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Discussion VAllure Thread

they tried restricting her from doing fansly and who knows what else they will try between here and the anniversary.

Oh shit, they're restricted from streaming on Fansly, that crazy, can you show me where someone said that? Because from what Stronny said, it sounds like they wouldn't be stopped, or punished for streaming on Fansly. Just that, because growing Fanlsy will lead to a decrease in other revenue streams that Vallure get a cut from, it will slow down the projects that the company itself is funding.
Oh shit, they're restricted from streaming on Fansly, that crazy, can you show me where someone said that? Because from what Stronny said, it sounds like they wouldn't be stopped, or punished for streaming on Fansly. Just that, because growing Fanlsy will lead to a decrease in other revenue streams that Vallure get a cut from, it will slow down the projects that the company itself is funding.
So therefore she (the boss) is asking them to "limit how much fansly streams occur" It's virtually the same. :peepoShrug:

Fansly is probably causing a decrease in revenue by diverting money from YouTube and Patreon. So it makes sense to ask them to limit their fansly streams so the corp doesn't compete with its own talent.
Leaving the conspiracy theories and doom posting alone for a second:

I think a bottom line we can all agree on is having less content sucks. The people who subbed to Mercy are rightfully upset that content they enjoy is being yanked away from for the reason of "Stronny said so." Mercy may walk back on her decision, but until those words leave her mouth, people have effectively been robbed.

Another thing is this: Management wants the girls to "dial it back" on the Fansly streams, but dial it back to what? The schedule for Mercy and Shibi seemed to be a stream every other Friday. That's like three streams a month, that's entirely reasonable. Stronny's statement was needless and has cucked Mercy's fanbase out of additional content for no reason.
On one hand, her Fansly membership was like 5 or 6 bucks so it wasn't a COMPLETE rip-off.

On the other hand, Mercy made like...$2K or so? I wouldn't be surprised if some of her fans shy away from her after feeling like they've wasted their time and money. I'd imagine that would be a big blow to her morale
Sorry, is everyone in this thread roleplaying cops and robbers big time corporate life, or have I gone mad?

"The corporation"? "The law?" "Management"? Is it only a matter of time before someone makes a post suggesting that VAllure are going to IPO?

Guys, this is is a group of women sitting behind avatars making funny/lewd content for money. And in exchange for sharing some of their revenue, they get help with art and assets and stuff. This is a project. Anything else is dress-up. If it helps keep the fantasy alive for you all to pretend that there is some kind of actually serious business operation behind all of this (and therefore when anything goes slightly wrong, it's the evil corporate machines whirring away) then that's fine I guess, but I don't buy it. And that allows me to ignore this latest "drama" for the pointless waste of time that it is.
Oh shit, they're restricted from streaming on Fansly, that crazy, can you show me where someone said that? Because from what Stronny said, it sounds like they wouldn't be stopped, or punished for streaming on Fansly. Just that, because growing Fanlsy will lead to a decrease in other revenue streams that Vallure get a cut from, it will slow down the projects that the company itself is funding.

Not to conspiracy post so early on this fine day, I would hope both messages being deleted means conversations are happening behind closed doors.

We can only hope they're productive.
Even things being said behind closed doors is telling since Stronny always goes on and on about how she's always so open and transparent about all that goes on in the company
I'm watching one of Immy's unarchieved streams where she's eating and shopping for clothes in her real voice and it kinda caught me off guard because I'm so used to her high pitched voice. But then as I'm watching, one question popped in my head: the hell was up with her that day? She had this "idgaf about anything right now" kinda attitude. Was she just feeling lazy that day or something?
I'm watching one of Immy's unarchieved streams where she's eating and shopping for clothes in her real voice and it kinda caught me off guard because I'm so used to her high pitched voice. But then as I'm watching, one question popped in my head: the hell was up with her that day? She had this "idgaf about anything right now" kinda attitude. Was she just feeling lazy that day or something?
I don't think it was anything too serious. The way I understood her reasoning was that it was a lazy stream so she decided to go mask off.

Sorry, I meant something that hasn't already been proved wrong and deleted.

I'm watching one of Immy's unarchieved streams where she's eating and shopping for clothes in her real voice and it kinda caught me off guard because I'm so used to her high pitched voice. But then as I'm watching, one question popped in my head: the hell was up with her that day? She had this "idgaf about anything right now" kinda attitude. Was she just feeling lazy that day or something?

If I remember right, she said a lot of stuff with the stream she had planned went wrong, and she wasn't feeling great, so she was just out of fucks to give.
Gast Station Stronny stream, the whole thing was just a big misunderstanding in what management said and the girls are allowed to stream on Fansly basically as much as they want. Also to the guy that was harassing Stronny in marrows please jump off a bridge.
The way I'm understanding the timeline of events now is this:

1. Stronny has a meeting with the girls. The "Don't let Fansly become a priority" sentiment is expressed in the meeting.
2. Some dumbass out of whatever group of managers Stronny has hired interprets this as a policy update.
3. Said dumbass approaches Mercy (and not Shibi for some reason) and tells her to limit the Fansly streams to once per month
4. Mercy, instead of asking Stronny for clarification, takes this at face value and just shuts down her Fansly altogether.
5. Stronny tries to damage control on her alt when she herself didn't understand wtf was going on, leading people to be mad at HER because she's the owner.

So, on some level, everyone kind of failed here.
The way I'm understanding the timeline of events now is this:

1. Stronny has a meeting with the girls. The "Don't let Fansly become a priority" sentiment is expressed in the meeting.
2. Some dumbass out of whatever group of managers Stronny has hired interprets this as a policy update.
3. Said dumbass approaches Mercy (and not Shibi for some reason) and tells her to limit the Fansly streams to once per month
4. Mercy, instead of asking Stronny for clarification, takes this at face value and just shuts down her Fansly altogether.
5. Stronny tries to damage control on her alt when she herself didn't understand wtf was going on, leading people to be mad at HER because she's the owner.

So, on some level, everyone kind of failed here.
Essentially how it went down as far as I know to. Luckily Stronny is in the process of hiring another manager, or has already hired one as of the start of the Gas Station Simulator stream, that will handle all this stuff so she can more full time be streaming instead of handling the headache inducing stuff behind the scenes
No matter what was said or meant to be said this is a colossal fuck up by Stronny that's resulted in the girls or the very least Mercy no longer streaming or doing any content on fansly altogether
I'm watching one of Immy's unarchieved streams where she's eating and shopping for clothes in her real voice and it kinda caught me off guard because I'm so used to her high pitched voice. But then as I'm watching, one question popped in my head: the hell was up with her that day? She had this "idgaf about anything right now" kinda attitude. Was she just feeling lazy that day or something?
Is that stream available somewhere?
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