Discussion Agencies are ruining OF for me...


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 6, 2022
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Yea thats pretty much it. No idea if they actually close out the window without signing out what it does, but as long as the window is active and signed in, they are online. It used to not have the green dot and would say the person is available now in the early days of OF, and when they signed out, it said nothing. But they made that little change to make the account more visible and agencies used that to their advantage by leaving it up all the time when girls would do that themselves, even though they were away or overnight inactivity was likely. Oh how lucky for me that I get to talk to them at all hours and they reply almost instantly :pauseChamp:. I must be special. Here's some money:hahaa:

One of the other reasons it changes so much is if they have their account linked to an active email, and arent agency run, they can sign in quickly to see something in regards to the email, like if someone tipped something or that notification is one they dont ignore. Its not a reliable metric unless you have known the page and person running it how they work it, but you get it. It rarely means anything anymore, and almost seems like a good way to know if you even want to sub when you see that shit light up all the time. You just know you are going to have a bad time and be riddled with spam

I had the same experience. It was nice when this one girl ran her own page, even if it did take days to get an answer with buying content, but once she sold out, suddenly her account was always online and constantly spamming the fuck out of everyone. The agency would often delete the chat and send partial sentences like a fucking idiot as bait. Like to think there are people that still believe its her boggles the mind. I unsubbed immediately and didnt even care for the remainder of the subscription and made sure it ended and that was it. Its things like that were it shows just how dumb or naïve so many guys are when it comes to a pair of tits. Then again, its their money and if they choose to believe it, I can only feel bad for them for falling for it. Like be a little judicious with how you conduct yourself, for fucks sake:leokek:
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Bathwater Drinker
Oct 21, 2023
Does anyone know why some agencies and/or chatters delete or hide conversations at the end of their shift? Or however that works.

There have been times where I’m trying to figure something out with an account and see if they’ll do a certain thing and when I check back a day or two later, the person working at the time can’t find the previous conversation and asks for a screenshot. It’s happened multiple times so I know it’s not a weird one-off thing. Other than going off-script, I can’t imagine why they’d do that.
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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 6, 2022
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Theres a variety of reasons but they all come down to the same basic idea that by clearing chat, you cant prove anything especially if they are doing something shady as hell, unless you actively screenshot the exchange of messages. But if you are already having to do that, then its not a good sign. Yes, support can look up the chats, but again, dont count on it. Since most of the time they are resending the same bullshit, they tend to try to make you feel like you missed something and try to drum up a response from you. As for your specific experience, it sounds like they are doing it just because it keeps the chat clear and each person can mold it however they want. Another reason agencies are dogshit really. Sad but true.
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Bathwater Drinker
Oct 21, 2023
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Are you talking about mass messages they send? Fake conversation starters and bundles they send to everyone. I know all about that shit.

I’m talking about an actual conversations where I’m trying to figure out if the model will do something. One time, I was going back and forth about a custom and I got the classic “I’ll have to think about.” Meaning they’d have to go ask the actual model to see if she’d do it. Didn’t hear back in a couple of days so I asked for an update and they said they couldn’t find the conversation.

Edit after a second reply: I can still see the chat. It’s not removed from my end, they just can’t see it. Again, it’s happened a few times, really weird imo.
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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 6, 2022
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I cant vouch for it 100% but if you can see the chat, they can see the chat. Yes, technical issues happen a lot with chat on that shit site, as its the most common bug besides posting, but the fact you can see it says they might just be playing stupid with you. If they say they have to think about it, unless you are directly talking to the girl and you know it without a doubt, that means they arent doing anything. Customs arent worth their time unless its a rare occasion and they charge an astronomical fee for it, or only if they are a small page, which they wouldnt be using an agency unless recently got sucked into it and are just as thick. I do think they are just trying to get you to drop it and buy something already there but wont say no as they do like to string people along. It is weird that it happened more than once, but if its the same page, then they are just not looking at the conversation. No reason they shouldnt be able to see it.
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Bathwater Drinker
Oct 21, 2023
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Ya I’ve only bought customs from accounts I know the girl runs and I’ve actually had really good experiences with them.

The few instances I’m talking about involved a refund ticket because the account never did what they said they would (Long story lol, and I’ve learned my lesson). This custom was going to be a makeup so she wouldn’t lose my money but I could never get her/them to fully and clearly say what would be included. There were a few times where I asked if we’re finally good to go and I’d get a response like “hmm I can’t seem to find what we talked about doing in it. Can you send it to me?” I’d even tell them to scroll up to two days ago and they’d still say they couldn’t see it. Maybe it was just a weird thing that I experienced.
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Bathwater Drinker
Aug 6, 2022
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Good call on that. Just dont want anyone to get scammed is all. Did your refund actually go through or was it a denied ticket, or still open awaiting a possible resolution? Asking because if for some reason it was resolved, depending on which bozo you get in support, they remove things, but this is still an odd coincidence. As for what they are saying, I dont believe they can just clear their own chat and have yours remain, or vice versa. It clears all of it from a starting and end point they choose, so from the sound of it, not to keep harping on it, but it seems like they were simply refusing to look. Unless they were able to show you that they couldnt see it in a legit way, then I just cant believe it given all of the circumstances. That doesnt mean the chat wasnt bugging out as Ive had that happen plenty of times, but it does get resolved in time (hours/days). The fact you can still see it says its there and they might not want to let on that its an agency, even though it sounds like they arent doing a good job at all lol.

Just for reference, when I purchased stuff in the past from an agency involving a conversation to get it, they kept everything revolving around that content, but would constantly clear everything else newer, until another initiation was made by me. There wasnt much to go on, as I shut that down pretty quickly but they were the only one I ever dealt with that constantly cleared chats. Again, I didnt put up with it for long but they have such stupid tactics that get annoying quick.


Bathwater Drinker
Oct 21, 2023
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We figured it out in the 7 day window they require. I ended up not getting that custom. Pretty sure I did all the negotiating with an agency worker then the model herself came on when it was time to confirm everything and said no. All of a sudden things she was open to doing were no-go’s. And explanations were a lot more than extensive than your typical agency responses.

It was Incredibly frustrating because I had been trying to get a custom from her for a while. And the whole reason I submitted a ticket was a unique request (not really a custom) that she lied to me about for weeks. By the end we just settled on me getting a lot of regular content from her in exchange for me canceling the ticket.

I think you’re probably right that they were just not wanting to look. Part of me is amazed at that level of laziness but then I remember who we’re talking about and it starts to make more sense.


Bathwater Drinker
Aug 6, 2022
Thanks for following up and that's good you got some kind of resolution, but unfortunate it wasn't what you originally asked for. Not saying it was definitely the case, but sounds like the agency was saying yes to anything and hoping the creator would come through without even checking or letting her handle it from the start.

I feel you man. You wanted something they supposedly offered and ended up having to chase after nothing in the end. It very frustrating.

As for agencies being lazy and clueless, they'll say anything to get a sale.
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