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Discussion General Vtuber Discussions

As long as you have audio of the whole vod I will be eternally grateful since I sadly missed it
I have no idea what I'm doing so I'm gonna just find a way to upload the screen recording but my Internet is slow and I have to edit out personal information so it's gonna be a day or two for me to rub 3 brain cells together

Quick edit: because idk what I'm doing I'm scared of rewinding the vod or anything in case it buffers or something SOOOOO I'm waiting till the screen recording is fully done before I experiment with audio only as that will be faster and easier
(I edited the wrong message omg lol)
idk much about halo_sweety, but im def checking out that creamsicle vod out later :pauseChamp: thanks guys:pepoLove:
It was one of her best ever in my opinion. The only thing that annoys me is that both her chat and her are a bit stupid. It's the worst when they're all like "omg so fast" and they mean it as "it's so fast I'm bouta bust" or something but she takes it as "oh is it too fast? I'm sorry I'll slow down"
It was one of her best ever in my opinion. The only thing that annoys me is that both her chat and her are a bit stupid. It's the worst when they're all like "omg so fast" and they mean it as "it's so fast I'm bouta bust" or something but she takes it as "oh is it too fast? I'm sorry I'll slow down"
sadly that's how her chat usually goes, trying to be funny or some shit, and the same goes for other vtubers
If no one manage to get halo's vod this will be my new 9/11
it's in her thread, both audio and regular version
It was one of her best ever in my opinion. The only thing that annoys me is that both her chat and her are a bit stupid. It's the worst when they're all like "omg so fast" and they mean it as "it's so fast I'm bouta bust" or something but she takes it as "oh is it too fast? I'm sorry I'll slow down"
Her being ESL is cute but sometimes messes with the content a bit, doubly so if chat is ESL too lol
sadly that's how her chat usually goes, trying to be funny or some shit, and the same goes for other vtubers
Chulove's chat is like that too, but at least she can bounce off them really well even if it's a little annoying
She still deserves a chance to redeem herself. She needs to leave Anycolor in order to be able to try to earn her redemption, and she deserves the opportunity to earn her redemption.
I will redeem Elira through my cock. Impregnation is her only chance of salvation, and I shall give it to her.

No but fr she's a cunt lmfao
Welp that HalO stream from today has me feeling a certain way, does anyone have any recommendations for asmr where they be stroking that shit in your ears? i feel like its something i rarely see but i could just be remembering wrong
OK, so I finished reading the report.
Guys... It's pretty, PRETTY bad. I'll give y'all a TL;DR so it doesn't get convoluted, since A LOT of shit happened.

  • They missed the sales forecast by about $5M
  • Revenue is down by about 17%
  • Profits down by 8.5%. Employee costs rose 40%, but platform costs reduced
    • Seems to imply they're investing more in infrastructure, but LESS on talents
  • Merch sales are down by about $6M compared to last year
  • 50% of their revenue in livestreamming and promotion (collabs) comes from waves between 2018 and 2019
    • Newer waves had little to no impact in their revenue growth
    • Graduations among them had a 20% spike compared to last year
  • Missed forecast by a whopping 36%(!!!)
  • 50%(!!!) in overal decrease from last year
    • 40% of this decline came from the last quarter
  • Events, which saved Q4, made no difference to Q1
    • AX cancellation, venue rental, and refunds were a BIG hit in their financials
  • Revenue at an all time low. Luxiem and Noctix barely made a difference at all
    • Seems to indicate even Sisters are starting to jump ship
  • Net assets down about 60%(!!!)
  • Buybacks failed, and they can't do them for the next year and half
  • Anycolor announced distributed of dividends (65 yen/share)
    • Likely an act of desperation to keep their shares afloat and appease their shareholders before the fatidic Q&A at the start of October
TL;DR: NijiJP depends on old livers, but ever since Q4, they're realizing they can do better on their own. NijiEN is DEAD dead. Expect them to pull the plug before the year ends. Anycolor lost a lot of net assets and money they can't recover. They're investing less on livers overall (even in Japan), and their infrastructure became costier to maintain. Dividends shared as they can't do buybacks. Seems like the beginning of the end for them - not just NijiEN.
i for one feel good that the company is finally burning down, but my viewpoint might be warped as i have some personal experience with suicidal thoughts and suicide itself. This company deserve everything coming to it, the livers will definitely be able to find their audience again so im not worry about them, but the environment/culture that this company have created needs to go, at least in the west.
Lol at "burning down" yeah, thats ur bias speaking. Niji will be fine in 6 months, worse companies have bounced back. Also lets give everyone a reality check.......no one "forced" selen to attempt suicide so lets drop the dumbass "they made her do it" narrative no, suicide is a choice only made by the person and i say that as a survivor btw.
Lol at "burning down" yeah, thats ur bias speaking. Niji will be fine in 6 months, worse companies have bounced back. Also lets give everyone a reality check.......no one "forced" selen to attempt suicide so lets drop the dumbass "they made her do it" narrative no, suicide is a choice only made by the person and i say that as a survivor btw.
Yeah what the actual fuck are you on. You aren't just a clown you are the whole circus. You need to pick yourself up and give yourself a piece of that oxygen in the ozone layer inside this blue trapped bubble
Lol at "burning down" yeah, thats ur bias speaking. Niji will be fine in 6 months, worse companies have bounced back. Also lets give everyone a reality check.......no one "forced" selen to attempt suicide so lets drop the dumbass "they made her do it" narrative no, suicide is a choice only made by the person and i say that as a survivor btw.
Who gave internet access to the mentally challenged?
Lol at "burning down" yeah, thats ur bias speaking. Niji will be fine in 6 months, worse companies have bounced back. Also lets give everyone a reality check.......no one "forced" selen to attempt suicide so lets drop the dumbass "they made her do it" narrative no, suicide is a choice only made by the person and i say that as a survivor btw.
OH BROTHER! THIS GUY STINKS!! i didn't think millie would ever find this site
Lol at "burning down" yeah, thats ur bias speaking. Niji will be fine in 6 months, worse companies have bounced back. Also lets give everyone a reality check.......no one "forced" selen to attempt suicide so lets drop the dumbass "they made her do it" narrative no, suicide is a choice only made by the person and i say that as a survivor btw.
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