Simp Chat Bebahan - Discussion Thread

May 8, 2024
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It's incredible to me how gullible the people are in her chat. I don't want to say they are stupid because I like many others feel for this song and dance but she wasn't bad when I watch on a regular basis. She wasn't doing the pity thing. Do they not realize she drives like a newer BMW? Even if she leased it or is making payments on it, those payments are huge. Plus the insurance on a car like that has to be huge. Also, when did BMW make a farm vehicle. I remember she was going to make car vlogs with it, go drag race it or some bullshit. Another lie. I saw her prices on Patreon, good God, she's had that thing nearly two years and only posted 334 times. That's it and she's charging what she is for it. Then she has her income from Twitch and YT. I don't know if she get's sponsors anymore on Twitch. She got a couple when I watched, but the thing is, she isn't a gamer. It would have been better if she got makeup sponsorships and promoted that. But her viewership is male. I know some believe I have some parasocial thing toward her. May I just point out how some of her mods act towards her. I know I can't name names, but in the part of the one VOD I watched about the drunken rant, this mod said he loved her with all his heart and that she was his best friend. That isn't parasocial, that's borderline stalker and someone that has a very delusional view on their relationship with her, very dangerous to keep him as a mod, the poor person. He's been manipulated by this woman, made to feel important, it's honestly abuse what she does to these mods. Then, when she gets annoyed with them, she bans them. Sorry for the long post. Thank you to the one who posted about the vod deletions. I can understand now, she doesn't want people to see her true face.

I just wanted to add, I've ignored the person sassy something. Also in the future, anyone like him comes on, the first thing I will do is ignore, not even respond.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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I do believe she likes animals, as long as they are healthy, you know what I mean? Some of my buddies had friends like that. They left as soon as one of them had problems, because they only enjoyed the good times. I thought at least her love for animals is real(maybe it is and she just wants to milk her simps) but I am not so sure anymore.


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 18, 2023
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At the beginning I thought she also loved her animals more than anything, but as you can see it seems to be just a facade. Maybe she likes animals, but love looks different. As you said, she is a good weather person, as long as everything is fine and the simps give her money, everything is fine. But as soon as she has to pay the bills on her own, she just tucks in her tail and takes off. That is also her personality. In her streams everything is fine as long as you tell her every day how perfect she is, but as soon as someone dares to say something different, even if it's just criticism, constructive criticism she goes crazy and bans everyone and everything and ducks her head.

If she freaks out at a $1000 bill and just abandons her own cat that lives in her house with the motto, "He lives as long as he lives, I can't do anything about it," what does she do with a farm where there are many Animals? Large animals whose vet bill is much higher? Does she just abandon them too? And then the white knights come and have been telling me for almost 3 years that she is doing everything because of her big dream of a farm. Bullshit.


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 18, 2023
What happened to her legs in the current picture? The whole blurry and unbalanced thing.. thought after 1.5 years on Onlyfans she would be better at Photoshop than this.
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May 8, 2024
Feb. 3, 2024, Feb. 5th, Feb, 11th, Feb. 16th, and March 23rd. What do these dates have in common? They come from the same photo shoot I guess you could say as the photo that was posted today. Just go back and look at the outfit on these dates, see it for yourself. Look at the room, blanket, and bed. It's like she doesn't care. I'm going to have to buy her that book on how to pose sexy for a picture, she has 5 basic poses and that's just sad. I thought she was suppose to be a beautiful sexy woman, and dude above me is right what the fuck is up with the photoshop?
May 8, 2024
I know what some would say, she's just getting her money out of that photo set, and your right. But smart BIG brain business says you sell the photoset as one group for a price. If you take a group of pics in one outfit, you sell that group of pictures. You don't waste that group of pictures with singular posts over a 4 month period. The BIG brain business move is this, when you take 5 to 8 photos in one outfit, you sell that as a PPV for $6 to $8. More people will buy a package like that, instead of a $6 PPV of her covering her nipples with emojis. Then on her monthly subbed content she posts different material, that should be on a schedule. There should never be two weeks in-between posts. That just bad business. Let her continue doing small brain business. I will go watch Lydia Violet, younger, tits the same size but REAL, better looking, and not a scammer. She acts stupid but isn't. Beba acts smart but isn't.

This post is directed at some, not all.
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Bathwater Drinker
May 6, 2023
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Dude, Seriously I say this in the niceness way possible. I get it's discussion group. But u are obsessing over this girl way too much bro!!! Seriously go out and get yourself a girlfriend. U will never meet Hannah in real life!! None of us will at the end of the day. Seriously go out and touch some grass and touch some real pussy . Stop obsessing over a girl that lives half way across the world!!

More than likely Hannah won't be doing twitch or YouTube content in the next 5 years and we probably wont hesr from her again. So it's not worth the anger, stress, obsession with this girl.

Yes I want to see her get naked on OF and do some BG content but that ain't going to happen. I've accepted it and u need to accept this bitch will never change so stop obsessing over every little detail ain't healthy bro.


May 27, 2024
Please, Log in or Register to view quotes say you're not obsessing over this girl, but you really are pointing every schedule of pics, the type of pics, the pattern of what she's wearing on it, etc.? Yeah, totally not obsession...i just feel that some people here are just saying the same thing every day...i watch other girls content that do similar like her and there's like 90% less of rant...and some also don't put a clear description and other do and it's even worse because they lie on the content they actually do. But point is...i guess you should take some advice from fellow members here, because the thing with you about her, it's starting to give me the chills...
Not to mention i would like you to give some sources to why you say Lydia's boobs are real and bebahan's are fake, since size wise are similar, but i probably don't want, because it feels another rant would be written.
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Bathwater Drinker
Jun 18, 2023
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This is something i would say. She takes pictures one evening and then posts them over months and months with zero effort. I don't see anything obsesed in that comment. You are all biased depending on who the comment comes from.

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Let's all pretend it's not CK, why not? The guy talks about obsession while creating the 3rd alt account only to rant repeatedly about people who rant repeatedly. Not obsessed at all. I just don't know why he only targets 1 or 2 persons with each alt account, maybe you yourself are obsessed with someone here CK?

Just for the records, since no one has posted the original quality picture since yesterday, I subscribed again myself because I can't cope with these screenshots.
But after reading the comments here, I won't post the original quality pictures. I'll just keep it to myself and you guys have a lot of fun with CK, white knights who never contributed anything to it, and the screenshots.
I'm aware that the White Knights don't manage to report and delete the pictures from this site, but they always manage to annoy everyone so much that they stop leaking. And he has now done that for me too. I won't be leaking anymore. You have archived your goal, congratulations CK & friends!


Bathwater Drinker
Nov 12, 2022
In recent days I have shared photos of her, some in poor quality, I honestly don't care, I don't pay for her content, it would be stupid to do so, the photos are what they are, take it or leave it


May 27, 2024
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I'm picking on Scamhater just as, for example, Fuckme1234 or Bushwookiee1989 why are you not picking on them? Why aren't they that CK guy as well? Is he special or something for being so much talked? Why tf makes you think i'm that guy? Why you defend that Scamhater so much anyway? Probably since now that i think about, you are also one that rant as much about her like him?

Let me tell you one thing...i may or may not be actually one guy that was once close to the so called "inner-circle" of Bebahan's community...i may or may not actually have some beef with them and now i'm just talking here for the shit and giggles, but let me tell you, we talk about alts, but let's pretend that someone else here isn't, such your friend, which i have high suspicions...and two, believe me, she doesn't look those discussion threads, her "army" does...but not her and they don't tell her what happened, that's why i see no point in keep talking about the same thing at least 5 days out of 7 in a week, you guys have a grudge on her, fine, i don't care, but the point is made, let it go. A lot of people are bragging about this. Me included. That's all.

In terms of the pics, i would say that the last ones, no one is the original's clearly prints that i have seen being posted first on other places and not here.
May 8, 2024
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I don't have an obsession over Hannah, I just hate what she's doing. That's all. Do I go overboard talking about it here, you're right, along with so many others who have pointed it out. I will tone it down and I apologize for making personal remarks about her that upset some of you. I need to stick to her being a model, reactor, and streamer, nothing personal. As for Sassy, I've hit the ignore button. He's from her community and he's here to instigate and try to get people banned from talking badly about her. If these forums don't bother her, why does it bother them? If she doesn't know they exist and nobody tells her what happens here, then why do they come in guns a blazing? Who are they trying to impress? I'm just curious about that.
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May 27, 2024
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What you said, is basically what most men want from women they are attracted to, a "bitch" on the bed that would do all their sexual fantasies and on the other hand, some sort of mom/sister/female friend to be some sort of confidant, emotional support, prepare some meals for them, etc. Which is basically what happens on Bebahan streams (and with any other streamer tbh), there was a platoon of guys that even wrote her emails (when she had one "personal" where people could send messages) and thinking she would become some sort of psychologist to them and "you're my friend"...while in her OF comment section a lot of them would go with horny comments.

What people don't realize is, she never met any mod of her irl, even less confortable she would want to meet someone outside her "circle of trust" (and for the kind of people out there, i can't even blame her, she had stalkers before. Then, some people get way too deep into the parasocial relationship, something goes bad that triggers the reality aka "she's not your virtual girlfriend, nor she had feelings for you" and some will go trashing her or anything about her as coping mechanism. Last comments i've been reading, people arguing how she's trash, how could she ask for 1k dollars donation goal to help her cats' vet bills, just because she has enough money to do so...but it's not that the point of streaming? Getting donations? Even already milllionaire streamers keep doing that. I can get some rant over clickbait OF bio, but vet bills, not really...if we are talking about her job on Twitch, that's the point of Twitch, entertain the viewers and getting donos from it.
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