
Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Yeah she may not be streaming but those tokens are still being sent 100%, she can take a forever break without needing to find another work and she will still have income coming in.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
I have to disagree on that one. Sometimes people make their depression feelings known in hopes there’s someone who could help them. She may even do it involuntarily, it’s a hard subject to properly judge.

There’s no denying that her simps are being milked while she does nothing, but I find it very hard to believe that it’s just a performance from her.
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Bathwater Drinker
Oct 24, 2022
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I certainly don’t think it’s just a performance, but she has ways to talk to her simps without posting on her public twitter, I think she enjoys the sympathy to an extent. Not making light of her mental illness, I believe she 100% suffer from depression, she just tries to make sure everyone knows about it and feels bad for her


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 6, 2022
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100% this. Depression is hard to understand when no two people have it the same, or at all. Someone without depression, many months is a long time but to those suffering from it, 6 months can fly by and not even realize it, and no progress has been made. Thats even assuming her medications are helping at all. With that said, her simps are maybe keeping her above ground by meeting her basic needs. There does come a point though where she gets better or she doesnt, or she learns to live with it better or she doesnt.


Bathwater Drinker
May 21, 2022
For the better part of a decade, she has had an overwhelming amount of support and funds to "fix" her problems mentally. So at this point, it is clear that either A) she can't "fix" them and has to learn to live with them or B) given that overwhelming support she is ironically demotivated to "fix" anything because she wouldn't want to see all that attention fade away.

Given that she is very public with her issues, it is obvious she is leaning more toward B). Which is to say she isn't "faking" it per se but she is intentionally letting the problems persist because she has convinced herself the positives outweigh the negatives.

If her simps actually cared about her, they'd stop enabling her. Instead, the whole thing has become one big parasitic mess with her feeding off of them and them feeding off of her, creating a particularly vicious cycle of abuse for all involved parties.

I suppose on the plus side, eventually their wallets will run dry and her youth and beauty will (and frankly have already begun to) fade. So there will be an "end" to it all eventually. But it is going to be a rough road until then.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Honestly, if you've never suffered from severe depression you don't understand. It's not possible to just "learn to live with it".

I don't think she's exaggerating her illness or any of that shit, but being severely mentally ill isn't mutually exclusive with taking advantage of the people who support her.


Bathwater Drinker
Oct 24, 2022
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I’m not going to debate or open up on experience with depression, but you can (hopefully) manage it either though coping mechanisms or medication, two methods she clearly hasn’t utilized effectively. Instead she just pushes herself until it overwhelms her and wallows in self pity on social media while she can’t work


Bathwater Drinker
May 21, 2022
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You presume too much. Nor did I say she was exaggerating anything. She clearly has problems but she has had (still has?) more than enough resources to tackle them and she chooses not to because of everyone (including herself) is enabling the behavior.

If she is told by people like you that she effectively can't learn to live with it (which isn't true, people do it every day with or without medication) and perhaps she is told by doctors that it can't be "fixed" or that it will be hard, well, she is in a bit of a predicament wouldn't you say?

So she is (in her mind) making the best of it by creating an extreme version of a parasocial relationship with her regulars. And all parties are suffering for it. Is she taking advantage of them in a malicious manner? Probably not. But she is taking advantage of them and to be fair, they are doing the same with her. It is a mess, as previously stated.

This is why no one should ever go too deep down the simp rabbit hole for models and simps alike. And especially so if you have mental issues like she and some of her simps have.
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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 14, 2023
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i agree, too many models blame depression for not streaming, and not putting out owed content. "alice". Many people live with worse depression and manage to work normal jobs, she works from home. Has a proper support system, how often will models continue to blame depression and in essence use it as a crutch or excuse to not fulfil their end of the deal. I think "wizard" also uses depression to not stream. What they are doing in my oppinion is using it as a get out of streaming card, and get free tokens for parasocial simps to feel bad for them. Its a disgusting use of mental illness to profit.

Sure models can be mentally ill, but they aren't some rare breed there is plent of people that are mentally ill but they don't go on social media every day saying how they are depressed. Its either a scam, or a way of trying to stay relevant.

This isn't a diss at zia this is just a diss at using depression for Tips , views and likes.
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Tier 3 Sub
Oct 13, 2023
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It has basically become her entire online persona. Everything she posts now is about how depressed she is, which is, well, depressing to read but also a self-fulfilling prophecy

I never said it's *just* a performance, but it stands to reason that someone who truly was that chronically ill and had her resources would do a long-term, in-patient stay to get proper care instead of how she handles it. Constantly reposting "woe is me" messaging has to worsen her mental state if it's not in some way performative.
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Tier 3 Sub
Oct 13, 2023
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Exaggerating? Who knows. But wallowing in it for financial gain or attention is among the worst imaginable ways to handle the situation. I definitely agree with the "not mutually exclusive" portion. Maybe not exaggerating but definitely seems to be exploiting it. Idk what's worse or how they're not closely related.
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Tier 3 Sub
Oct 13, 2023
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All great points.

I, too, will clarify I'm not even bashing Zia. It takes both sides for the equation to work in her favor. As someone mentioned, her simps that enable this behavior don't get a free pass.

I've had a few conversations with her and found Zia to be genuinely sweet. But it's impossible for me to overlook her behavior through the lens of having the reward of financial gain but not addressing the situation in a more intensive fashion. Besides, can you imagine the sympathy bucks she'd earn by checking into a facility?! That's a win-win ... get help and be paid for it.

Anyway, nothing more to add. I wish her well.
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Bathwater Drinker
Oct 24, 2022
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I’ll disagree with everything you said until the last few sentences. If these girls don’t want to work because they’re in a bad place mentally then that perfectly fine, they don’t owe anyone anything. In fact they shouldn’t work if they have depression and anxieties, they should take the time off if they can afford it. Granted at some point they should take steps to help with their issues, but that’s besides the point I’m making. Just don’t complain about it try to garner sympathy on social media
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
The problem is she can afford because shes using her depression to get tips. She took of a year the entire time talking about her illness. It was all to garnish sympathy.

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Like this tweet. Its all for attention. We know this.

All she has to do is tweet saying she needs some time away from cam every once in a while. Not just disappear then state shes depressed etc


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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I just don’t know her enough to judge her like that.

If attention helps her get through her struggles then I can’t be mad about it. No one deserves to go through hard times, to struggle mentally.

I think it’s completely fair to criticize the people that keep tipping her offline tons of money, but that’s on them. The tweet you posted doesn’t say “omg please tip me” so I don’t think things like that should be on her.