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Discussion General VTuber Drama / Gossip Thread

That is very sad news. She is one of my favorites for her karaoke. I hope she reincarnates. If she fully quits, it will be very sad.
I just hope is not because the Rrat about china/bilibili stockholders. If they show pandering to them, I'm done with Cover.
I saw some replies about that on Twitter but I have no idea what that's about. I don't see anything wrong with going for the CN market.
From some translations during the announcement in her stream, seems like her reason for graduating is creative differences with management, and what she would do after/not knowing how to continue, she also said to not speculate about it, aside from that, she's going to get the full graduation concert, bells and whistles, everything, I believe since Coco there wasn't like a proper, proper graduation, like plain graduation no drama, no termination, anything about it.
I saw some replies about that on Twitter but I have no idea what that's about. I don't see anything wrong with going for the CN market.
well there was that whole time the chinese engaged in a months long harassment siege of every single hololive talent that was being backstage organized by the rebellious CN branch because two people said the word 'taiwan'

there was that.
She had a good run, it's sad to see but nice that someone's getting the full graduation, everything since Coco has been terminations etc.
well there was that whole time the chinese engaged in a months long harassment siege of every single hololive talent that was being backstage organized by the rebellious CN branch because two people said the word 'taiwan'

there was that.
Yeah i remember this. Which eventually lead to cover cutting ties with CN and effectively disbanding the CN branch, talents and all
From some translations during the announcement in her stream, seems like her reason for graduating is creative differences with management, and what she would do after/not knowing how to continue, she also said to not speculate about it, aside from that, she's going to get the full graduation concert, bells and whistles, everything, I believe since Coco there wasn't like a proper, proper graduation, like plain graduation no drama, no termination, anything about it.
It's cause from the few outliers, Cover has a pretty good talent retention record. Meaning, whatever Cover is doing for their talents are good enough for them to not quit on. In the span of Hololive's/Stars existence aside from the CN branch dissolvement we have actually only had 3 true graduations and 4 silent graduations in a total of only 7
... I don't want to share this in the sentiment of being tone-deaf, or doing it in spite of Aqua nor tarnishing her beautiful memories and experiences, nor everything she accomplished in Hololive, but... for anyone who still would like something to have for remembering her, here I'm linking a very nice little H-game, made by the doujinshi circle Cirle Alris/Iris on DLsite, a group that started making H-games based on VTubers, seemingly from Hololive, now currently working on a Shion game.

I know it isn't much, but hope everyone at least here, can have a bit more closure with this.

Goddamn, you raised my hopes up but all the download links are lost :PepeWhy:
I just watched her stream. I think the creative differences can be essentially boiled down to Holo growing overseas and her career obligations growing as a result.

Aqua is a shut in, started therapy just recently, and if Breaking Dimensions is anything to go by, I think the prospect might be too much for her to handle.

Nonetheless, she's quitting on her own terms after a damn successful career with little to no drama to speak of. Concerts, original songs, albums, a goddamn visual novel, featured in games, marketing, food brands... She won. She just did.
Goddamn, you raised my hopes up but all the download links are lost :PepeWhy:

I just changed the link to Otomi-Games, checked some of the links, they still do work. Enjoy the game.

Nonetheless, she's quitting on her own terms after a damn successful career with little to no drama to speak of. Concerts, original songs, albums, a goddamn visual novel, featured in games, marketing, food brands... She won. She just did.
And a pretty damn good H-game to her name as well. But yeah, all in all as successful and perfect of a career as one could get, without any problems, as in drama, trolls, etc. As many people said, hopefully she is able to reincarnate down the line, I'll wait for her return until then, but also we still can enjoy her in Holo until August 28th, so there's still almost an entire month to make new memories and happy experiences together. :peepoHappy:
If there's one thing that makes me sad, is that she never won over her agoraphobia. Six years and just now she has access to therapy - most likely because Cover now includes it as a business expense. I mean, it ain't like she'll be uncovered, Aqua is one of the top merchandise sellers in Hololive, so little miss shut-in is very likely rich by now. It's just sad that it makes her SO uncomfortable that she sees no alternative other than quitting.

Mental health is a complex issue. :-(

Compare and contrast with Pekora, her fellow shut-in, who used to be just as much, if not worse than Aqua, is now comfortable enough that she WANTS to do overseas concerts, meet her fans all over the world, and is now wholly embracing her celebrity status.
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didnt realize how sudden the graduation announcement was. sounds like she had a meeting after her sf6 stream and didnt like what she heard so she quit.

to quit so suddently like that, must have been a big issue for her
(Somewhat small footnote: it appears the antis are mass-reporting Mikeneko's twitch channel for sexual content. She's currently suspended.

After the open discord stream? I kinda expected this could happen. She invited contrarians and antis. They ain't gonna leave her ass now. I kinda feel sorry for her, but this was a dumb idea to begin with...)
didnt realize how sudden the graduation announcement was. sounds like she had a meeting after her sf6 stream and didnt like what she heard so she quit.

to quit so suddently like that, must have been a big issue for her
To me it seems like it was a breaking point kind of situation. Aqua is well-known to internalize shit until breaking point since she has so many communication issues. If Marine ain't there to chaperone her, she pretty much stays silent. If Marine and Pekora's streams are anything to go by, she have been at least thinking about it for a while, but never went to management about it cuz she didn't think it was important.

... Which sadly sounds like common depressive behavior to me.
If there's one thing that makes me sad, is that she never won over her agoraphobia. Six years and just now she has access to therapy - most likely because Cover now includes it as a business expense. I mean, it ain't like she'll be uncovered, Aqua is one of the top merchandise sellers in Hololive, so little miss shut-in is very likely rich by now. It's just sad that it makes her SO uncomfortable that she sees no alternative other than quitting.

Mental health is a complex issue. :-(

Compare and contrast with Pekora, her fellow shut-in, who used to be just as much, if not worse than Aqua, is now comfortable enough that she WANTS to do overseas concerts, meet her fans all over the world, and is now wholly embracing her celebrity status.

Reminds me how one of the signs of Pekora getting over her introvert nature, is how she was even chosen as an ambassador of sorts once the 8th Anniversary of FGO was happening, yeah it wasn't that huge of a thing in the end, but the fact she, only barely started playing the game like a few months ago, and she got so easily recognized that she was even going and taking a tour through all the festival.
I've seen some of her PL's videos back in her Nico Nico days, and it's amazing to see how much she has grown since then.
if shes graduating on good terms why not just continue selling her merch? i get cover is not trying to be fucked up, but they did say they are trying to be more of character IP company, so keep using the chracter IP to sell merch. and if they want to do right by the talent give them royalties

like we are going to see more graduations in the future, how is cover going to combat it financially? is their only solution to discontinue the IP completely? i mention this because it seems like their strategy is to just hire more talent, which i fear might mean a decline in quality. decline in quality means a decline in quality of life for our current oshis.
Reminds me how one of the signs of Pekora getting over her introvert nature, is how she was even chosen as an ambassador of sorts once the 8th Anniversary of FGO was happening, yeah it wasn't that huge of a thing in the end, but the fact she, only barely started playing the game like a few months ago, and she got so easily recognized that she was even going and taking a tour through all the festival.
I've seen some of her PL's videos back in her Nico Nico days, and it's amazing to see how much she has grown since then.
Yeah, I was so happy to see it, man. I started watching Holo around Fantasy's debut, so I'm somewhat attached to them (and yeah, I'll admit, my Mikeneko vitriol is, in fact, biased). It's somewhat parasocial to say it, but damn, I feel hella proud looking at how far Pekora has come, man. Puts a tear on my eye. Hell, she's having girl talk with her genmates on screen. When did you ever think you'd see fucking Pekora talking about her taste in MEN, of all things, on screen?

Yeah, man. She's the GOAT fr
I don't see anything wrong with going for the CN market.
lol If your ingenuity is real, I don't want to write a wall of text for now. I will just say that it is NOT the best for the talents. It wasn't good when they were on good terms, it wasn't good during the controversies, and it won't be good in the future. The only benefit is more money for Cover, not much for the talents
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