeg. I can have a look into it to try and get higher bitrate.
Of course... but it also helps if the path isn't too deep since long file names in addition to a deep path can easily cause the 256 character limit to max out and result in problems.
sorry for stupid question but can i install x64 version of .NET ?
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Looks like you solved your problem but I'm wondering if your path isn't too long/deep in the first place. The max. length of a Windows file path is 256 characters but many times programs can become wonky before that limit is reached. I put the script and plugins in single Desktop folder and I haven't had any problems. I also noticed that the OP appears to be using the root C: folder in his Github readme.
The path wasn't the issue. I have mine set to Y:\OFDL\xxx.exe. It wasn't working before the update, and worked after without any changes on my end.

sim0n00ps - So I'm not sure what happened from yesterday till today - but when downloading I am now seeing this

https://i.imgur was here once, but it's now gone/ie7Vawd.png

The percentage is still going up though 11%1%1% 11% 1%.

sim0n00ps - So I'm not sure what happened from yesterday till today - but when downloading I am now seeing this

https://i.imgur was here once, but it's now gone/ie7Vawd.png

The percentage is still going up though 11%1%1% 11% 1%.
The service I used to get the decryption keys is having some issues atm, other people who are trying to use it have reported the same issue so nothing I can do about it from my end.
Updated dotnet runtime from 7.0.4 to 7.0.5 and OF-DL from v 1.3 to v 1.5.1 .

Testing by scraping accounts that have several updates since Saturday but nothing is downloading. I get a message that folder for that account is already created and Posts count shows 0 even though there have been 4 new posts yesterday.
Updated dotnet runtime from 7.0.4 to 7.0.5 and OF-DL from v 1.3 to v 1.5.1 .

Testing by scraping accounts that have several updates since Saturday but nothing is downloading. I get a message that folder for that account is already created and Posts count shows 0 even though there have been 4 new posts yesterday.
Are they old media that has just been reused, if so then they will be skipped because they would have been already downloaded. If not then I'm not sure how that can happen especially if they a new media.
Are they old media that has just been reused, if so then they will be skipped because they would have been already downloaded. If not then I'm not sure how that can happen especially if they a new media.
Its new media. I also just tried scraping an account that I never did before; it created the new folder but nothing downloaded. I probably configured something incorrectly even though all the lines are green so I'll try to carefully redo the setup.
Its new media. I also just tried scraping an account that I never did before; it created the new folder but nothing downloaded. I probably configured something incorrectly even though all the lines are green so I'll try to carefully redo the setup.
Make sure you've got the DownloadPaidPosts etc set to true as well
I decided to make my own downloader a few months ago because I was getting tired of digitalcriminals script having issues. Over the past 2-3 days I have been working on a method to download videos from within my program which are DRM protected and I've had some success! My script downloads all of the media from profiles you are subbed to and you can either download media from every single profile you are subbed to or you can select specific profiles you want to download from. I have tested downloading free DRM protected videos from both regular posts and messages but haven't had the opportunity to test if paid posts with videos in them and paid messages with videos in them are downloaded, the code is setup for both scenarios but I have no paid posts or paid messages to test with.

I have tried to explain in as much detail as possible everything you need in order to set up and use the program on the github page https://github.com/sim0n00ps/OF-DL. Hopefully I am alright with posting this here and hopefully it can help some people out!
Appreciate this! I've been having nothing but issues with digitalcriminals script for months now... This program works flawlessly!

Will there be a future update where you can add dates to the downloaded files? That's a feature from digitalcriminals script that I used constantly. I like having the files sorted out by date (Year-Month-Day).

EDIT: Nevermind. Noticed that the dates are in the "Date Modified" file properties. I can easily add the date from that. Looking forward to other updates! Cheers!
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