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Feedback Ideas and Suggestions

Yesterday, I posted content that was deleted for being a "repost.". In fact, it was a repost. It was a repost of a really hot video, probably the lady's best work so far.
However, I would like to offer an explanation and a suggestion.
I looked over each page before posting my content. When I found that it was already posted with one active link to an allowed host, I uploaded the content to 2 other available hosts as "mirrors" (I used gofile & zippyshare.) I also wanted to provide a smaller file size, better quality and a kick-ass gif of the scene. Also, since posting mirrors is not specifically addressed in the rules, could we address it now, please?
By allowing mirror posts, we encourage a redundant file system. In today's world of DMCA hunters, this is a wise move. Since the number of hosts allowed is small, it shouldn't lead to excessive "like farming." If our moderating team can find a case of reposting, then they can also find whether it is merely a mirror post. Also, as a 10 year veteran with moderating experience of some of the long-tenured, popular porn sharing sites which allow for mirror posting using other acceptable file hosts, I understand the value of this being allowed. Therefore, I suggest we start allowing the reposting of files if a "mirror" host is used and add an addendum to the rules declaring such. Please and thank you.
Additionally, perhaps I could have quoted the still active post declaring my post was, for all intents and purposes, a thread bump via "mirror" posting & a shout out to the original poster's contribution. Any thoughts?
Mirrors are not needed if the content is still up and in your specific case the content was hosted on bunkr so it's unlikely to go down. If you want to post mirrors you have two options: 1. Wait for the existing content link to die, or 2. message the original poster with your mirror links and ask him nicely to add them to his post (he has no obligation to add them though.)
a pinned who is this thread for the asian subcategory?
I was on leaked nudes during the hiatus, I really liked their comment system, made threads much cleaner to look at
Non content post's are not allowed in main thread's. Adding any comment system to those cat's will result in unnecessary spam/request's post's and similar.
A telegram or something would be nice incase of emergency/downtime. Also Please ban *Blacklisted site* Links. Horrible to download. Totally ruins the quality and messes up filenames. I would rather use for an hour than deal with a single *Blacklisted site* album... /s
It really sucks to make a decent post, have more than 400 downloads but less than 80 reactions. I don't know if this is the meaning of Hidethanks but, I believe that a "Like 4 Link" policy wouldn't harm anyone...
It's already proposed in the past. And the answer it's still nop. That kind a option isn't effective and it's can be easily can be used for farming likes. Like u's hard to get a like for a posting something right ? Then imagine someone post a single photo (can be a empty post/repost/or dead link and etc.) and one user with a whole set/ppv or similar...Probably they will get a same amount of reaction score. So i think that isn't fair at all.

Tip - if u wanna get a more reaction score per post. There is a more then enough models where u can get more then enough reaction score per post. Just filter those with most views or reply's.
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It really sucks to make a decent post, have more than 400 downloads but less than 80 reactions. I don't know if this is the meaning of Hidethanks but, I believe that a "Like 4 Link" policy wouldn't harm anyone...
Here is another opinion from an old, crusty pirate:
When you dabble in the pirating game, expect nothing in return. Period. In this community, it might just be a tad safer to anticipate a few "likes", which is what makes it a good place. Code-following pirates dwell here, me thinks. Just don't expect ANYTHING or your setting yourself up for heartache, unnecessary heartache. Life lesson here, fellow pirates: in the real world and in our pirating world, getting a trophy for your ill-gotten booty doesn't happen just because you think it should.
If you post something and expect anything other than downloads in return, you are in the wrong game.......
Then again, opinions are like assholes, huh?
From one of the forums I saw while this one was gone I saw an interesting thread category - "Crowdfunding". It didnt work thre probably because of the low amount of users but can we try it here. It can be just for the Simp Council only to try it out and if it works to allow others to join.
Hello 👋, Not sure if this applies to applies to everyone but some features carried on from previous iteration. When selecting to add something to the watchlist defaults to having notifications sent to email. I personally never keep this default and sometimes forget to uncheck. I would to suggest to have a setting to default to not having new posts notifications sent to email if I’m alone in this thought. For me, this site has been a godsend and this recommendation is just something small to smooth out its experience. Let me know what the thoughts are. Cheers
Any way to add a rule that restricts people from posting worthless shit like 480p videos that can be found on tube sites?

I think most people here are looking for 720/1080p, they're just posting the shit for likes
Any way to add a rule that restricts people from posting worthless shit like 480p videos that can be found on tube sites?

I think most people here are looking for 720/1080p, they're just posting the shit for likes
Sometimes 480p is all there is available. If you have a better quality version, you can post it in the thread and then report the worse quality one and it will be removed. Note that upscales and edits don't count as better quality.
The tampermonkey script does not work on this site whatever I try in the script setting simpcity for thotsbay in it. I dont get the button to download. Not good!
Please put in a rule about the number of requests allowed in the k2s conversion thread. One user is asking for 11 files. Another is asking for 19. After looking over most of the entire thread, merely ignoring these greedy users isn't having the dissuading effect one would hope for.
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Hello 👋, Not sure if this applies to applies to everyone but some features carried on from previous iteration. When selecting to add something to the watchlist defaults to having notifications sent to email. I personally never keep this default and sometimes forget to uncheck. I would to suggest to have a setting to default to not having new posts notifications sent to email if I’m alone in this thought. For me, this site has been a godsend and this recommendation is just something small to smooth out its experience. Let me know what the thoughts are. Cheers
Hey. U can try to uncheck this option and probably will not receive any emails.

Please put in a rule about the nuber number of requests allowed in the k2s conversion thread. One user is asking for 11 files. Another is asking for 19. After looking over most of the entire thread, merely ignoring these greedy users isn't having the dissuading effect one would hope for.

Ok. Will add that to sticky post in k2s thread.
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The tampermonkey script does not work on this site whatever I try in the script setting simpcity for thotsbay in it. I dont get the button to download. Not good!
change all the times or add the old site is said and replace with

exampel part fo the code
/// ==UserScript==
// name Various Forums Gallery Downloader
// @namespace
// @author ThotDev, DumbCodeGenerator, Archivist
// @description Download galleries from posts on XenForo forums
// version 1.6.4
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @license WTFPL;
// Match*
// Match*
// Require
// Require
// Require
// Require
// @connect self
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
// @connect
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