
Mar 12, 2022
The former members arent doing too much of shit and charging arm and a leg on onlyfans and mfc for the same titties that have been whipped out many a times now


Aug 31, 2022
I was wondering something here of late. I noticed not to long ago, maybe 3 months ago or so that there were a lot more photos on here then there are now. Did some of them get deleted or removed? if so why or how did this happen. Also there content has gotten really dull as of late. they started out as entertaining for me but now everything is so damn predictable that it's funny. It's like they are trying to relive there glory days when they should just quit or come up with something new to bring in a larger and fresher audience. I remember when they were mainly a gamer channel on YouTube, but even now they rarely play games on YouTube or Twitch. Instead they spend 3 or so hours talking and then spend maybe 45 minutes or so playing games or something else. Back when they did games on YouTube they gave Drea all of this work and never paid her what she was worth. She did more gaming videos then anyone else, and when she left they got ride of every video she did for them that was by herself. Also when Renae tried to come back in 2016, they seemed against her returning, but let her come back, only to have her leave for good when Drea left. I didn't take an interest them again until bells and Nikki became apart of the channel. That sure changed however when bells started pulling power plays and trying to get rid of members. They should just get rid of Bells and be done with it. I seriously think they could fix a lot of there issues if they just got rid of bells. What do you guys think?


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 19, 2022
They keep banning people from their Patreon that share content.

I find it interesting they are having their big marathon stream to celebrate 7 years on twitch and Lindsay is in florida alone.

Judging by her discord banner I'm thinking she isn't really enjoying still being in the channel.

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Tier 3 Sub
Oct 29, 2022
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She's back from Florida. If you're in Liv's Discord, Linds says she hangs out with her 'wife,' aka Liv
She said she'll see everyone at GP today or tomorrow

But she's also never there. For example, she streams on Monday, Tuesday, then she goes to Florida for like a month, then she comes home for a couple more days, then leaves again for Texas. That's not an official member, that's not even part time


Tier 3 Sub
Oct 29, 2022
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I agree, Bells is the worst. The only thing most people want to see is her ass. Other than that, her attitude, personality, everything sucks.

I highly doubt they would ever get rid of her tho. Alex has said that her name is on legal paperwork, like if something happens to Alex and Syd, she takes control. Also, don't forget she's the one who brought her college friend onto the channel because their content sucked, and now he is their full time editor.

She also introduced a friend she knew from back when she worked at the bank, and now this guy is one of their mods. And Alex keeps praising Bells, how important she is, how much work she does, and that she is his favorite, so I doubt they would ever get rid of her


Mar 12, 2022
She sent it from her OF as a dm message. Given her prices, unless you drop 500$ or more she may do it. Her and cori are banking on the fact that noone will pay that so they price it as such. They shit their pants on mfc when they cam and the chat room drops tons of money some nights getting super close to their ridiculous goal they thought they wouldn't reach. If they were on chaturbate where it's cheaper I think their followers would have pulled it off by now


Aug 31, 2022
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Well I'm seriously hoping they get rid of her. I cant see them keeping Bell's on for much longer, do to all the back lash she's caused them, with all the trips to cons she's ruined along, with the many brand deals she's kept them from getting, do to her inappropriate behavior during such events. On top of all that Alex said the same things about Liv, and we all saw how that turned out. The prick even bad mouthed her when she left. You don't do that to people who you say is your favorite and has done as much as she has for him. I can't wait for her to talk about everything she knows about him and GP, cause that shit is going to be entertaining as hell.


Mar 12, 2022
The dm I was mentioning earlier disappeared from my inbox. My guess is that the dm showed the entire video instead of just the price box or blurry preview trailer some pages send to show you what you're buying. Judging by her tweet and 200$ price tag she wanted for that video means me and 12 other people got a free look at her tits due to a glitch in the matrix. Sadly I have nothing on this shitty phone to have been able to save that when I had the chance. 😕


Tier 3 Sub
Oct 29, 2022
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As I mentioned, Bells has done a lot for the channel. Yes, there are things that we might not like or seem unfair to us, and we pray she gets kicked out, but that's highly unlikely to happen. The girls love her. Alex loves her. Like, there's nobody else to kick her out.

Hypothetically speaking, let's say Alex or someone fires her. She will take their editor with her, and he does all the work behind the scenes: videos, editing, everything. Without him, there is no GP

Alex had said the same stuff about Liv, that she was his favorite and all that, but the thing is that Liv left because her life is fucked up, and because of her lunatic boyfriend. She wasn't kicked out from GP

I would also love to hear GP's side of the story as to why Tori left, but if they're smart, they shouldn't say anything. Because they're all doing okay, GP, Tori, and Liv. If GP decides to do a podcast telling the truth, then all hell will break loose. It would be fun for us, but it could potentially hurt GP and perhaps the girls who left. Just look at Tori's crazy mom, she's always trying to defend her daughter, claiming she didn't have an OnlyFans when we all know that's a lie. She's always lurking, waiting for the moment GP says something about Tori so she could come forth and tell everyone what really happened. It would be an endless circle of bullshit. Best bet is for all of them to keep their mouths shut


Apr 16, 2024
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I heard someone got a letter from Lindsay recently saying she isnt going to be at Girlsplay anymore as a content creator and going back to being a photographer , smart considering they are only going down hill and both of her best friends left , you can tell she doesn't want to be there and shes barely there anyway


Apr 16, 2024
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If they decide to do that podcast Liv , Tori , and Toris Mom will burn that place down and if they are smart they would leave it alone , Alex keeps going live on air talking shit about Liv and Tori leaving and its such a bad look for Girlplay while Liv and Tori have stayed quiet. Bells is miserable , Niki doesnt look like she wants to be there , that new girl shouldnt have ever been hired , Alicia hates all men and said this isnt her dream , and Syd looks like shit , Maddie is just there for a job , theyre all getting old and most of them are married why are people giving them money.


Feb 10, 2024
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Who? I know people seem to think Alicia and Lindsay are hot…

Alicia talks out the side of her mouth, has forehead lines so deep they could be scars and her shape strongly resembles that of a pregnant Grimace. Her outfit choices are questionable at best, skinny jeans are not it and certainly not on her. I do genuinely feel sorry for her, it doesn’t seem her lawyer negotiated well during her divorce. That said, she’s not the type of girl that could ever marry rich so maybe there wan’t much money to get from her ex.

I can’t say Lindsay’s body isn’t good but we can’t really see what her face looks like with all of the orange fake tan, cakey, shop and filters. I do think that her relationship with Liv is the cutest. I think they could really do something good together and rake it in but I am sure contracts prevent that as well as her future as a photog for the girls.

Also, why do all girl streamer girls have big, ugly noses? Is it a pre-req?


Tier 3 Sub
Oct 29, 2022
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I'm not trying to defend Alex in any way because we know he's a creep. But ever since Liv and Tori left, I have never heard him talking shit on stream about them. And believe me, I have seen all the streams and know everything they say live

Also, as for Nikki, the reason she looks like she doesn't want to be there is because her tattoo artist fucked up one of her tattoos. She fell into a deep state of depression, and she just started going to therapy to resolve those issues, and is now looking at options on how to fix her tattoo


Tier 3 Sub
Oct 29, 2022
If anyone here is interested, Bells just brought another female friend/guest onto the channel. They're live right now on Twitch