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Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
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Answered this before but I'll answer again, if we make a rule it has to be enforceable and fairly across all those that post.
So if we make a rule that people need to include a description (even if short) with their links then we would have to do something about those who dont. What would we do?
Warn them?
Delete their post and force them to remake it with a description?
Message them and ask them to go back and edit their post with a description?

You can quite easily see how that isn't going to work, its a lot of extra work for us mods, its going to put people off posting, its going to make people hate the mods more than some already do and its going to cause inconsistency in modding because we cant do that for every single post made every single day.
TLDR. its not something we can enforce so its not a rule we are going to add.

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Things like scat and obscene content (puke etc) is already banned on here and tends to be reported pretty quick because most dont like it. You would also be expecting someone who is posting content that's against our rules to not break a rule about adding a description. Please report the post if you are ever unfortunate enough to come across obscene content on here.

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Just FYI, its worth checking out what tables look like on mobile, media inside tables tends to look pretty bad because it can force post widths wider than a phone screen leading to horizontal scrolling and content not fitting on screen properly, all our media sizing css is designed for both PC and Mobile but we cant account for tables in css. Just text and links (without unfurls) can be ok in tables. 70%+ of our users are on mobile.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
So about my query regarding quoted media, is it even possible from a technical standpoint with the board software?


Mar 16, 2022
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if you're browsing general discussion threads you're doing it wrong.
They are more or less a spam filter for content threads :hahaa:
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Mike Scott No GIF by LA Clippers

not gonna happen
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
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The model ID threads are the first that spring to mind, although it's not limited to those and there are numerous threads spread out amongst the site.
I'm not sure how you mean shrink? I'm viewing the board on computer.

If someone quotes a redgif/ link or a group of images, they remain in tact in full. See the following.

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When you get 6 or more images like that, which are then quoted numerous times, it does take the page/thread a while longer to load.
So I'm querying if there is some setting in the board software that could disable this (perhaps specify gifs, jpegs etc) or if there is another angle you could try.

Something like this \/
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
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I know that's the way it's supposed to look, lol.
There is no problem per se.

It's more of a suggestion/request to add a setting board-wide for quoted media to be disabled by default if it's possible.

Actually, it might already be possible.
This is how your quoted picture looks now from my side.
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I think it shows up that way because it's a png file perhaps.
Maybe the same rule can be applied to other media formats?


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
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It shows up that way because Loviatar has used attachments and you dont have attachment perms to then put it in your post, only mods and verified models can use attachments.

Removing the media from quotes completely would mean they lose context just like you see in that example with Loviatars post which then forces people to go back to the original post rather than seeing a compacted version initially with option to expand.

I dont see any issue here


Mar 10, 2023
Have a few collections on the first post of each thread where everyone can collaborate by adding new pics/videos instead of having people create different incomplete collections or sharing individual pics and videos. Just use a website that allows approving collaborations by vote or by granting privileges instead of the ones you are currently using.


Tier 3 Sub
May 10, 2022
Several times on here (as well as on other boards, seems to be a common problem) I've made or seen others make posts warning users that they're requesting something potentially sketchy, for example known revenge porn, or material which is often mixed up with underage images or so on. More often than not, posts with such warnings get deleted, without mods leaving any comment within the thread.

May I suggest that if a mod sees discussion warning about potentially illegal or otherwise sketchy content, rather than simply deleting all talk, that mod or admin either edits the posts to minimise discussion but keep the warnings intact, or deletes the messages but rephrases the important information in their own post (to be stickied in the thread, ideally) so users can still be made aware that some content or requests is known to be untouchable.

It really sucks to write "don't ask about that stuff, some of it is underage", only to log on the next time and see that information has been deleted but the request is still up which invites problems.

I know admin and mods want minimal discussion in the content threads. I'm not suggesting that all posts should be left fully intact in all threads at all times. But when the discussion is an informative warning, some part of that should remain in the thread, whether that is the user's original post, their post edited, or a mod's new post pinned and repeating the most critical information. Simply deleting literally everything only means there's more chance someone will fuck up.


Tier 3 Sub
Apr 12, 2022

Tags- We really do need tags for stuff like non-nude, softcore, hardcore. Because if youre looking for new content/searching by tags, you basically have to check the entire thread to see what degree of content someone makes.

Maintainers- Like we now have in the Belle thread, the biggest/most popular threads should ideally have someone maintaining it. It cleans up the thread, prevents dupes and people farming likes by dropping parts of a set, low quality rips and other issues.

ReUP emote- Simple way to ask for a person to reupload content. Yes I know that mods are supposed to remove broken links/posts, but its possible that only part of the content went down and the author is willing to reupload it. This emote also would prevent comment posts asking for reuploads which are against the rules and create further work for the mods.


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
I like the intent of your ideas, we have thought of them before, here's some info on where some things do already exist and some reasons why we dont do others

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Some terms will help:
1 is a prefix and can only be added by thread starter or a moderator.
2 is a tag and can be added by the thread starter or anyone with simp council so far more users than just the mod team.
The tag cloud picks up on tags across the entire forum.
There are already tags for nude etc. but it seems people dont use them much.

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Threads like that are the exception not the norm, most girls dont have someone buying and posting every single thing they put out, for many that's prohibitively expensive and it puts a lot of work on that person to keep their collection up to date. Some threads it will happen, most it wont, its far more likely for threads to have many people buying and posting the content spreading the cost/effort over many.
People could always post an archive link in one of their first posts and just update it as others post in the thread, but there's no real reward for them for doing that, they dont get the likes and people already have the content so this is rare.

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This is a possiblity, problem is people misusing it or people complaining about links being down that aren't.
Bunkr geo-blocking countries like India / Indonesia because of repeated abuse, we tell people to use a VPN to Europe or similar, people still use VPNs to another part of India and then complain :WeirdChamp:
Zippyshare (RIP) geo-blocking UK, Germany and others
Gofile who have temporary outages often and did have some storage servers that didn't work in all locations for a couple months
Saint vids, some iphone users cant see vids, none of the staff are able to replicate this and no-one has come forth with anything to help us fix the issue

We did add the done reaction recently for the camwhores / upstore threads so a reup reaction might be something we add
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