
Apr 15, 2024
Does anyone else think Liv is going to lose her twitch partner ship? And how long after it happens do you think it will take for an announcement of "spicy content" to be posted?


Tier 3 Sub
Oct 29, 2022
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I sure hope so. She deserves that to happen to her after all the lies she made up about why shes leaving GP. She said that streaming isn't for her anymore, she has to focus on her life, and she might even move to Europe. A whole lot of lying to her fans. And then she started her own channel a month later. Like, I don't support GP, but that shit ain't right. She could have told the truth. She's a terrible person for doing that, and she deserves to lose her partnership
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Apr 15, 2024
Seems Tori is doing well but haven't seen any of her newest streams but she possibly could do okay as a streamer. Does she just do the irl chatting thing. Funny how twitch was Justin TV but video games became big but now it's back to people just chatting history repeats.


Aug 31, 2022
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If this is true then hopefully Alex will pay them what they are worth instead of hugging it for himself and spending on shit they don't need. That is one of the mean reasons why Drea left. As soon as she left, Renae left a few months later and I stopped watching them for a while. It took both Liv and Niki to replace Drea and that is both pathetic on there part, and showed just how match they fucked up, since she did more work then the other girls and then some. On top of that they erased all of Drea's solo content, refused to use the content that she did for them before she left to go be with her boyfriend in Arizona, and top it all off refused to pay her for all the work she did to them. So Girlsplay deserved all the back lash they got over it, but then again no one deserves death threats and having people show up at your house like they said happened to them but that was most likely a lie to try to gain sympathy from people.
The only people that were innocent in all this were Skyler, Bells, Liv, Niki, and Natalie. They didn't deserve anything they got, since they came on to the channel after Drea, Renae, Kenzie and Cori left in 2017, With Skylar showing up to help Girlsplay out and Niki and Bell's Showing up in the months of November and December Respectfully.
May 5, 2024
Haven't watched it but their YT channel has a video up talking about "clearing the air" with everything going on. Nikki does a ten minute intro and then it goes into a twitch/podcast thing with most of the girls. Although the podcast is like 4 hours long. Still for you guys looking for the information over a bunch of things that have occurred with that channel this might be the start.


Jun 13, 2024
I haven't watched it yet, but I'm curious how long it will be before Tori and Liv do their own podcast to share their side of the story, since there are always two sides to every story


Tier 3 Sub
Oct 29, 2022
Now it makes sense why their stream schedule says 'day off' for today. They were planning to drop the podcast and don’t want to show up on stream, knowing there will be people attacking them from Tori's and Liv's side. They act like they don't care, but deep inside, they are scared to death of what's going to happen by doing this
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 19, 2022
Oh boi this is not gonna end well....

Liv is unprofessional has been for 3 years endangered their lives....

Few things on that, yeah she brought back tinder dates to the studio. That is undeniable unprofessional. But.... No mention of the fact Alex has cameras in the non filming areas. If liv was just bangin random guys at the studio Alex has footage of it. That's more than enough evidence to sack her. It lasted 3 years... But their contracts are for 2 years... So they renewed this unprofessional person's contract why... Because she was the one bringing in big dollar simps.

Such a terrible unreliable person but got a goodbye stream and didn't get buried.

They are independent contractors... Who are banned from appearing on others channels, they can't advertise their work, can't have their own channel.

Was interesting to see Lindsays face during the liv section. She was very defensive arms crossed constantly touching herself and seemed to be struggling.

Also bullshit on saying liv can't discuss anything cause she left. That's some weird parasocial BS.

Their contracts were illegal. Liv was told that. The nocompete in it was entirely uninforcible. They knew if they tried to take Liv to court they'd lose and they couldn't afford it.

Tori was let go for not performing. Yet they made up the lie it was mutual. They refused to pay her what she was owed unless she agreed to it.
Tori wasn't a team player. The person you had suck on someone's toes wasn't trying hard enough...

It proves That Alicia and Bells were the ones making her miserable and explains why they lead the charge to burn her after she left.

Tori was only streaming 2 times a week not 3... But literally nobody is streaming 3 times a week in the group. Then trying to make it look like she cost them an Activision deal that they never had.

I see why Beta Alex was too scared to appear flying off the handle at Tori, not apologising to her, being aggressive to a female he employed and threatening her with BS legal action.

Alicia talks about holding people accountable yet just ignores the hyper aggressive Chief Simp himself.

They tried to enforce a 12 month non compete. Let's ignore the fact non competes are illegal for content creators a year is just fucking dumb. I follow the donut media guys and people leave on good accounts as they can do what they want for themselves.
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Tier 3 Sub
Oct 29, 2022
I can see them tomorrow on stream, with all the simps dropping hundreds of dollars to show their love and support

Like Hardboy said, I also want to know what Tori and Liv are thinking right now. They can't just sit back without responding or having all their friends attack the girls on social media


Tier 3 Sub
Nov 5, 2023
Also sadge highlight from the video.

Alicia only has two more shoots to do before she wants to go producer seeing as she's been looking for work outside of GP.
Mar 12, 2022
I've been saying this since 2017 in the words of some Arsenal fan:

I mean from Alex to the girls to the editors, I mean it. This channel is suffering that we need new owners, new girls, new editors, new location... pretty much new everything!


Tier 3 Sub
Oct 29, 2022
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It's probably for the best. She never really cared about doing spicy photoshoots. She told us that her ex wasn't happy with her doing sexy shoots. But nothing has changed since she divorced him. she barely shows any skin, it proves that Beau wasn't really the problem, she has a problem showing her body, she used her ex as an excuse. And to be honest, at this point none of them offer anything anymore. Just drama and lies. The entertainment is gone, everything is scripted by their editor, It doesn't feel like GP anymore

That also goes for Tori and Liv. Liv streams whenever she wants, playing stupid ass games. She promised a photoshoot months ago and has yet to deliver. Tori wouldn't even consider doing a spicy shoot now that she's solo, pretending she's the good girl and denying she had an OnlyFans. Girl, we all know you're a whore. You're not fooling anyone. It's just a shit show. they deserve all the hate in the world
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May 5, 2024
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I watched a fair amount of it. Honestly I am not on the same level of information of most of the people in this particular forum. Despite this I thought their group video to mostly be both self serving and short sited. Obviously it is meant to garner sympathy and provide a narrative for their fanbase. However there are some huge things that they claimed which they obviously didn't consider.

The biggest thing being that there is no clear barrier between the business and their personal relationships. How many businesses exist where employees can mock, grope, touch and use explicit speech to other employees? How many businesses allow their employees to drink or take drugs while working? Just because they view GP as a "family" doesn't mean they are excused from the same laws and standards.

For example as you pointed out their claim of Liv creating a dangerous environment? Using that as an excuse for termination and stating that publicly has legal consequences. It is slander under the letter of the law unless they have concrete evidence to prove that. If not GP could be sued.

As for Tori from the videos descriptions GP seems guilty of a toxic work environment. Regarding workload multiple girls have disappeared for long stretches or don't maintain a regular workload. Nikki being a recent example. However was her pay reduced in any way? Tori needed to find another job just to pay the bills? The company CEO/HR or whatever Alex screamed at his employee for questioning the legality and right to challenge a questionable noncompete?

Look I am not saying that Liv and Tori are angels or that GP is some evil entity. What I am saying is if any of their described behaviors and working conditions were described by a real company they would have been sued into bankruptcy long ago. Except by the letter of law they are a real business. If either Liv or Tori got a lawyer and said their asses/tit's kept getting touched/smacked/groped and GP encouraged that environment it's over for GP in court. Those are just a few examples and honestly I am surprised how much they hurt themselves in that video. They were thinking hearts and minds not lawyers and court like any business should.


Mar 12, 2022
Just off the 1st 30min alone, it felt like bullshit. Bells claiming Sky and Natalie leaving was drama free was an outright lie. No one had the balls to go at Sky because of her sister, but Natalie was bullied out and probably cost her independent streaming career. Bells tried to run the show talking shit like she'd been there since day 1; while Maddy has been there longer and looked visibly tired and uncomfortable about the whole conversation. They continue to cover for Sydney like people cant read between the lines back to the 2 common denominators in her and Alex's bullshit. The icing on the cake is the balls on bells saying I wish people asked about this and that; like her and the mods don't ban and delete stuff constantly to skirt people calling out their bullshit.


Tier 2 Sub
Mar 13, 2022
Okay. I listened to that podcast with a pure business mind set. The "GP Family" system is a toxic work environment. No matter the Love or Friendships they have. As a business it is just badly structured. Higher managers and HR people can not be same person you gossip with at lunch. Clearly whatever happens behind the camera is not professional. Alex gets angry...."but its out of love" during important meetings, Is something any Proper HR Person would need to deal with the first time. A clear headed and not emotionally attached Manager and HR person could fix most their problems. Best advice to everyone involved: Next time Contracts are up for renewal. Restructure the entire business. If they want to stabilize or grow bigger. They need to get out of the "many hats" style of running a business. Free up the content creators to focus on make content and leave the business and support personal to handle the rest. You can't hired a person because of their looks and personality and then get mad when they are not a good office worker. To make a good movie. You hire Actors, a Director, and Make Artist, and so on. You know what movie you get when one person is the Main Actor, Director, and Producer and their girlfriend is the makeup artist, costume designer, and Supporting actor. Art school film none of us have ever seen or an amateur porno that the "Hub" wouldn't charge you a monthly fee to see. And that is pretty much what they are putting out now. A dramatic porno without nudity or sex.

Sorry. I am on this forum to pics/vids of women. (Hopefully most of you are too) But my watched thread list has been filled with this crap for months. Hopefully now that they have had their talk/cry. They might put out some decent content.


Tier 3 Sub
Oct 29, 2022
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Bells tried, and she still tries to run the show, which is why she gets so much hate on socials and sometimes on stream. She thinks that the reason she gets hate or that people don't like her is because Liv and Tori left, that she had something to do with all that. Maybe, but the real reason is because she thinks she's hot shit. 80% of the podcast is just her rambling on and on, and then you have Mar in the top corner. Like, why the hell is she even there? She just joined the channel, she don't know shit about anyone or anything

And you are absolutely correct. Bells saying 'I wish people would ask about this and that' is bullshit. Every time someone shows up in chat and asks 'Where is Liv or Tori?' a simple fucking question, she and the other girls ignore it or the person gets timed out
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