Simp Chat ASMR Glow/ Sharon Dubois - Discussion Thread


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 22, 2023
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Much better relationships in the past? No way, in this video She talks about her last relationship and how she suspected the guy was cheating on her or some shit and felt like the love was not there, he broke up with her. Probably realized what he was getting himself into with the nut and opted the fuck out.

She was going on to say the last guy was turning her into someone she knew she was not and did not feel comfortable. Probably was just trying to get her to socialize more because she's so reclusive and odd and has no friends IRL especially now, she had a girl friend and and a guy friend she would make videos with way back when.

Seems like she latched on to the simp because he is just as odd and reclusive as her, they shared the streaming because they were lonely. Plus she probably was looking for a guy that has no say in the relationship and does what he's told. She probably likes that and something the last guy did not put up with.

The simp she's with is a water-boy essentially. She makes him film, edit and upload he's basically her slave, she enjoys that submissive energy I bet being a radical fem. I'm sure her last breakup strengthen the fem ideologies. But I think in a vlog she said I give him so much of a hard time I owe it to marry him??? Like wtf :hahaa: sounds counter active and like fake love.
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Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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What do you mean, “sweet talk”? Isn’t this how everyone gets to liking everyone?
  1. Meet
  2. Talk (“sweet” or otherwise)
  3. Enjoy each other’s company
  4. Like
Every SO I’ve ever had was a variation on that theme, has it not been the same for you (and anyone else reading this)?

Maybe I’m misreading you—if I am, my apologies—but your framing makes it seem like the dude pulled some kind of fast one on her or duped her or something?

From the details given here, it seems like their story of getting together—if true—is extremely common and banal:
  1. Friends/Acquaintances (someone who’s familiar to you, but you don’t know…that’s the bucket I’d put a top chatter in)
  2. Some non-sexual event—like a favor/offer to help—happens to bring those friends in close proximity to each other, where they see each other from a new perspective
  3. The relationship deepens, turns romantic
Of course, to your point about lies, it's smart to always be thinking critically and have a healthy dose of skepticism, but is there more to the story not shared that makes the most simple explanation difficult to accept?
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Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
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Agree with everything you said here. Makes sense with the reasoning you give of why she got with someone like the simp who she can use like a slave. I also can see what you said months ago in that she probably doesn't even give him blowjobs cause she finds that below her or even disgusting.

The last sentence with you saying fake love at the end, I was wondering about this after reading her new tweets about using some K-Pop song for her upcoming wedding. I don't know guys but to me I feel like her whole marriage is a sham and fake af to please her online audience. I don't think Sharon truly wants to be married to this guy for the rest of her life. I quite honestly don't see this marriage lasting long to tell you guys the truth. I just don't.
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No no no no no you're misreading me. I'm not saying he "pulled a fast one on her" in the realistic sense. What I'm trying to say is I can't fathom how he was able to get so lucky with a popular content creator as her. Albeit she probably was not as popular as she is now in the ASMR world. I can't see how she fell for someone who she didn't know long enough but I guess with the few visits and encounters she had with him the bond with him started to build.

And to your last statement, yeah sure it's not that I find it difficult to accept but I just don't see them madly in love with each other. Now don't get me wrong, yes couples don't always express their affection for one another out in front of everyone everyone has their own way but to me I don't see any indication the two are luvey dovey with each other. Plus like I said above, this whole marriage that's about to take place seems like a sham to me. Like she's trying to convince herself this is the guy of her dreams that she wants to spend the rest of her life with. Also just for bragging rights so that she can tell her friends that she's married now and show off her wedding ring. Yes call me what you will but I just don't see "true love" and a real marriage lasting long in this relationship with this guy. And I'm not talking like a hater or anything like that or other names you guys want to throw out at me. I'm saying this is how I see it and how it feels to me now.
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I'm not a schizo. I just like to express my opinion on topics deeply and try to find an understanding of it. And the guy can give as much thought as he wants it's an open discussion. Discuss as much as you want to about her here. Your free to do so.