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Discussion General Vtuber Discussions

Uh. She's leaving uh? After the departure of A-Chan, I've been...completely emotionless. It doesn't make me sad. And that's sad. I think, sooner or later, we will hear of Sora graduation and others too. Why? Because that's how it works. Idols, as in the Japanese way, aren't ment to last long. Even if they are virtual, they will not be eternal. Don't be sad because it's over, be happy because you were there. Hololive resistence boss is...over.
I don't know what to say, Aqua has been the most idol in Hololive to me and her solo lives always had a professional feeling that I didn't get from the others until recently. Outside of her good singing capabilities she's also always been hilarious and entertaining to watch and I could tell that she's always been loved by others. Aqua was also one of the few vtubers that got me into the rabbit hole so to speak about 5 years ago and has always had a special place in my heart (along with Coco and Pekora).

I'm gonna break so hard during that final graduation concert, I already cried when i watched her past sololives, oh god

Stealing a tweet I saw as my closing words

"the onion is going away but I'm still crying" :PepeWhy:
Even with that in mind, while sure they will move on, as with everything in life, that doesn't mean their journey "stops" with them leaving Hololive, and can (and trully are able) to go further and still enjoy them, if they decide to continue, as indies/back on their own PLs/alt accounts. It isn't over until they themselves say it is the case. We still got almost the entire month until Aqua leaves, so might as well enjoy those moments and the fun happy memories while she's still on Holo.
Cheer up mate, I know it's sad, but I don't think the girls and stars themsevles would want to see us sad about this, but keep moving on with a smile on our faces.
Uh. She's leaving uh? After the departure of A-Chan, I've been...completely emotionless. It doesn't make me sad. And that's sad. I think, sooner or later, we will hear of Sora graduation and others too. Why? Because that's how it works. Idols, as in the Japanese way, aren't ment to last long. Even if they are virtual, they will not be eternal. Don't be sad because it's over, be happy because you were there. Hololive resistence boss is...over.
yup, i just hope they find something afterwards.

after hearing kiara's concern about aging, we might hear more graduations unfortunately. just because we all feel an existential disconnect with work at some point in our lives, even if its good work at a good company. hololive vtubers are no different.
Aqua's small announcement tweet about the graduation, but I'd like to assume that she seems to be in high spirits:

I just hope it's something that she decided and came to terms with. A lot of people are speculating about random BS in Cover's tweet. I personally hope it's just personal/IRL commitments like A-chan or that she's getting tired, but in the end, all we can do is wish her the best in the future. If anything, she's still gonna be hidden in the sea of Hololive fans like A-chan.

Gonna miss the Suisei x Aqua x Towa honeymoon memes and their couple arguments on stream.
I posted the reasoning in the Drama General thread, but basically from some translated posts of her announcement during her stream, the reason she is graduating, and leaving, is mainly because of creative differences between her and the company/management.
She told to not speculate about it, but basically as what Sagatiba00 very well put and said in that thread, it could be regarding how everything is moving so fast, Cover opening officially their US office and expanding onto new territory, the Break Dimensions concert, the addition of the recently added HoloJustice girls, a lot has been going on, and probably Aqua felt overwhelmed, could be seen as her taking many more and new responsabilities and that could lead a change that she doesn't feel comfortable with.
Maybe she'll elaborate on her graduation concert on the 28th, but who knows, for the time being, let's enjoy the time she still has left in Holo.
Uh. She's leaving uh? After the departure of A-Chan, I've been...completely emotionless. It doesn't make me sad. And that's sad. I think, sooner or later, we will hear of Sora graduation and others too. Why? Because that's how it works. Idols, as in the Japanese way, aren't ment to last long. Even if they are virtual, they will not be eternal. Don't be sad because it's over, be happy because you were there. Hololive resistence boss is...over.
This is just life. We all grow older. Priorities change, mindsets change. Sad, but we have to continue on
Uh. She's leaving uh? After the departure of A-Chan, I've been...completely emotionless. It doesn't make me sad. And that's sad. I think, sooner or later, we will hear of Sora graduation and others too. Why? Because that's how it works. Idols, as in the Japanese way, aren't ment to last long. Even if they are virtual, they will not be eternal. Don't be sad because it's over, be happy because you were there. Hololive resistence boss is...over.
One day Nerissa will leave, Don't know when, Don't know why, but I know she'll leave one day to fly elsewhere... The future's already dreading me.
One day I'll be left staring at the roof of my room alone in the dark, reminiscing about the past.

"I guess that's just how life goes... There's nowhere else to go but forward."

it could be regarding how everything is moving so fast, Cover opening officially their US office and expanding onto new territory, the Break Dimensions concert, the addition of the recently added HoloJustice girls, a lot has been going on, and probably Aqua felt overwhelmed, could be seen as her taking many more and new responsabilities and that could lead a change that she doesn't feel comfortable with.
This is the most plausible explanation. I've seen idiot takes like Aqua refusing to be sacrificed to the chinese market, etc.

Most likely it's just a difference of priority. It's undeniable that there's a lot of work the talents put behind the scenes unrelated to streaming, and Aqua's probably exhausted from all those work. She just wanna stream and play games, but Cover's rapid expansion doesn't allow for that. She took a hiatus last year, and probably feels bad if she took it again.

Judging by Peko's comments, she's been planning to leave for months, and that other members tried to convince her to stay. There's also been negotiations on both parts, so we can pretty much rule out nefarious theories. Going by Occam's Razor, most likely she simply wants to focus on streaming & playing games.
One day Nerissa will leave, Don't know when, Don't know why, but I know she'll leave one day to fly elsewhere... The future's already dreading me.
One day I'll be left staring at the roof of my room alone in the dark, reminiscing about the past.
Okay, it's sad, I'm sad, but let's not start doom posting and dreading the future like this. Instead look forward to the time you get to spend with your favorite content creators.

It's important to be realistic in spaces like these to stop one from going full depresso mode, especially if you know you may have trouble handling emotions which could be due to an eventual neurodivergent condition. EVERYONE in the vtuber scene will graduate some day. It may be next month, it may be next year, it may be in 10 years. We don't know. So to look at it from that negative viewpoint of "one day they will leave" helps no one, especially not yourself. It is true, but thinking about it won't help anyone and it will make the talent sad that you think that way.

Instead like others kind of have said, cherish the good times until the end is set in stone. When you know the end is confirmed, then it's of course okay to mourn and be sad. But before then, there's no use being sad. Be happy that they still want to be here and entertain you.
Okay, it's sad, I'm sad, but let's not start doom posting and dreading the future like this. Instead look forward to the time you get to spend with your favorite content creators.

It's important to be realistic in spaces like these to stop one from going full depresso mode, especially if you know you may have trouble handling emotions which could be due to an eventual neurodivergent condition. EVERYONE in the vtuber scene will graduate some day. It may be next month, it may be next year, it may be in 10 years. We don't know. So to look at it from that negative viewpoint of "one day they will leave" helps no one, especially not yourself. It is true, but thinking about it won't help anyone and it will make the talent sad that you think that way.

Instead like others kind of have said, cherish the good times until the end is set in stone. When you know the end is confirmed, then it's of course okay to mourn and be sad. But before then, there's no use being sad. Be happy that they still want to be here and entertain you.
Fair, I apologize for what I've just said. Heh... I guess I'm just not really used to this haha...
I wouldn't be surprised if Cover opens up a new branch in the future titled something like Hololive Retirement Home, where talents that have grown too old to dance and sing go and simply just stream and enjoy themselves and sing occasionally lmao.

Aqua's graduation might put some new perspective into the minds of the leadership at Cover on how they can prevent that something similar happen in the future. We'll see.
The thing is, that sort of precedent is kinda there now, in regards to mental health and well-being, I rememebered this was mentioned back in Cover's annual report for Q4, basically the latest one, and I remember people here discussing that, Yagoo was aiming to implement also a service for mental care, therapy and everything any of the holomems/stars would need, and I think as many pointed out, even if it's like a newfound bare minimum it is something to be happy about.
Basically what I mean is, it's no retirement home, and unless something radical happens in the direction Cover wants to take is yet to be seen, but that focus and spending resources in the care of your talents is a huge step foward in making that investment towards a better foundation and healthy dynamic between holomems and managment/the company. So long as they feel they have their time to vent, to talk things out, take a break when needed, etc, is a big step towards them being able to keep getting enjoyment while streaming and doing everything they do as well as concerts, the anniversaries, festivals, and so on.
a lot of people are speculating creative control etc however does anyone think maybe sheā€™s just burnt out and wants to try new things, people donā€™t realise aqua joined hololive when she was a teenager and is now an adult and been in the company for 6 years. Hololive is a dream for others however itā€™s still a job at the end of the day maybe she wants to go out more, explore visit new places. iā€™m dreading it but i think thatā€™s whatā€™s going to happen to a lot of the older genā€™s as they joined when hololive was only really accepting young talents
a lot of people are speculating creative control etc however does anyone think maybe sheā€™s just burnt out and wants to try new things, people donā€™t realise aqua joined hololive when she was a teenager and is now an adult and been in the company for 6 years. Hololive is a dream for others however itā€™s still a job at the end of the day maybe she wants to go out more, explore visit new places. iā€™m dreading it but i think thatā€™s whatā€™s going to happen to a lot of the older genā€™s as they joined when hololive was only really accepting young talents
This is also possible. She might want a fresh start.
I mean get your bag while you can. Her branch is already not doing great and I can't imagine the recent Japan stock market drop is making anycolor confident
I mean, yeah. They essentially lost a little less than 100 million. To give you a scope, that's basically what they earned the last two years. Yes, there's the Nikkei situation, but the annual shareholder meeting was a few days ago, and Riku declined to answer a LOT of questions, which made the investors jittery. Their stocks fell about 12% below the Nikkei fall, about 40% in these last 6 months.

All in all, Anycolor's strongest year was 2022. Their stocks were literally 5 times stronger than they're right now. It reached almost 8K yen. From then, it's been downhill. The thing is, these last 6 months it became a fucking slope lol
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