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  • We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.

Feedback Ideas and Suggestions

2 things, one of which is a bug probably:

1. Sometimes when clicking on a simpcity link (a topic or subforum), the page never actually loads, just perpetually tries connecting to the server. This has been a problem for months. Need to manually re-navigate to the page for it to load.

2. Show a placeholder image for inline-images that haven't loaded yet in a post, so that the page doesn't constantly scroll while images are loading. At the very least, leave a static size <span> element.
Hey mods, could you please add a UbiqFlLE request thread ? there are is a lot of OnlyFans / ManyVids content locked behind that website, thank you in advance.
can we get a list of blacklisted sites pinned? it will help posts from getting removed and keep users from bad sites in general


That would provide all those sites with free advertisement?
Some sites frequently make new domains to bypass spam filters so if we publish a list they'd know how to bypass it.
We add multiple sites a day to the list, gonna be a pain to keep 2 places up to date
Would love an option to block/ignore specific threads, similar to how you can ignore posts by a particular user. A lot of my search results are constantly contaminated by threads I do not care for. Would appreciate if you could make that addition
Is it possible to know if a message to a user is read?
Is the conversation function working 100%?
I'm amazed at the number of messages I write that go unanswered

Is it possible to know if a message to a user is read?
Is the conversation function working 100%?
I'm amazed at the number of messages I write that go unanswered

I don't believe there is any kind of read receipt feature.

Mind you, I'm not sure why you would be sending lots of messages to other users?
Can we turn on the setting where you click on a thread and it goes to new instead of going to page 1? It used to do that but 90% of the time it goes to page 1 and I have to click jump to new to get to the new stuff. It's already loading slow but now I have to load the thread twice. It would help to lower clicks and bandwidth and page requests. I don't know why it's bugging out.

Noticed the link ends with /unread and even though it says that when you click on it it doesn't go to the new posts it goes to page 1.
If you modify the thread links to go to /unread/?new=1 it goes to the new posts without fail.
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What would be best feature for me and a lot of people i suppose while browsing this site is a way to filter posts on a threat by likes amount , theres a lot of reasons why this would be helpful beside saving alot of time or try find good posts on a 40 page threat
adding a rule that before posting "rar files" should add atleast one pic of what's inside on that file, because not all peeps are checking/downloading rar files. "To avoid repost" (only applicable if the rar files is "set album") :pepoLove:
Option's to download from Saint.to - https://simpcity.su/threads/how-do-you-download-from-saint-to-now.100848/

I wouldn't say ads are "hyper aggressive"...at least it's less then other.
The saint.to ads have reached a new level of aggressive... only recently I hit upon saint.to links opening an ad when clicking play on a video. I was ok with the one ad, but now that one ad opens an ad and that ad opens another ad and the windows keep opening over and over and over until you terminate chrome on the task manager. It's a resource bomb. Probably also would crash the computer if you can't close chrome and it keeps opening windows.
maybe have a tag or something that can be added to know if the model does full nudity, partial, or just implied. Thinking about it having also for Censored an uncensored should help too
I understand the need to control bots but your new search restrictions will kill the forum. I don't use VPN, haven't used search in 2 days and it says I am using a wideley used VPN!

A better spam protection is something the phpbb guys came up with (might have been a mod actually that they incorporated) The Forum admin sets a question the user has to answer on Registration. Bots can't break it because the question is unique to that particular Forum. Captcha was broken years ago and even the more complicated Captcha's have now been broken. The question/answer one still works well
What to do about GoFile cancer? - those dead links are multiplying like rabbits

How about this:
The re-post rule is not applicable IF the previous post contains only a gofile link.
i.e. a re-post by other users of a bunkr mirror of the same content is permissible.

It might help people trying to gain reaction points the honest way (uploading stuff themselves) and discourage the use of NoFile (and discourage link leeching nofiles too)
Is it possible to have substring matches in search results? Sometimes I only have a part of a model's name and takes a while until I can find the relevant thread.
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