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Discussion VAllure Thread

Ngl the thing you are all failing to see here is that THEY ALL MAKE A SHIT TON OF MONEY ANYWAY WHY DO YOU ALL CARE WHO GOES TO MAKE EVEN M O R E ON FANSLY. God it's so ridiculous reading all this you're all acting like they're broke and can't do anything. Vallure has of of the most beneficial contracts ever and all that was said was "please limit it a bit so we can keep SOME money for the company" since most of the girls keep almost all the money themselves
Ok I don't know if I'd go THAT far. Like yeah Immy is VAllure's biggest money maker and the idea of a boss being jealous of one of their employees isn't entirely unheard of, but I don't know man. That's kinda stretching it. Not to mention before all this, Immy did say that Fansly wasn't gonna be her main focus. It was always her YouTube that was her biggest focus. So unless Stronny is that petty, I don't see it.
I'll admit that this is a reach, yeah. It was 1/4 of meme too. But I will admit, Stronny pushing this out the week Immy was supposed to do her test run isn't doing her any favors.
Saw this coming a mile away, if you've been following the girls talking about Fansly stuff on twitter, a lot of people were telling them that they were gonna unsub from Patreon and put that money into a Fansly subscription instead, which the company can't get a cut of because the law. Fansly streams were nice but were never actually promised, so I'm not sure why people are so fucking butthurt, they were always pretty open about Youtube + Patreon for content.

Also from Stronny's message it sounds like Mercy got the wrong end of the stick during a meeting, since they are still allowed to stream on Fansly anyway? It's over status is like a 2/10 at best, but folks, we do like our drama and doom posting don't we.
Ngl the thing you are all failing to see here is that THEY ALL MAKE A SHIT TON OF MONEY ANYWAY WHY DO YOU ALL CARE WHO GOES TO MAKE EVEN M O R E ON FANSLY.
I mean they make "ok" money in the grand scheme of things. They're fairly small scale vtubers and a fairly small corpo.
But the distain in the comments isn't even about lost revenue for the talents. People are mostly miffed that there's going to be a decrease in the frequency and variety of NSFW content now. (They could potentially do coom streams through Patreon via CrowdCast, but that service is complete dogshit).

This line here is telling though -
"please limit it a bit so we can keep SOME money for the company"
Firstly, fuck the corpo. The talents, their brand and their content are the only things that matter.
Secondly, again, this is the stuff that should've been ironed out before the company started. What sort of platforms the girls were allowed to create content for, what sort of external revenue streams they could have, what the splits would be etc. DTL created content on Fansly, she knows how it works. She knows it's a popular platform, particularly for lewdtubers in this day and age, and yet she didn't think that the members of her lewdtuber agency would also want to make content on it? And that they'd be that successful on it?
If it were some weird loophole or something I'd understand, but Fansly is literally THE content platform for (western) lewdtubing nowadays.

You can ignore the actual figures of how much money is being made, it doesn't matter. Her statement is testament to the fact that she's either completely out of touch with the landscape of vtubers who create adult content and/or she didn't think things through in the slightest.

I apologise for getting uncharacteristically heated, I just really hate the corporitisation of NSFW content, so stuff like this boils my piss to no end. Goddam, how I wish these girls were independent.
Saw this coming a mile away, if you've been following the girls talking about Fansly stuff on twitter, a lot of people were telling them that they were gonna unsub from Patreon and put that money into a Fansly subscription instead, which the company can't get a cut of because the law. Fansly streams were nice but were never actually promised, so I'm not sure why people are so fucking butthurt, they were always pretty open about Youtube + Patreon for content.

Also from Stronny's message it sounds like Mercy got the wrong end of the stick during a meeting, since they are still allowed to stream on Fansly anyway? It's over status is like a 2/10 at best, but folks, we do like our drama and doom posting don't we.
From the beginning everyone had the expectation that they would do more than just lewd audios. If management is telling them not to focus on fansly, this corpo becomes like every other vtuber who has a patreon on the side. That is boring.
From the beginning everyone had the expectation that they would do more than just lewd audios. If management is telling them not to focus on fansly, this corpo becomes like every other vtuber who has a patreon on the side. That is boring.

But that was literally what they always said they were going to be, and again, it sounds like they can still do Fansly streams as long as they still hit the contracted Youtube hours (which I think was 3 or 4 2hr streams a week), and their Patreon audios.
But that was literally what they always said they were going to be, and again, it sounds like they can still do Fansly streams as long as they still hit the contracted Youtube hours (which I think was 3 or 4 2hr streams a week), and their Patreon audios.
And you know what? We've probably would've been okay with that if their Patreon audios weren't so mediocre. Like compare Shibi's first Fansly stream to her audios. It's night and day. Even Mercy's Fansly streams gave me a more satisfied boner than any of her audios.
And you know what? We've probably would've been okay with that if their Patreon audios weren't so mediocre. Like compare Shibi's first Fansly stream to her audios. It's night and day. Even Mercy's Fansly streams gave me a more satisfied boner than any of her audios.

If the quality of the audios is your issue, I won't argue they are pretty mid, but that's not what people are getting upset about by the looks of the thread.
People are rightfully mad that Stronny is making them reduce the amount of actual quality nsfw content they make simply because the Corp can't take a cut of it and are too scared of the talent being too successful on their own
People are rightfully mad that Stronny is making them reduce the amount of actual quality nsfw content they make simply because the Corp can't take a cut of it and are too scared of the talent being too successful on their own

Yeah, she's so scared of them going solo, she gave them 1 year contracts where at the end they can walk away with the model and all assets if they want.
By being limited to patreon and YouTube they're really not much of an AV group and are no different than any other vtubers
I'm buttrifled about this too, but let's not be disingenuous;
VAllure's focus is still on having its talents create NSFW content, which only a very small minorty of vtubers do. It's just limited in scope. Moreover, I sincerely doubt DTL is scared about talents leaving and that's why this happened. Never attribute to malice what can be explained by incompetence etc etc.
it sounds like they can still do Fansly streams as long as they still hit the contracted Youtube hours (which I think was 3 or 4 2hr streams a week), and their Patreon audios.
It sounds like they will be restricted and no longer a priority, so I expect them to be few and far between and nothing more than explicit talking and sounds. That's fine, but there's already a ton of this type of content out there and for a avtuber corp that doesn't sound very exhilarating.
Leaving the conspiracy theories and doom posting alone for a second:

I think a bottom line we can all agree on is having less content sucks. The people who subbed to Mercy are rightfully upset that content they enjoy is being yanked away from for the reason of "Stronny said so." Mercy may walk back on her decision, but until those words leave her mouth, people have effectively been robbed.

Another thing is this: Management wants the girls to "dial it back" on the Fansly streams, but dial it back to what? The schedule for Mercy and Shibi seemed to be a stream every other Friday. That's like three streams a month, that's entirely reasonable. Stronny's statement was needless and has cucked Mercy's fanbase out of additional content for no reason.
I feel like this group would have thrived and been very successful if led and managed by anyone other than Stronny. She's so inadequately qualified and has fumbled all of this far too many times
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