Simp Chat ASMR Glow/ Sharon Dubois - Discussion Thread


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
Sorry guys I couldn't really watch through that. I had to jump to jump to jump to advance parts and each time only watch for a few seconds. I cannot stand her fiancee's voice. Dude sounds like a fucking hipster ass beta male piece of crap that needs to get his ass whipped. Glow making obnoxious sounds. Her sneezing sound sounds like a fucking small alien from a Looney Tunes cartoon. And she's just a moron who can't even find boiled water. Sorry but those quirky type cringe youtubers are not my type.

After reading how she''s saying "Whatever" when talking about her viewers I am starting to see Glow as not this nice perfect girl I had drummed up in my head. Add to that she is one of these ASMR girls who hates being told she's sexy and has feminist views.

I'm starting to realize something. It's crazy how we see ASMR girls like Maddy, Maimy, Orenda, Puffin, Amy Starr, Gina Carla, etc. They are the ones who pull out the spicy NSFW content and have Onlyfans pages and whatnot and we see them as not as wholesome as the Glow, Gibi, Tiptoe, Darling types of the ASMR world. But I've noticed the NSFW girls are actually the ones who are more mature, level-headed, reasonable, and nicest asmrtist that don't put down their viewers or disappoint them with their content. Meanwhile, the wholesome SFW types like Gibi, Glow, Tiptoe, Darling, whoever else are the rude, obnoxious, feminist types who don't like being told they are beautiful and sexy. And oddly cover up their assests like their feet, ass, legs, and behave like immature kids when trying to handle criticism. Wether it's their asmr or lack thereof, their bodies, they get easily "Triggered" (like Tiptoe on twitter) and lash out.

This goes back to the old saying of looks can be deceiving. When you think the NSFW content creators should be the bad ones because of the content they do, they are actually the nicest girls around and the SFW wholesome ones who portrayed themselves as kind wholesome sweet people are actually the bad ones.

What a backwards way of how things go, huh.

Think about that for a moment before jumping to conclusions that these wholesome asmr girls like Glow are sweet and kind people irl or online.

Pause and think about that.


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 12, 2022
Tuned in to dislike

Starship Troopers GIF


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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Glow really has no leg to stand on when she knows damn well that the only thing keeping her bills paid is how attractive she is and the very fact that men sexualize her. Take away her looks, and you'd have yet another mediocre asmrtist that no one would give a shit about. Her incredible beauty is at least half of why she's popular in the first place, along with others like Gibi and Darling. As much as they want to say it isn't, asmr absolutely has intrinsically sexual tones, and these women are foolish for not playing into it more. It wouldn't even need to be something as far as full nudity or sexual roleplays, just look at Frivolous Fox for instance. She's not nearly as pretty as the others I've mentioned, but she still got majorly popular just for being one of the few pretty asmrtists willing to full on lick the microphone


Tier 3 Sub
Dec 28, 2022
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That’s exactly my point and from many others here.
These girls, and her in particular as well, are loudly complaining about how guys just make up these insane parasocial relationships with them (which they do tbf) and how they don’t want to be sexualized and seen in that way.

But then go fully for the we’re all friends and now I’m going to tell you about very private matters and even intimate stuff that is only a concern for her one loving and sexual partner!! but I’m going to yapper about it to almost millions of people.
Also here’s a video of a girl at the back of class having a crush on you. And here is a video of me with view from below to cradle you.
And here I’m literally gonna lick my fingers and rub them over your face…

Obviously very much things we all do with strangers and people we have a professional and distanced relationship with and not intimate at all.
Cue to shocked Pikachu face when they see themselves deepfaked, sexualized and with guys weirdly and unhealthy attached to them. (To be clear, some nut job guys do that and it’s bad and not their fault.)
But I’m talking about the wanting the cake to be just a professional YouTube influencer businesswoman and ew all men think of me as anything but …. and then also eating the cake of making more money from very intentionally fully playing into the please like my video because you’re my friend, please buy my merch because we’re friends, please buy my candles, books, because we’re such close friends, you mean so much to me now let me kiss your face virtually…

Glow and all the women in this forum have, as their fundamental business model, selling men a close friend but mostly romantic even sexual relationship.
They only make so much money because they build up an illusion of caring about us and wanting us to care enough about them to support them financially and generously so usually.

Because they love us so much and if we love them too it’s not too much to ask for more money.
Now Glow and enough of her colleagues are not comfortable being seen as borderline sex workers. They want the money it brings but not the public shame.
So what she and the others do is make a mental split so wide it’s spanning galaxies that no they aren’t selling a parasocial relationship to lonely men and women who want someone to care about them, no they’re just professional video makers or something ...I don’t know what these girls tell their moms what exactly their job is tbh. Something about mental health probably but ear eating and spit painting ain’t exactly semesters in a psychology course.

TLDR; Glow like many others in her situation, needs to sell us a close, even romantic relationship to get us invested enough in them and what they sell to us (merch, paid subscriptions, videos etc) to make these hundreds of thousands of dollars they so easily get used to having.
But they don’t like the label of sex worker or want guys seeing them like that, like they would see a girlfriend for example, a gf they’d spend money on. This leads to a massive mental split Glow has to do and an obviously very contradictory public perception

Hence all our collective annoyance here and complaining about their insane behavior and talking about weird or inappropriate things. Or even blaming their audience for their actual relationship issues...

OH sorry, I mean the actual TLDR really is, Glow and all these others are so beyond bored none of us can even begin to imagine how lonely, vapid and bored their lives are. There is terms for incels and all that but most of these influencer girls and guys are maybe financially well off but they are still social outcasts and losers themselves. Not saying that to be mean.
A lot of them are only successful online because they couldn't make anything else work.
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Tier 3 Sub
Dec 28, 2022
Holy shit!
This is much worse than I expected.
I was wondering if I’m the only one that finds her channel name „Little Glow“ kinda off putting and weird and creepy?!
Might be enforced by her pigtails and going full for the I’m an adult woman but act, name and style myself like a little girl.
She could’ve just went with a normal name like Nighttime Stories of Kids or Nighttime with Glow or something. Little Glow is just so …creepy to me.

And now how she acts in the first video…omg it’s very apparent that she has absolutely no idea how to deal with actual children.
She’s basically acting mentally challenged and tries to cutiefy everything she does and says.
You gotta take kids seriously and talk to them normally and calmly.
With the pigtails, again, more off putting and creepy than anything.

Not to mention that I wonder where the ASMR is in this video.
She’s barely soft speaking. Reading a nighttime story.
We really put ASMR as an umbrella term for EVERYTHING these days huh…

And the whole video feels pretty close to her other weird roleplay videos.
I’ve complaint before that playing an act doesn’t work for you Glow (and others!) It’s just cringe and feels inauthentic.
And kids pick up on that very quickly.

No comments so no idea how she wants to get any feedback.
But she’s gonna stay in her filter bubble anyway.
Thinking just because some simping idiots on Twitter tell her she did a good job she’s gonna be a great mom and is great with kids.

(Sidenote, anyone else finds it really weird how Glow is always retweeting a couple of posts from people praising her latest ASMR video?! Not even answering anything, just reposting people praising her in the most basic ways)


Tier 3 Sub
Dec 28, 2022
About a year or so ago, maybe a bit more now, I think after she got the 4K setup going, end of the year, she was talking about how RPs and videos she wants to do don’t get views.
How she was hoping to do more girly content and get more female viewers.
But it’s not working for her so she will just do what her (male) audience wants.
It was in one of her end year streams, don’t remember which one exactly but remember well how she talked openly about all this. It was around the time she did more of the spit painting videos too.

And don’t forget the audience she’s got and still has from her short Twitch period.
She is fully aware it’s mostly guys, she acknowledged it multiple times publicly and I mean as you said, look at her sultry eye fucking thumbnails and angles she uses and types of videos she does.

I wouldn’t say that she isn’t still mostly going for ASMR. Not like other girls who really just try to promote their OF on YouTube.
But it’s also undeniable she’s catering to a male fantasy (when she’s trying to make money and her ego or laziness isn’t winning that day)
In that stream back then she basically said she sees YouTube as just her job now, she is only going for the money.
So she can finance her true passion (which obviously is dependent of the time of month with her, can be candles, writing, drawing, makeup, dancing, 1800 century architecture…who knows at this point) Right now at least it’s writing books.

Occasionally she still tries to go for how ASMR is so helpful for trauma and mental health issues etc.
Basically trying to elevate what she does and making herself feel less as what she actually is, yes I agree for the most part, a cam girl. A sex worker.
If there can be SFW OF girls that never show anything, not even nipple on that platform, there can be YouTube girls that lick their fingers and rub their spit on your face, also very much SFW but both essentially still sex workers.

These days it’s about selling sex appeal moreso than actual sex(Online whores trying to appeal as girlfriends and not whores)
And I would find it difficult for Glow to claim she is not indeed very much selling her sex appeal to her mostly male audience


Tier 3 Sub
Dec 28, 2022
I would find it fair for someone to say that it is also weird and hypocritical for me to talk and complain so much about these girls.
That’s totally fair on a surface level but the thing is.

I (and I assume it’s for many people the same) wasn’t even that invested in Glow at the beginning.
She got me to click on her video because she has a very beautiful face.
I stuck around because she can do pretty good ASMR if she wants (still, I found her latest brushing video decent enough)
But that’s also my point.

I was looking for ASMR.
I’m actually not part of her audience looking for a (fake) friend or girlfriend.
I can get a massage or haircut from a woman and not built up a whole relationship in my mind and without their consent or knowledge.

My complaints about Glow and other ASMR girls began when their view and subscription numbers went up, yet their video quality and effort didn’t or only very slowly.

And of course when THEY began to talk more and more about their personal life and other projects they wanted to do now (candles, wedding, kids, books…)
I’m here because of the ASMR, it was fine and maybe kinda cute to hear about her being a homebody and not drinking much really occasionally back then, with her olive tan.

But now …No Glow!, I don’t fucking care if you decided to stop buying condoms and take your bfs dick raw to make a kid you are still having existential doubts about having, in this cruel world.
Fuck Off, Girl!
Keep that personal shit out of your professional ASMR videos, you don’t get tired of telling us is only a job now for you to finance your true passions, you also don’t shut up about filling us in about every little detail.

YOU (all these girls, Gibi, Frivvi etc) DECIDED to share more and more personal information with the Internet. Because you crave the attention, you crave the money it brings milking those millions of fake friendships and relationships.

You crave being able to be lazy af and still get called a life changing hero person by thousands of bland simps.
You take all those compliments and money so openly but then cry about the consequences like occasional lewd-ish comments or fakes made using your face, YOU put on the internet to make plenty of money with (not endorsing deepfakes as a generally moral thing but it simply comes with the job being on the Internet and profiting off your good looks)
You get so much shit handed to you in your life you forget that yes sometimes there are drawbacks to certain things.

Which kinda loops us all back to the beginning if you want to see it that way.
People started looking for ASMR because they were tired and stressed and depressed and simply so fucked over by the harsh reality they needed that calm 20 minutes video forgetting about their worries.
It was only about escapism and YOU Glow(and others) fucked it up when you brought back in all the personal life and drama shit we were trying to take a break from for a few minutes.
Thank you


Mar 8, 2023
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I was struck by how the kissing was lacking in sexual charge. There was even a point where she said "Oh I'm going to kiss you on your cheeks like grandma did!" She's dressed like it's laundry day / she's in for the evening and it just gives me big 'they'll settle for this' energy. She obviously didn't want to do the 'e-girl in lingerie' thing but she overcorrected imo.

In one of her videos she talked about how she doesn't want to do role plays or big costumes anymore because the views aren't worth the effort. But her Medusa video has 3.4M views and her Viking one has 1.4M. Maybe I'm in a funk but it's been a while since I was impressed by anything she did. Frivvi hit it out of the park with her Rudolph video and the Thanksgiving one. Glow feels like she's half in, half out.

I also find it lame that Glow signed on with Gibi's Mana Talent Group. The partnership doesn't seem to have boosted her channel at all in terms of views although maybe she's getting more partnerships / backend stuff I'm not seeing. It's good her children's channel is faltering. I can't think of a single mother that would look at Glow's main channel and think, "Yeah I want my kid being taught by this woman."


Tier 3 Sub
Dec 28, 2022
Man, I’m so pissed. It’s so frustrating that this girl always dresses up the hottest for those stupid ramble whisper videos.
3-4 years ago she did those videos doing different tingles and whispering and occasionally mentioning something about her life.
I had no issue with that. It was still mostly ASMR.

Now she’s doing these full on ramble only videos with the occasional mic scratch every minute or so.
For what purpose did you get those expensive, new, mics Glow?!
She’s already doing the livestreams for her ramble self therapy needs. Just had one two days ago again.
Why does she have to waste our time with these useless videos?!

I’m not subscribed to her because I want to watch a vlogger girl. I want ASMR! And the skipping this video, Glow, would be much easier if it wasn’t just two per week these days and most very hit or miss in terms of quality and actual ASMR.

Some of us have shit days and look forward to these videos.
Glow herself is often claiming how much potential ASMR for therapy and relaxation etc ASMR can have.

I’m sorry if I’m such an outlier here but I can’t fall asleep or relax and certainly not fap to a girls shallow ramblings about her wealthy lifestyle, wedding plans or whatever new candle scent she has found this week.

Fucking hypocrite too, always against this parasocial relationship shit, how dangerous and uncomfortable it is etc, and then feeding it to her audience with these buckets of personal information she’s emptying over our heads.

I’m sorry, I know this is a pity rant but I had to let my frustration out somehow, when she can’t relax it away once again with just some basic, decent ASMR…please

(And she just looks so fucking hot in the thumbnail I'm upset its gotta be one of those videos for:PepeWhy:)


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 13, 2022
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Well i got something for ya. I checked my archives and i still have a twitch vod of her doing a "workout" on stream. It's in baggy sweatpants though and she avoids showing her behind as always, so don't expect too much. Was from 24.09.2020 if i checked right.

Have not seen this anywhere though, so maybe some of you still enjoy.

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P.S. Vid cuts off when switched to gaming.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
This may be a little off topic, but if many of you have gotten tired of Glow's mediocre effortless ASMR like I have, I'd highly recommend branching out and trying to discover smaller ASMR channels. They're usually much more meticulous and caring with their craft because they're small and they know they have to put real effort into making good content, rather than just relying on looks like Gibi and Glow. That being said, there are quite a few absolutely stunning women with smaller channels making fantastic content. Check out Ozley, Lizi, Alise, Eliza, Ieva, Erudwen, Nymfy, Cherie Lorraine, Mini the Moon, Baby Bella, and Arbmeis (for all my Spanish speakers out there). The list goes on and on