Simp Chat - ASMR Glow/ Sharon Dubois - Discussion Thread | Page 28 | SimpCity Forums

Simp Chat ASMR Glow/ Sharon Dubois - Discussion Thread


Tier 3 Sub
Jun 7, 2023
She replied some dude that told her shes fucked up, and loose her mind, wow shes really going nuts
Also i saw a QnA vid of her paywall and she says something bout retired, so she planning retire ? So she dont want her views back how stupid is she ?
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Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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Well that would make sense of why she's running her audience off. But I don't see why she would retire yet, what else is she going to do? I'm not sure she would perform well in a physical work environment, she's so programmed to online work. The book ain't going to do shit and sure she may have money saved to retire but eventually that well will run dry. So Idk, but honestly would we miss anything if she did retire with the crap she's been putting out?

And that's sad she's so easily offended. I hope more people do start calling her out on her BS! Call out the shitty boring streams, the creepy kids channel that mostly grown men watch and the video with her fiance no one gave a shit about besides her simps.


Tier 3 Sub
Jun 7, 2023
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She could have lots of money if just she accept her lewd destiny, yeah shes so stupid and clearly she doesnt know how to do a real work, the creepy grooming kids channel is bulshit and a complete failure, she knows it ,if shes gon retire better she do it now and if she wont better do fucking adult aamr , her stupid book is garbage and no one cares bout that,
And false alarm apparently thst vid was of october 2023, so shes been thinking of retire or she thinks twice and dont want loose easy money
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Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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Yup and at the end of the day Sharon just doesn't know her audience very well or is willfully ignorant. Most of her fans she's built over the years are dudes like us, sprinkled in with the occasional female that probably likes her videos. But the bulk of it is guys like us that find her attractive even her fiance was one and without us she wouldn't be shit as far as an online personality.

I don't want to be too much of an ass because I do like some of her older ASMR videos, they were legit tingly ngl and helped me sleep. But lets be real the only reason she got as popular as she is today in ASMR is because of her looks first and actual talent last same with Frivvi and Gibi. Glows ASMR is not the greatest besides the occasional old few gems she did. But there are much smaller channels that a running laps around Glow as far as content goes.

The whole Little Glow channel is proof she doesn't know her target audience. She is so convinced kids are actually watching her videos lmao :KEKWlaugh: Its the same grown ass dudes in her community tab telling her how good the latest Little Glow upload was probably after they just got done jerking off to it lol. No kids no females just dudes complementing, this girl is so fucking clueless!


Tier 3 Sub
Jun 7, 2023
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Oh believe me , she know what is her audience , she just dont want to admit it , she doesnt want to admit the only way for her to stay relevant ia doing onlyfans, or lewd asmr youtube content. She wants to look so fucking prude and interesting as her fucking simps told her she is, she want to beleive in that delusion so bad, reality is coming for her , just a matter of time


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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Yeah sadly I think your right. I think she's willfully ignorant to her audience! She knows what we want but is too prude to do anything her core audience wants. Also why she's trying to run her main audience away by using her fiancee like a weapon to make guys that like her pissed off and unsub. And using the Little Glow channel to make her image look wholesome, but she just comes off looking like a creep!

Vomit Donor

Tier 1 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
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No, she didn't say she wants to retire or that she doesn't want her views back. On the contrary, she said she would prefer to make ASMR videos forever, but she knows a time will come when that well will run dry. Some of you like to call Sharon dumb, but I think she in many ways has a good head on her shoulders.

Just as she is correctly self-aware about her physical strengths and weaknesses, she is also aware that the vast majority of her viewers/supporters are men, and she also tracks what content doesn't perform and then makes fewer of those kinds of videos. It is clear from her behavior that she does want views—she is mindful about not dedicating her time, energy, resources, and platform to content that has proven not to do well—but every now and then you have to send out feelers and test the water.

Because she knows her ASMR career can't last forever, her aspiration would be to find success as a writer. But while she is hopeful about her book, she is also somewhat realistic. She knows how slim any author's chances are of getting a foothold in the first place, but she faces additional hurdles. The publishers weren't receptive of what she submitted, and she knows her writing ability and command of English prose aren't up to par. She is banking on the story standing on its own, and also on the fact that she has an existing audience who might serve as an initial baseline of support.

The issue is that her audience doesn't care about her writing. They ostensibly care about ASMR, which doesn't share much overlap, but moreover they are interested in Sharon because she is attractive. If her ASMR audience isn't showing support for her kids channel, why would they show support for her book? Logically, we can expect even less support for that. Not only is it further removed from ASMR, her attractiveness won't come into play on the written page. The book is understandably very personal to Sharon, so though she is aware of all these things, she still doesn't see the big picture as clearly as the rest of us. The book will fail. It is certain and inevitable. (As an aside, like others have said, the small number of views on her kids channel are from a niche group of guys who like to stroke it to a 30-year-old Sharon dressed like a little girl. Her audience is predominantly men, and that is just reality.)

A lot has been said about Sharon being a prude, but the truth is that she has been open to trying certain things. She has extended some olive branches and thrown some bones to the coomers, albeit under cover of plausible deniability, and she has been rewarded in those instances with greater activity and popularity for those videos. Just check the "most replayed" section of some of them. I think what's holding her back is not necessarily her personal views on propriety, but rather what she fears society will think of her, how it might limit her potential opportunities, and also what it might mean if she ever becomes a mother. But firstly, we are living in a new world now. A lot of this stuff is becoming pretty normalized and accepted. Secondly, spicy content is her most realistic and concrete avenue to not only financial security, but extreme financial comfort. So long as she comports herself with honesty and doesn't rip people off, she will be beloved, and once you have that kind of money, that tends to remedy most of the other concerns. As harsh as it is, I don't see her finding success in anything else.

If she took a hard look at herself, she would have a decision to make, and she would have to make it sooner rather than later. She can't wait until everything else fails. She has her looks right now, but there is a finite window on that just as there is a finite window on her ASMR channel. She has to make the move while she is still popular and attractive, because that is a career path that absolutely will transfer with her established audience.
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Bathwater Drinker
May 13, 2022
Anyone else not watch her kids channel? Heck I barely watch her regular channel. She was one of my favorites. Sad to see her turn from a fun sexy young lady to a boring old greasy lady. These past 3 years been the worst downward trend. I am glad younger prettier girls start asmr. Girls who shower too. Yet I still come here to complain


Diamond Tier
Sep 22, 2023
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Idk man, if she was so aware of what her audience wants and paid attention to the feeler videos, we would be getting a bunch more spit painting and yoga videos because those are some of her most viewed and liked, but instead we get the fucking manikin head and the other boring ass videos. She even had the nerve to do another video with her fiance even tho the first two did terrible, she should know most her viewers are men that don't want to see that shit.

So I honestly think she just does what she wants to do and not necessarily what will get her the most views. I mean I can respect she's doing what she likes but from a business standpoint its stupid! At least Frivvi knows her viewers like her licking/kissing videos and she makes them often because they do the most numbers, she knows her audience. Glow on the other hand seems to know but is just like fuck them or either she really is just fucking clueless.

And I mean why would she fear what society views her? if anything people will view her as a creep for making a kids channel that mostly grown men watch. If I was a person that had never seen her before and saw that channel I'd think what kind of sloppy shop is she running and who are these videos really for because I just don't see any kid enjoying this. I use Frivvi as a comparison a lot because she is someone who's managed a good balance between Lewd and professional, she still has the ads and sponsors but also makes Kissing and licking videos we want to see!

If Glow truly wanted to prolong her career she'd follow that same formula frivvi has, she don't need to go full porn star but doing more spicy videos that pass the TOS and aren't really running away sponsors and I promise you Glow would be twice as popular and would probably be the top ASMR channel right up their with or pass Gibi. But she's like fuck the men that make up most of my audience and think Im hot, I want to be viewd as a good chrastian girl :KEKWlaugh:
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Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
Boy I had to bump up the playback speed to 2x after a few minutes of watching that cringey ass stream. I even had to keep her on mute most of the time and turn on closed caption to read the subtitles that's how bad it was. Luckily I caught when she started talking about her dance studio. That was the only interesting part I wanted to hear and see cause the live stream before she mentioned it being a dance/gym studio and doing stretching streams from the new studio. Unfortunately, she didn't mention anything in this stream about using the dance studio as a gym and do stretching/yoga videos in.

Pervysage is right though. Gotta take what she says with a grain of salt and see if it actually happens. If it does I'm gonna try to leave her a comment to do a stretching video in that new studio for sure.

I admit she did look good in that purple wig but if her hair is greasy and not showered if she keeps wearing the same wig or other wigs it's going to give her scalp infections. So she better start showering again. What it is this she's getting old and not showering now?

Clean up your ACT Glow and give us Lewd/Spicy content. Damn at least do one video in the pose and show us your feet before you get too old and become irrelevant!