Simp Chat Bebahan - Discussion Thread


Apr 24, 2022
Agreed, it can't be coincidence. This is what I find frustrating about the discussion in this thread. The same 2 or 3 actors keep bringing up the same points over and over again. It's a battle between 3-4 scorned fans and current white knights. I don't understand why we need to rehash the same grievances over and over again. People are able to scroll back through the thread... it's not like your points go unnoticed. It's not changing minds and it's not adding anything new.
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May 27, 2024
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I guess you didn't spot my sarcasm on what i said... :OMEGALUL: "scammed people by evil Bebahan". That was sarcasm. Why? Because she's just doing her thing, which is entertain people on twitch by playing games; serving as an emotional support like a pseudo girlfriend (which is pretty much what the majority of her followers do of her); and for the hornies, lewd pics with her OF. Every single one of this interactions are transactional ones. Some people just go way deep in the parasocial thinking that she either sees them as BF candidates and/or that they will easily pull that if they simp enough and be agreeable with her in every single thing she says or does. Neither anyone at this point i would say is getting scammed...she's in OF for what? almost 3 years? She clearly is and much likely will stay in the non nude stuff, so at this point the ones that keep subbed are either loyal followers and/or keep subbed in the hopes she get naked one day.

Second and last point:

- "i just stopped investing in her maybe over a year ago", yet you keep lurking her most recent streams, that's not being "not involved";

- "there are financially invested and emotionally invested, i'm neither", well...idk about that bud, but if not financially, you certainly are way over emotionally invested and everyone already noticed that, idk who you want to fool, maybe just yourself;

- "I come here when i've got free time and share my opinions", yeah, you are here almost every single day and repeating yourself since for what i saw, page 36 or something and we are more or less 10 pages into the same argument...she's a scammer and clickbaiter to you, ok, you already said that. Point made, no need to get a new record of 20 pages talking about the same thing;

"Not too invested in her..." and everyone else are just wrong...don't get too absorbed for a girl that is out of your reach, not healthy.


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 18, 2023
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This is a discussion thread about bebahan, and guess what? People talk about her here, that's the whole purpose of this forum. You can skip posts if you don't like them, just like the others. I myself didn't comment in days because there was nothing to comment for me, i just skipped everyone, simple as that. If someone is dissatisfied and wants to let of steam, so let him be. Skip his comment or simply click on his name and then on ignore. It's that simple. Feel free to do that for me too, because when i have the urge to rant about her, i will and you or anyone else won't stop me from doing so.

But talking about too invested. You created a 3rd (if i counted correctly) alt account only to go after certain people. What is your goal? What are you trying to archive? And with every alt account you get more white knight and extreme. It's not healthy what you're doing. We got it the last time, you don't like ranters. No need to create alt accounts and rant about ranters constantly. Move on, skip the message, ignore it. That's my advice also for the others. Why are you so invested in this forum, and have the urge to point at certain people and attack them?

At least you took the advice to sound different this time. The problem are your arguments, they are the same. Therefore, just like all your other accounts, CK, you're going on my ignore list.
But one last thing. I'm telling you this for over a year now, learn the difference between bait and CLICKbait FFS! Just google it, it's not that hard.
May 8, 2024
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I will admit, maybe been ranting around the same stuff, I can own that. I'm not lurking around her streams. A friend that mods for her told me she deleted a stream because she got a little drunk at the end of the steam and ranted about someone posting something on OF's. She didn't say that in the stream, but she ranted more with some of the mods, including my bud. First time I watched any of her stream in over a year. It is possible to have free time almost everyday. Also, I find ranting about a low life like her, helps release anger I feel from everyday life. It makes my relationships in life better. She also posts almost the same picture on Onlyfans everytime she posts. I've thought about buying her a book on how to pose sexy for dummies, but shipping costs are insane. Parasocial is a definition I think you need to look up and read, I have one account on here. You have created three for some reason and attack me with two of them. Because I talk about little bebahan, the girl that can't speak on streams, reacts to the same shit on Youtube for three years, reacts to porn on Patreon, acts disgusted but we all know she probably get's fucked by her Boyfriend in much harsher ways, she has a submissive personality, and can't take a sexy photo to save her life on OF's. I don't even care if she goes nude or not, just take a sexy picture. If she's supposed to be so sexy and beautiful, how can she fail at that? Like the other guy said, if you don't like what I got to say, ignore me. They have a button for that. Either ignore me or refute what I have said, this is a discussion board.
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Bathwater Drinker
Jun 18, 2023
Showing appreciation to the leaker is always good, i always like the stuff. That doesn't mean i like the content itself.
Because worse than her ND videos are the games she plays, she just sits there for 30min and reads a dialog while skipping the "naughty" words. I really don't get the point in that.
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Bathwater Drinker
Jun 18, 2023
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I meant the sex games on Patreon, they are shit.
With the singing on stream, i think i already mentioned it somewhen, but if you want cringe watch the end of the stream. The simps starting to send love letters for 1h straight. This is painful to listen to...

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To be fair, she is pretty disinterested in all the content she is producing :KEKWlaugh: She should definitely change her content in gerenal.
May 8, 2024
I believe some of you may know more about Twitch than I do, so I would like to know why Beba has deleted 15 out of her last 34 streams? I know why one was taken down, by why the other 14. I've looked at what others may say are her competition and the most they have taken down in this same period is 3. I just looking for some understanding?


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 18, 2023
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She used to rarely delete her VODs unless she did or said something stupid that she regretted and didn't want anyone to see. But since she didn't hide how greedy she is for the money and set her VODs only for subscribers, she regularly deletes them.

Don't know why, she probably said or did something. I also looked at the thing you mentioned about her drunkenly attacking someone. She probably deleted that because it easily qualifies as harassment, she insulted and directly attacked the person. Even hinted at how she would hit him/her. She could have easily gotten banned from Twitch for that.

The others will probably be the VODs where she talked about her cat. The cat that has kidney disease and she didn't really care about, she was just upset about the bill and because she doesn't want to pay $1000 for it, she'd rather let the cat die all alone. Guess she continues to try to hide her true face, she doesn't care at all whether her cat is treated properly and all alone or not, the main thing is that she doesn't have to use her hard-scamed money, i mean her hard earned money.

For those who don't belive, i recorded it from the deleted VOD:

Funny topic to laugh and smile about, right?
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Mar 12, 2022
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I've noticed in the past few weeks she has been fishing for money. First instance I recall was the cat situation (adoption or vet bills) for $1000-$3000, then the new PC two-ish weeks ago, that was $3000 her simps gave her, then this one. She act like "ohh, poor me, this is too expensive.....I can't afford that, blah blah blah money issue".

It's like a cycle at this point - Talk about not being able to "afford" thing - simps in chat feel sad for her - simps donate money to cheer her up - repeat once per week.