Simp Chat ASMR Glow/ Sharon Dubois - Discussion Thread


Aug 20, 2023
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This bullshit Kpop dream of hers is so cringe, when that video of her singing with the bangs(ye the bangs are cute) that shit made my face turn inside out. She clever tho, be a lazy bum, dont brush your hair, where the same damn clothes(we do the same, we live the sewers) and then replace it with a wig that makes her live her fantasy, idk man, this girl has lost class and self care, every speck of quality is just diminishing.

Sorry to say but, all we gonna get it is lazy videos, so its best you put your dick back in your pants and forget about it, soon she will get married as well, so with that, ima use Chat GBT to create a song in honor of the good old days when her content was actually good

**Verse 1**
Once she whispered softly, brought peace to our minds,
ASMR Glow, you were one of a kind.
Used to tingle our spines with the sounds you’d weave,
Now it's all a distant dream, too hard to believe.

Oh, ASMR Glow, where did you go?
Your content used to sparkle, now it’s lost its glow.
Once a soothing star, now a smelly bum bum,
We miss the days when your magic made us numb.

**Verse 2**
Every tap and whisper, every gentle sigh,
Once felt like a lullaby, now we wonder why.
The tingles turned to silence, the whispers went away,
The magic disappeared, leaving us in dismay.

Oh, ASMR Glow, where did you go?
Your content used to sparkle, now it’s lost its glow.
Once a soothing star, now a smelly bum bum,
We miss the days when your magic made us numb.

We hope you'll find your way back, to the magic that you had,
Return to what once made you great, don’t leave us feeling sad.
Remember all the tingles, the calm you used to bring,
Come back to us, ASMR Glow, make our senses sing.

Oh, ASMR Glow, where did you go?
Your content used to sparkle, now it’s lost its glow.
Once a soothing star, now a smelly bum bum,
We miss the days when your magic made us numb.

So here's to hoping, with a gentle plea,
That ASMR Glow returns, to the star she used to be.
From smelly bum bum, rise and shine once more,
Bring back the tingles that we all adore.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
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I didn't do it. She said on yesterday's workout stream that she is live streaming today which is going to happen soon (maybe in an hour) I was thinking of maybe asking her if she could do her next yoga video without socks but I don't think there is any need seeing as I noticed she was deleting negative comments about her wearing socks and hiding her feet so she is fully aware of the backlash from all the feet people that weren't happy with her wearing socks.

I also left her a comment saying that she should do her next video without socks cause they ruined the experience and were a distraction and that I couldn't enjoy the video like her previous two Yoga videos and unbeknownst to me she had surprisingly replied back to me saying quote "Just say you want to see feet" and she got 19 likes for that comment. Me being the passionate foot fetish person that I am replied back to her apologizing and admitting that I was trying to be "slick" like someone else said in the reply after hers.

Yes I'm not like most feet people who would cower away and not say a thing back to her after that reply but my foot fetish is so strong that I can't stay quiet and let her say what she said without being honest and real to her. I even told her that her feet are beautiful in a respective way and left it at that. Other than that I just told her at last if she can do her next yoga video barefoot without socks. Hopefully she has seen my reply by now and she sees the other comments about wearing socks and will see it was a bad idea to wear them this time around.

So yes, I'm hoping to "get me my feet" as you say, next yoga video. Crossing my fingers and hoping Glow forgives me after being honest with her. 🤞🤞🙏
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Bathwater Drinker
Sep 22, 2023
This is exactly the reason why she doesn't put much effort into her content or feel the need to do lewd. With dumb simps like these who the fuck needs to do anything? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ She'll just sit back and do these lame repetitive streams every other week and make a decent bag from these hopeful idiots :KEKWlaugh:

I really don't have much hope for any exciting streams in the future just this same shit over and over aging. These people are so engaged in a dick measuring contest for who can donate the most money to impress her. These people wont learn and will continue to make her even more lazy and complacent with these terrible sleep inducing streams and the content will continue to suffer :Sadge:

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Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
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Perhaps that is what it will take for her to see people like the yoga videos and the donos will get her to continue to do more yoga videos hopefully more often instead of every year and a half. I for one hope she does another one soon and not in 2026. Girl is going to be an old prune by the time she does a yoga video again if she keeps releasing them that long time apart from each other :PepeWhy:


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 22, 2023
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I hope your right and I can kind of see your point of view. But in my eyes I view it as It just makes her even more lazy and spoiled by these idiot simps that will donate just to talk to her or make her impressed. I don't think many of these people donate because they actually like the content.

If she figures well shit I can make a few grand every other week just to sit and yap about nothing while sipping a nice tea then why actually put effort into a stream or do something active/engaging? I just feel she gotten real lazy.

I miss when she would actually cook, game and play just dance on steams. She's gotten so spoiled and lazy and it shows with the lack of effort these streams have. I kind of wish she was a smaller streamer and still had that fire to make good and entertaining content.

Kind of like once you reach the top you stop giving a fuck is the vibe I get from her now :Sadge: She no Gibi but lets face it she is in that Upper few of the ASMR category.


Diamond Tier
Mar 25, 2022
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Are “talk to her” and “make her impressed” even really, genuinely a thing, though?

I’ve never donated to a model/streamer, but of course I’ve seen it, and other than a thank you of some kind, it’s not like a conversation takes place. Where/when are these people “talking to” her? “Impressing her” for what?

I don’t agree with their sentiment, but I find it way more plausible that more people would like the content and donate on that basis rather than believe in some “top donor becomes friend/hookup/partner/penpal/etc” fantasyland that I have never seen reported as an outcome anywhere, ever.

If it never comes true, why would people continually believe in it? Reminds me of those Sovereign Citizen loons that think a special series of words will get them out of a traffic stop, even though 100% of YouTube videos documenting these interactions ends in a failure.

I get that there are really lonely people out there that haven’t known the touch of a human being for over a year who might pay real money just to hear a model/streamer say their username out loud, but even crushingly lonely people who only hook up with their hand doesn’t mean stupid and/or lobotomized. I can’t really believe they think in their heart of hearts that a donation is a stepping stone to something else with someone they see through a screen.

I think it’s like licorice-some people like it, and the people that don’t can’t fathom why the people who like it, do. Still, the people who like it genuinely do.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
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I have to applaud you on the last sentence of the last paragraph which does make a lot of sense in a general perspective if you're looking from the outside. And the very last sentence is a really good analogy in your perspective argument that also holds good weight. However, this view can depend on the individual asmrtist/streamer and their top donos who you're speaking of and knowing first hand how tight their bond is. Which brings me to Pervysage's point.
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Sage you definitely right on that because donators can and/or do try to act all funny, charismatic and like the best man to seem more important to said asmrtist/streamer from the average donator who is just saying they appreciate the content without upstaging any other donator. I've seen this shit in a way with Tiptoe tingles when she used to live stream and her top donor acting all charismatic with jokes on the live chat window to get more of her attention and have her say his name out loud to him (not in a texting in the chat window way) more than the others in the chat during her streams. But hey I guess if someone is giving hundreds and thousands of dollars on a live chat to you, respectfully and naturally you as an asmrtist/streamer, you should acknowledge and engage more closely with that donator, right? :peepoShrug:
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Wait he actually did that? He convinced her to actually go to his place and banged her while she was there with him? How do you know for sure that happened? Was there something noticeably different about the two of them after that took place? First time I hear this. That's news to me :ddHuh:

Or are you just joking?
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Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
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That's wild. How long were they seeing each other before that happened or it was when she went over to his place that he became her "bf"?
Damn that must mean they had heat and she fucked him while she was there. Surely I would've thought Glow had a bf before meeting the simp in her online community. Damn some "smooth operator" he was to get a girl hot like Glow to just go over his place without knowing him or what was going to happen. I'm sorry but I would like to believe their relationship started in some different manner than her going over his place and they just had sex just like that without really knowing him like that with the exception of a username in chatroom on her computer screen. :PepeWhy::SadgeCry::Sadge:


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 13, 2022
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If my memory serves me right the timeline was, that she went to the US for some beauty/makeup convention way back when (2017?) and that's when the guy first met up with her after simping on her socials. Couple more visits after that and they already were together, maybe in the span of like a year / year and half i'd say. He didn't change much since back then, compared to his recent stream clip.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 21, 2023
Damn that's crazy. First time a simp got lucky with a asmr e-girl. She must have really low standards to get with a guy like that online who definitely sweet talked her into liking him with those visits. The beauty/makeup convention bit sounds like a cover up for the real reason why she came to the US which was to see him for helping her with her streaming issues. Unless she showed prove it was for a beauty/makeup convention? Sometimes you can't believe half of what these asmrtists/streamers/e-girls say cause they could be lying to cover up for the real reason of their motives so that nobody online knows the truth.

Sorry but I still would like to believe Glow/Sharon had much better relationships in the past with better guys than with some bum loser simp on her social media communities. Unless this simp guy is her first true relationship in her life :Sadge:

Sharon you can do better than that!

Or really not?! :peepoShrug:
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