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Discussion How NOT to get scammed by a Pornstar/Model

i dont understand that , how they think this is going to work on a long run. What bugs me is you are one of the rare people who wants to actually pay for content and what she does, she goes and scams you or tries to trick you in some way.
I don’t get the end game either. I guess it’s easier for them to take the money instead of building a loyal fan base.
Ouch. Rough experience. Where are you finding these girls usually? I don't think I'd touch a girl if I didn't see her posted on here first, but then again popular girls don't bother me and I entertain no illusions that we are going to have a relationship.

Who was anime tiddy girl? Mind posting some photos of her? they are my fave.
It was on snap and everything was deleted. she threatens that if I took a screenshot it was over. It added more into validity that she was real. I was actually suppose to do a video call. It’s unreal to me now. I always thought the majority of them were dudes but to think that a lot of the accounts are genuine women mind blows me.
You can really sum up all these lessons with: find two or three who are worth it and just stick with that. Only take the gambles if you're willing to lose the money, basically like actual gambling. I haven't had an experience where I walked away feeling ripped off for a pretty long time, due to those two practices.

It's like an oasis in the desert when you find someone who's pretty cool and that's fucked up when you think about it. Make use of those oases when you come across them.
you making me feel like shit. I’m down 90 in just 2 days
Yeah brother, just think of it as you paying $90 to get a really good lesson. Now you know. Some creators are fine (men/women), and some creators are dogshit radioactive (men/women). Creators and customers both think the other is out to take advantage the them-- and probably are.

A pro-tip I've found that works SUPER well when dealing with slightly misleading or slow-responding creators is to NEVER show signs of anger or frustration when dealing with them.

Often times when I'm trying to get something from them, and they seem to be fucking around, me getting upset/snippy just scares them off and I'll be blocked/ignored. These folks have no sense of guilt. To keep your chances up, stay strong, stay friendly, and focus on the goal. ~Getting what you want is what matters~; Airing out your concerns/emotions on them does NOT. And well if you think they're never going get you what you want, just leave em alone and cut your losses.

Maybe 8/10 when I'm working with an inconsistent creator does this tactic work tho and I get what I want eventually. Stay persistent, friendly, and don't over-message them. Goodluck brodi.
Yeah brother, just think of it as you paying $90 to get a really good lesson. Now you know. Some creators are fine (men/women), and some creators are dogshit radioactive (men/women). Creators and customers both think the other is out to take advantage the them-- and probably are.

A pro-tip I've found that works SUPER well when dealing with slightly misleading or slow-responding creators is to NEVER show signs of anger or frustration when dealing with them.

Often times when I'm trying to get something from them, and they seem to be fucking around, me getting upset/snippy just scares them off and I'll be blocked/ignored. These folks have no sense of guilt. To keep your chances up, stay strong, stay friendly, and focus on the goal. ~Getting what you want is what matters~; Airing out your concerns/emotions on them does NOT. And well if you think they're never going get you what you want, just leave em alone and cut your losses.

Maybe 8/10 when I'm working with an inconsistent creator does this tactic work tho and I get what I want eventually. Stay persistent, friendly, and don't over-message them. Goodluck brodi.

I ordered a custom a week ago on the 16th for like $80 and I tried to take your advice. Not sure how much longer I should wait or how I should press further. What do you think?
Info: it was a nude dance video I asked her to do… I still have hope since she didn’t fully ghost or block me yet
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I ordered a custom a week ago on the 16th for like $80 and I tried to take your advice. Not sure how much longer I should wait or how I should press further. What do you think?
Info: it was a nude dance video I asked her to do… I still have hope since she didn’t fully ghost or block me yet
any way you can those 80 back? See this is what I mean about the unfair dynamic. Once the money is sent she really has no incentive of doing what you want. She can just ghost you and hop onto the next victim.
I ordered a custom a week ago on the 16th for like $80 and I tried to take your advice. Not sure how much longer I should wait or how I should press further. What do you think?
Info: it was a nude dance video I asked her to do… I still have hope since she didn’t fully ghost or block me yet
Oof, I hate to see it. Yeah this sucks a lot. But you're not near the abandon hope area yet. I'd say 3-4 weeks since the beginning is probably when you should let it go. Sometimes I tell the creator I'll tip them an extra $X if they can get it to me within the next two days, as incentive. What you're doing is good though, a chill but clear message to re-check in every several days or so is solid; and it's a good sign that they're messaging back. This is just my view of it.

The longest I've had to wait where I still got it was like 22 days I believe? Getting it felt awesome, but I'm not sure if the grief was worth it to ever order again. Stay strong brother.
I ordered a custom a week ago on the 16th for like $80 and I tried to take your advice. Not sure how much longer I should wait or how I should press further. What do you think?
Info: it was a nude dance video I asked her to do… I still have hope since she didn’t fully ghost or block me yet
There is nothing you can do but wait if you paid trough the tip the same happened to me but less money i waited 3 weeks send her message every few days but only excuses until she gosted me. This was my first lesson more then half a year ago, also just fresh from today, subbed to one for like 4$ after checking her other socials for a week to see if its worth it or not..i knew that 4 bucks was just gateway to PPV. So i hit her up, chat with her and ask if she has any premade PPV and she sends me video with no preview 3 and a half min long for 80$!! how delusional is she? thats just insane price , so i said goodbye to her and thats it.
All these things wish i know before. They are very helpful for the guys. If i know them earlier i would have never wasted so much money.
I ordered a custom a week ago on the 16th for like $80 and I tried to take your advice. Not sure how much longer I should wait or how I should press further. What do you think?
Info: it was a nude dance video I asked her to do… I still have hope since she didn’t fully ghost or block me yet.
If I were you I would wait another week. Contact her in 3 days and next in 7 (hit her up on the 26th and if no response hit her up on the 30th). If she is still ghosting you or ignoring you contact OnlyFans support with screenshots of your conversation as proof. She fucked up, she told you it will take 3-4 days and it’s past that. Giving her 2 weeks is more than enough time. Is she a small creator or a known one? If she is small time then she has no excuse if she is big then I would get the wait.
If I were you I would wait another week. Contact her in 3 days and next in 7 (hit her up on the 26th and if no response hit her up on the 30th). If she is still ghosting you or ignoring you contact OnlyFans support with screenshots of your conversation as proof. She fucked up, she told you it will take 3-4 days and it’s past that. Giving her 2 weeks is more than enough time. Is she a small creator or a known one? If she is small time then she has no excuse if she is big then I would get the wait.

Thats not entirely true... if shes a small creator, theres a good chance shes working another full time job and does this on the side for extra cash. So she could be very busy. Either way, There is no reason to think you've been scammed at this point. Give it time, and don't pester her every single day about it. Patience and kindness/understanding goes a lot further than being demanding and getting upset with creators right away.
Thats not entirely true... if shes a small creator, theres a good chance shes working another full time job and does this on the side for extra cash. So she could be very busy. Either way, There is no reason to think you've been scammed at this point. Give it time, and don't pester her every single day about it. Patience and kindness/understanding goes a lot further than being demanding and getting upset with creators right away.
Either way she should have never said 3-4 days. She set the timeframe. Of course you shouldn’t pester her everyday because that would be a dick move. That’s why I said give it another week contacting her in 3 days then again on the 7th. This is entirely my suggestion at the end of the day the balls in your court on what you should do
The thing about all these girls is that they - news flash! - come from fucked up backgrounds. So bad habits like not doing what you say you will do, doing it late, forgetting about it, blaming it on being "busy," all that dysfunctional shit just bleeds into their "professional" career. Basically they are super disorganized and don't know what it takes to do what they need to do. When you find someone that cuts you slack for your bad habits, you learn to take advantage of their kindness, not because you are malicious but because you are dysfunctional.

My advice? After you agree to the custom content, but before you drop a payment ask then when they will have it ready for you. When they come back with excuses like being busy don't encourage them by saying "it's ok I understand, no problem, take your time!" Instead, say something like, I understand and it's ok, but I was really looking forward to getting it in xx date like you said. When can you have it for me? I'd like to order more customs in the future, so I can't wait!

Something like that.
I don't think I saw this mentioned here but I would never pay for any sort of sexting, text dick rating, or anything where you can't actually see or hear the model. Many, if not the majority of these girls use services for messages and replies--anything in text is likely to not be from the actual model. I know some personally that use these services to some degree or another; it's not worth risking it. And's it not just the top girls that use other people; I know several that aren't that well-known that do it.
I don't think I saw this mentioned here but I would never pay for any sort of sexting, text dick rating, or anything where you can't actually see or hear the model. Many, if not the majority of these girls use services for messages and replies--anything in text is likely to not be from the actual model. I know some personally that use these services to some degree or another; it's not worth risking it. And's it not just the top girls that use other people; I know several that aren't that well-known that do it.
I feel the same way. I would never do sexting because I can only imagine that these models have like a bunch of photos and videos saved on their phones that they use specifically for sexting sessions. In fact me and my boy did a little experiment with one girl where we starting sexting sessions with the same girl at the same time and the photos and vids she sent to both of us were 100% identical. As for dick ratings lol I would never do that because I dont need pics of my dick out in cyberspace quite frankly
Any tips on how to get creators that do videocalls for $50 and under
Any tips on how to get creators that do videocalls for $50 and under
Let me ask this real quick GTA, are you looking at an entire video call being $50 or you’re willing to pay up to $50 per minute for the vid call?
Any tips on how to get creators that do videocalls for $50 and under
Bro nobody is going to entertain you for 50 dollar. These girls want atleast 200 for video call.
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