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Simp Chat Feiirain

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for some reason on another site I got DM'd something interesting from someone who knows feiirain's irl group personally. more drama, and its fucked up. i don't have time to post about it right now because im busy with work but i will soon. i also have to make sure i block some stuff out so i dont dox anyone too.
Good luck, I posted something yesterday saying she should be more careful and mods got rid of it. I don't think it was even anything bad at all.
so as i said, someone DM'd me because they thought i knew feiirain well. i've actually only played valorant a few times with her because my friend invited me and fei happened to be there. everything i know about fei is only what ive been told by my friend. but we had a little conversation about her and her irl friends and how they talk about feii behind her back and what kind of people she surrounds herself with. they showed me DM's of her friends and how they talk about feii behind her back and i asked if i could post a few examples here and they said it was okay so long as they remain anonymous. i have an absurd amount of DM's with proof of everything posted but i'm only going to show a small amount of things that are relevant only to feiirain because I dont want to dox anyone and i dont want to post all these DM's... there's a lot. also this is obviously a discussion about feiirain, not these other people so I'd like to stay on topic. ill try to highlight the important bits just to get the point across. its important to note that feiirain's group, including feiirain, is very toxic and has an edgy sense humor. however, there's a lot more to the context of what they say and sometimes these "jokes" are clearly not jokes. the person who contacted me told me one of feiirain's friends sexually harasses them often, even after this person told him to stop on numerous occasions. they also said they aren't the only person he does this to. the worst part is, multiple people in feiirain's friend group are aware of this and join in. demanding nudes, blackmailing, manipulating, and talking shit about them in front of and behind their backs. its usually mainly the one person but not only are the other guys aware of this, but they also take part in sexually harassing people by joining in and making remarks or encouraging it. they are apparently very manipulative and toxic and these are the types of people feiirain surrounds herself with willingly. its important to note that this person said feiirain never took part in anything like that to their knowledge, or atleast not with their experience, but they said they're almost certain feiirain is aware of her friends's behaviors which in itself is fucked up. leading people on is one thing, edgy jokes are w/e, but sexual harassment is no joke. knowing that your friends are sexually harassing people and being okay with it is not okay. this person literally told me they're scared of the guy who is harassing them and his friends and has been avoided and lost friends because of them. the fact that this person is so scared of them that they DM'd a random asshole like me on a fucking porn site just to speak about it is insane.
a lot of the messages show how they talk about feiirain behind her back, as well as an example of them trying to manipulate/blackmail someone unrelated to fei on the far right. theres also a rumor that this group has been taking voyeuristic pictures and videos of feiirain without her knowing and posting them in a locked channel on a discord they wont invite fei to, as well as her normal fansly content. the rumor is referred to in the screenshot, but the person who DM'd me cant join the channel and has no proof so it can only be considered a rumor. some of the discord profile pics included faces so i had to block that out obviously, aswell as their names because i dont want anyone harassing them if they happen to know them or use the same names on other apps/games. and unfortunately i cannot show the proof i was provided as it clearly shows personal information and as i said the person who sent me the DM asked to remain anonymous. there was a lot of other DM's that im not gonna show because there's just too many and i think its pretty clear what kind of people she hangs out with, and that says a lot about her. also for reference of the messages, she goes by a fake name, "Fenn", and she's apparently on the autistic spectrum. she also has something called toe walking, which is a deformation in her feet causing her to walk on her toes with her heels raised up. there's plenty more examples of her "friends" making fun of and insulting her appearance or just talking about her being a bitch behind her back and saying how dumb and naive she is but like i said, there's too much to post and i think this is enough to show.
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a lot of the messages show how they talk about feiirain behind her back, as well as an example of them trying to manipulate/blackmail someone unrelated to fei on the far right. theres also a rumor that this group has been taking voyeuristic pictures and videos of feiirain without her knowing and posting them in a locked channel on a discord they wont invite fei to, as well as her normal fansly content. the rumor is referred to in the screenshot, but theres the person who DM'd me has cant join the channel and has no proof so it can only be considered a rumor. some of the discord profile pics included faces so i had to block that out obviously, aswell as their names because i dont want anyone harassing them if they happen to know them or use the same names on other apps/games. and unfortunately i cannot show the proof i was provided as it clearly shows personal information and as i said the person who sent me the DM asked to remain anonymous. there was a lot of other DM's that im not gonna show because there's just too many and i think its pretty clear what kind of people she hangs out with, and that says a lot about her. also for reference of the messages, she goes by a fake name, "Fenn", and she's apparently on the autistic spectrum. she also has something called toe walking, which is a deformation in her feet causing her to walk on her toes with her heels raised up. there's plenty more examples of her "friends" making fun of and insulting her appearance or just talking about her being a bitch behind her back and saying how dumb and naive she is but like i said, there's too much to post and i think this is enough to show.
Toe walking happens early on in life and if not treated it can cause many issues , I personally had to have casts put on both my legs to get me to walk normally ( keep in mind this happened in elementary school ) so I'm assuming her toe walking was neglected which actually is really shitty but it would make sense for her extreme balance issues and issues walking that I've seen spoken about in the past
so as i said, someone DM'd me because they thought i knew feiirain well. i've actually only played valorant a few times with her because my friend invited me and fei happened to be there. everything i know about fei is only what ive been told by my friend. but we had a little conversation about her and her irl friends and how they talk about feii behind her back and what kind of people she surrounds herself with. they showed me DM's of her friends and how they talk about feii behind her back and i asked if i could post a few examples here and they said it was okay so long as they remain anonymous. i have an absurd amount of DM's with proof of everything posted but i'm only going to show a small amount of things that are relevant only to feiirain because I dont want to dox anyone and i dont want to post all these DM's... there's a lot. also this is obviously a discussion about feiirain, not these other people so I'd like to stay on topic. ill try to highlight the important bits just to get the point across. its important to note that feiirain's group, including feiirain, is very toxic and has an edgy sense humor. however, there's a lot more to the context of what they say and sometimes these "jokes" are clearly not jokes. the person who contacted me told me one of feiirain's friends sexually harasses them often, even after this person told him to stop on numerous occasions. they also said they aren't the only person he does this to. the worst part is, multiple people in feiirain's friend group are aware of this and join in. demanding nudes, blackmailing, manipulating, and talking shit about them in front of and behind their backs. its usually mainly the one person but not only are the other guys aware of this, but they also take part in sexually harassing people by joining in and making remarks or encouraging it. they are apparently very manipulative and toxic and these are the types of people feiirain surrounds herself with willingly. its important to note that this person said feiirain never took part in anything like that to their knowledge, or atleast not with their experience, but they said they're almost certain feiirain is aware of her friends's behaviors which in itself is fucked up. leading people on is one thing, edgy jokes are w/e, but sexual harassment is no joke. knowing that your friends are sexually harassing people and being okay with it is not okay. this person literally told me they're scared of the guy who is harassing them and his friends and has been avoided and lost friends because of them. the fact that this person is so scared of them that they DM'd a random asshole like me on a fucking porn site just to speak about it is insane.
I appreciate the overall write up honestly , I didn't expect my original comment on the situation to turn into all this , I hope that person gets help and can get a chance to remove themselves from the situation , honestly all this shit Is fucked and I feel glad I kinda started the need for a discussion thread by accident
for some reason on another site I got DM'd something interesting from someone who knows feiirain's irl group personally. more drama, and its fucked up. i don't have time to post about it right now because im busy with work but i will soon. i also have to make sure i block some stuff out so i dont dox anyone too.
i used to fw her like a few months ago, what site is this on
a lot of the messages show how they talk about feiirain behind her back, as well as an example of them trying to manipulate/blackmail someone unrelated to fei on the far right. theres also a rumor that this group has been taking voyeuristic pictures and videos of feiirain without her knowing and posting them in a locked channel on a discord they wont invite fei to, as well as her normal fansly content. the rumor is referred to in the screenshot, but the person who DM'd me cant join the channel and has no proof so it can only be considered a rumor. some of the discord profile pics included faces so i had to block that out obviously, aswell as their names because i dont want anyone harassing them if they happen to know them or use the same names on other apps/games. and unfortunately i cannot show the proof i was provided as it clearly shows personal information and as i said the person who sent me the DM asked to remain anonymous. there was a lot of other DM's that im not gonna show because there's just too many and i think its pretty clear what kind of people she hangs out with, and that says a lot about her. also for reference of the messages, she goes by a fake name, "Fenn", and she's apparently on the autistic spectrum. she also has something called toe walking, which is a deformation in her feet causing her to walk on her toes with her heels raised up. there's plenty more examples of her "friends" making fun of and insulting her appearance or just talking about her being a bitch behind her back and saying how dumb and naive she is but like i said, there's too much to post and i think this is enough to show.
I have friends that shit talk me, but nothing like that, and not behind my back. That's fucked up, I kinda feel back for her. But it's ironic how she fits so well in that group considering that's what she does to other people. And I definately feel for the person who DM'd you that stuff. When there's a group of people that are like the center of other groups, they tend to have a power dynamic. So if that center group tells people to avoid you, they listen and you pretty much get blacklisted from everything and everyone. That's rough.
a lot of the messages show how they talk about feiirain behind her back, as well as an example of them trying to manipulate/blackmail someone unrelated to fei on the far right. theres also a rumor that this group has been taking voyeuristic pictures and videos of feiirain without her knowing and posting them in a locked channel on a discord they wont invite fei to, as well as her normal fansly content. the rumor is referred to in the screenshot, but the person who DM'd me cant join the channel and has no proof so it can only be considered a rumor. some of the discord profile pics included faces so i had to block that out obviously, aswell as their names because i dont want anyone harassing them if they happen to know them or use the same names on other apps/games. and unfortunately i cannot show the proof i was provided as it clearly shows personal information and as i said the person who sent me the DM asked to remain anonymous. there was a lot of other DM's that im not gonna show because there's just too many and i think its pretty clear what kind of people she hangs out with, and that says a lot about her. also for reference of the messages, she goes by a fake name, "Fenn", and she's apparently on the autistic spectrum. she also has something called toe walking, which is a deformation in her feet causing her to walk on her toes with her heels raised up. there's plenty more examples of her "friends" making fun of and insulting her appearance or just talking about her being a bitch behind her back and saying how dumb and naive she is but like i said, there's too much to post and i think this is enough to show.
does feiirain even know about this?
does feiirain even know about this?
yes, someone who claims they are in contact with feiirain and that group DM'd me on this site a few days ago. they tried to get me to send them more evidence of everything, but now that i think about it its probably so that they know which victim snitched on them. i have more than enough proof of all this and i don't plan on sharing anything that could expose this person for obvious reasons. and feiirain is still friends with them, my friend said shes playing overwatch with them right now. from what ive been told she doesn't care that they sexually harass people and that her relationship with her friends hasnt changed so she most likely knew from the beginning. i wouldnt be surprised if they are making jokes about the victims together knowing what kind of person she is.
a lot of the messages show how they talk about feiirain behind her back, as well as an example of them trying to manipulate/blackmail someone unrelated to fei on the far right. theres also a rumor that this group has been taking voyeuristic pictures and videos of feiirain without her knowing and posting them in a locked channel on a discord they wont invite fei to, as well as her normal fansly content. the rumor is referred to in the screenshot, but the person who DM'd me cant join the channel and has no proof so it can only be considered a rumor. some of the discord profile pics included faces so i had to block that out obviously, aswell as their names because i dont want anyone harassing them if they happen to know them or use the same names on other apps/games. and unfortunately i cannot show the proof i was provided as it clearly shows personal information and as i said the person who sent me the DM asked to remain anonymous. there was a lot of other DM's that im not gonna show because there's just too many and i think its pretty clear what kind of people she hangs out with, and that says a lot about her. also for reference of the messages, she goes by a fake name, "Fenn", and she's apparently on the autistic spectrum. she also has something called toe walking, which is a deformation in her feet causing her to walk on her toes with her heels raised up. there's plenty more examples of her "friends" making fun of and insulting her appearance or just talking about her being a bitch behind her back and saying how dumb and naive she is but like i said, there's too much to post and i think this is enough to show.
Call me a creep but I'd be into that voyeur stuff
just an update. i showed plenty of evidence to feiirain, undeniable proof that her friends sexually harassed people. nothing that could give away the identity of the victim, but she knows for sure what her friends have been up to. she has been staying away from them for a while to stay on the low with them so people dont know shes okay with them sexual harassing people. but i figured i would let everyone know that shes still good friends with them and has been hanging around them more often lately. im sure she thinks everyone has forgotten about the sexual harassment by now. =)
She just posted a insta story with her leash being held in her room. Didn't she just get broken up with a few days ago or was that not what the crying posts were about? Or maybe she just moved on already within like 3 days? :eek:
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her ex bf broke up with her when he found out she was cheating on him. i didnt see the story but if it was in her room then i doubt it. she doesnt let anyone in her room. but it was probably the guy she cheated with. probably just trynna get back at her ex.
I know she's seeing someone right now. She's with some guy named PetrusNightroad. He's some internet celebrity or whatever. I recently met her briefly when she was with him. He always comes in with a new cute girl like every other month. Almost all the girls he gets with are E-Girls that do porn. Lucky son of a gun! I heard he raped some girl a while back though, I actually forgot about it until recently because the victim posted her twitlonger about him in our disc server. Judging by all the crazy stuff I've read about Feiirain in this thread, they seem a match made in heaven!
I know she's seeing someone right now. She's with some guy named PetrusNightroad. He's some internet celebrity or whatever. I recently met her briefly when she was with him. He always comes in with a new cute girl like every other month. Almost all the girls he gets with are E-Girls that do porn. Lucky son of a gun! I heard he raped some girl a while back though, I actually forgot about it until recently because the victim posted her twitlonger about him in our disc server. Judging by all the crazy stuff I've read about Feiirain in this thread, they seem a match made in heaven!
More like match made in hell
I know she's seeing someone right now. She's with some guy named PetrusNightroad. He's some internet celebrity or whatever. I recently met her briefly when she was with him. He always comes in with a new cute girl like every other month. Almost all the girls he gets with are E-Girls that do porn. Lucky son of a gun! I heard he raped some girl a while back though, I actually forgot about it until recently because the victim posted her twitlonger about him in our disc server. Judging by all the crazy stuff I've read about Feiirain in this thread, they seem a match made in heaven!
She just posted a story of her food on insta, and the guy sitting at her table is wearing something similar to that petrus guy. You can only see his arms, but I'd say this is legit. Are you sure he raped some girl too or was that just a rumor?
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