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Discussion General VTuber Drama / Gossip Thread

What does it mean when a vtuber formally graduates from a corpo, saying that they want to pursue other things in life, just to debut as an indie within a week?
What does it mean when multiple vtubers from the same corpo do that?
Personally, I think whatever the answer is will be far from "because the corpo treated them well".
Anyway, Suzuya Aki, graduate of Nijisanji JP on 31st August, debuts tomorrow as Izuho Omi.

Graduation is a term for retirement/stepping down from a given group, stemming from a high school themes idol group, where members often stepped down, because they felt they were too old to be high schoolers, and called such a graduation.

If multiple members file for the right to formally step down from their role, it is often the case that they consider it feasible enough to walk away, and return to their independent roles, confident that their most passionate supporters will find them, in time, as has been the case with Dokibird, Mint Fantome, and others
Speaking of Sunny, Nijisanji released their Q1 financial report. It's... Grim. As in 40% revenue loss in 3 months grim. Expect them to start pulling the plug on NijiEN sometime before the fiscal year ends. It's actually close to unprofitable now, which reinforces my belief that something changed in their contracts to allow Sunny to graduate on a 1 month notice.

Last one out turns off the lights.
AAAAAAAAAND they got featured on Nikkei and japanese CNBC as bad overseas expansion model. ON LIVE TV.

Their specialists are predicting EN as a whole could become entirely unprofitable by NOVEMBER. Holy shit, I lived to see that happen. I'd give a FINGER to see Riku Tazumi's face right now. Man, their shareholder Q&A next month will be GOLDEN :KEKWlaugh:
Not totally related to vtuber gossip but more of the fandom side. I'm letting you folks know that BoroStrongRonii on twitter is not only a dumbass but even just an ass in general. Do not support or feel bad for them if you see any of their post
Posting it here to as it's more relevant. I finished reading their Q1 2025 report. It's HELLA grim. Goes as follows:

  • They missed the sales forecast by about $5M
  • Revenue is down by about 17%
  • Profits down by 8.5%. Employee costs rose 40%, but platform costs reduced
    • Seems to imply they're investing more in infrastructure, but LESS on talents
  • Merch sales are down by about $6M compared to last year
  • 50% of their revenue in livestreamming and promotion (collabs) comes from waves between 2018 and 2019
    • Newer waves had little to no impact in their revenue growth
    • Graduations among them had a 20% spike compared to last year
  • Missed forecast by a whopping 36%(!!!)
  • 50%(!!!) in overal decrease from last year
    • 40% of this decline came from the last quarter
  • Events, which saved Q4, made no difference to Q1
    • AX cancellation, venue rental, and refunds were a BIG hit in their financials
  • Revenue at an all time low. Luxiem and Noctix barely made a difference at all
    • Seems to indicate even Sisters are starting to jump ship
  • Net assets down about 60%(!!!)
  • Buybacks failed, and they can't do them for the next year and half
  • Anycolor announced distributed of dividends (65 yen/share)
    • Likely an act of desperation to keep their shares afloat and appease their shareholders before the fatidic Q&A at the start of October
TL;DR: NijiJP depends on old livers, but ever since Q4, they're realizing they can do better on their own. NijiEN is DEAD dead. Expect them to pull the plug before the year ends. Anycolor lost a lot of net assets and money they can't recover. They're investing less on livers overall (even in Japan), and their infrastructure became costier to maintain. Dividends shared as they can't do buybacks. Seems like the beginning of the end for them - not just NijiEN.
Posting it here to as it's more relevant. I finished reading their Q1 2025 report. It's HELLA grim. Goes as follows:

  • They missed the sales forecast by about $5M
  • Revenue is down by about 17%
  • Profits down by 8.5%. Employee costs rose 40%, but platform costs reduced
    • Seems to imply they're investing more in infrastructure, but LESS on talents
  • Merch sales are down by about $6M compared to last year
  • 50% of their revenue in livestreamming and promotion (collabs) comes from waves between 2018 and 2019
    • Newer waves had little to no impact in their revenue growth
    • Graduations among them had a 20% spike compared to last year
  • Missed forecast by a whopping36%(!!!)
  • 50%(!!!) in overal decrease from last year
    • 40% of this decline came from the last quarter
  • Events, which saved Q4, made no difference to Q1
    • AX cancellation, venue rental, and refunds were a BIG hit in their financials
  • Revenue at an all time low. Luxiem and Noctix barely made a difference at all
    • Seems to indicate even Sisters are starting to jump ship
  • Net assets down about 60%(!!!)
  • Buybacks failed, and they can't do them for the next year and half
  • Anycolor announced distributed of dividends (65 yen/share)
    • Likely an act of desperation to keep their shares afloat and appease their shareholders before the fatidic Q&A at the start of October
TL;DR: NijiJP depends on old livers, but ever since Q4, they're realizing they can do better on their own. NijiEN is DEAD dead. Expect them to pull the plug before the year ends. Anycolor lost a lot of net assets and money they can't recover. They're investing less on livers overall (even in Japan), and their infrastructure became costier to maintain. Dividends shared as they can't do buybacks. Seems like the beginning of the end for them - not just NijiEN.




I really hope Vivi jumps ship soon she pretty nice from what I saw watching Kanna pov in the Sajam slam and helps that Doki basically defender her on her stream about how she had nothing to do with it.

Im am being a little childish but even if they leave I not going to bother giving them my time unless Doki defends them Vox, Elira, Ike would basically have to beg doki forgiviness live on stream for me to even give a shit about them even after they leave tho
Another thing I forgot to mention about NijiEN... Public is abandoning old livers. Their most profitable wave currently is XSOLEIL, and most fans are prioritizing waves from the last two years. Lazulight through Luxiem lost a GOOD portion of their appeal.
Another thing I forgot to mention about NijiEN... Public is abandoning old livers. Their most profitable wave currently is XSOLEIL, and most fans are prioritizing waves from the last two years. Lazulight through Luxiem lost a GOOD portion of their appeal.
Huh I assumed it was the wave with Scarle since she does so well but makes sense Meleco got a huge boost from that GTA RP thing and just basically a Main branch member at this point do to collabing with so many JP members
Huh I assumed it was the wave with Scarle since she does so well but makes sense Meleco got a huge boost from that GTA RP thing and just basically a Main branch member at this point do to collabing with so many JP members
Also note that all the data was made while Hex was still in it, and his fans are hardcore thanks to his beyond-BFE act. Fucking insane on Twitter too.
Though, of note, Nijisanji fans (at least the ones that are left) aren't really willing to spend on Livers outside of direct stream revenue, with the canceled AX concert being a prime example. Makes sense, even their merch is cookie-cutter, all stamped out of the same machine (probably literally)
Huh I assumed it was the wave with Scarle since she does so well but makes sense Meleco got a huge boost from that GTA RP thing and just basically a Main branch member at this point do to collabing with so many JP members
I mean Scarle alone can't carry her entire wave, and XSOLEIL had Hex, Meloco and Doppio, who, while individually lesser than Scarle, can pull good numbers as a group. Without Hex, tho, I 100% would expect Iluna to surpass them, if it wasn't for the whole branch being on life support right now.
I mean Scarle alone can't carry her entire wave, and XSOLEIL had Hex, Meloco and Doppio, who, while individually lesser than Scarle, can pull good numbers as a group. Without Hex, tho, I 100% would expect Iluna to surpass them, if it wasn't for the whole branch being on life support right now.
I'm gonna miss Scarle's model so much when she graduates, She's so hot man... QwQ I hope her reincarnation preserves her iconic qualities 😭😭😭😭
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