Discussion - Agencies are ruining OF for me... | Page 23 | SimpCity Forums

Discussion Agencies are ruining OF for me...


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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You do realize that 90% of the girls who do OF make less than $200 per month. Saying all these girls have the most easiest life imaginable is false, maybe the top 1-2%. In every post I have made, I have been critical of agencies for a reason and less so on the girls because it's not "easy work" as you say. But I can also see why girls use agencies.

It's not just taking a few selfies and talking to people, which by the way isn't easy in its own right. Imagine you wake up, log in, and see 50-100+ messages of a bunch of horny-ass dudes, either wanting to talk to you about their life, asking for PPVs, getting mad, talking shit because you didn't get back to them within 5 mins, and a lot worse things being said that I myself have seen. Then you have guys sending random dick pics, guys trying to get customs or sexting, also don't forget about the parasocial creeps. All while you are responding, new messages keep coming in. Then how do you get new subs? You have to do some research on where you should market yourself and how you should do that. There is a lot to running an OF account.

Examples, I know two girls that I am subbed to very well for the past 2 years, both are in the top 10-15%. Subbed to them when they were getting a couple of likes on their posts.

Girl 1: Full-time personal trainer works Monday to Friday. Been talking to her since she started posting on OF during lockdown because she was not getting any pay due to gyms being closed and needed an income. I play WoW with her on discord nearly every weekend, she's just a normal girl that you wouldn't expect to do OF. Don't know exactly how much she makes but it's somewhere in the 2-3k a month range. Struggles hard with depression and other mental health issues she is open about this on her page. I have seen first-hand the type of messages she gets when guys get mad that she is not talking to them 24/7 or not able to message them every day. Bear in mind she only really has time to message back on weekends. Messages ranging from dudes seething that she didn't respond to their tipped messages fast enough, calling her a slut/whore, and people telling her to kill herself. On top of all that like I said she also has to be her own marketing team. She barely has any time to herself. Most of her money she gets is spent on medical bills/prescriptions that she needs and therapy. She lives "comfortably" meaning she can pay rent/bills buy what she needs and put a little away each month as savings. Doesn't buy designer shit/expensive cars, doesn't live in an expensive house/area or goes on expensive trips every other week like social media would want you to believe.

Girl 2: 3rd year Full-time student working on getting her bachelor's degree in Biomed. While she doesn't work she also has a hard time keeping up with messages and getting content out to people. Between classes, studying, completing assignments, and doing homework she only has so much time to do all that "easy work" like talk to people and get new subs. This is where you get to hear about the creeps that a lot of girls have to deal with. When she first started she was very naive on how people are. Stupidly she told the wrong person, what college she went to, what she is studying and some other "non-important information" about her that is minuscule but in the wrong hands can be used against you like what type of car you drive etc. This guy found her LinkedIn account from that small amount of information she gave. He found out her real name, what she looked like (she is a faceless model), and what building he needed to go to find her and her home address. This dude stalked her, and messaged her that he was coming to town and to her college and he wanted to meet up with her. When she told him no and continued to say no after pleading with her. He started threatening her, telling her he is going to blackmail her. When she blocked him, he made a new profile and started to comment under every post, posting her LinkedIn profile, what school she went to, what her real name is. She had to shut down all comments on her page and she still doesn't allow anyone to comment since it happened over a year ago. Because of this, she had to move, stay out of college for a couple of weeks, changed her car and developed anxiety from it. All because some creepy parasocial dude couldn't understand she was just being nice but in his mind they were going to get married and live happily ever after.

Do you think these two girls have "the easiest lives imaginable"? Moral of the story is, not every girl who does OF is in the top 1-2%. Most of them do not have the lives of the girls you see on social media where they show off. Most of these girls are just ordinary girls, who work full-time/part-time, are in college or don't have another source of income. Is OF one of the hardest jobs? No, no it's not but it's also not just simple black and white of posting nudes and talking to people there is a lot to it. Are there girls who are lazy? Definitely just like in every industry and every other workplace imaginable there is always going to be someone trying to game the system and being lazy cutting corners any way they can. Definitely is girls who have it easy again just like in any other industry. Thread really needs to chill with "these girls are just lazy whores and sluts, why don't they just do this and that they could make way more money if they just did this".


Bathwater Drinker
Oct 21, 2023
So I’ve had a weird experience with a particular account.

It’s super obvious different people are messaging throughout the day (word patterns, response time patterns, terrible grammar at times, pushing super hard for me to buy content right at that moment). I haven’t paid super close attention, but I think it might actually be the same people doing the same shifts most days, based on all the stuff I listed above.

But then there have been times where we just chat for an hour with no mention of a ppv or money or anything. Idk if this is the actual model or if they’re playing some kind of long con at that point lol. I’ve spent a lot, so I’m sure I’m in some group on her account that’s separate from most others.

And I’ve asked for sexting sessions a couple times recently and she/they have asked me to wait until later. Completely opposite of the pushy attitude to buy content now. Are there like sexting specialists? Do you think I’m actually getting handed off to the model at that point and that’s when she’s free? Just so weird that there are completely different experiences at times.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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Depending on the size of the page, you could be talking to her directly every now and again. Or its just a ploy to get you to feel a connection where you would be more trusting and willing to spend money (Common tactic). When in doubt it is most likely a paid chatter talking to you. Advice is to not sext with her/them you could be just talking to Radesh from India, Like you said its super obvious its different people.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 24, 2023
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I get why agencies are used, there are really weird dudes on the internet so my gripe is that these agencies are screwing over the creators by selling them on the idea of "easy money" but in reality locking them into contracts with expensive exit clauses. Creators dealing with the shitty side are tempted to sign up and then the agencies goes to town because in reality they are all about the numbers and so one bad performing account doesn't matter because they have 50-100 more to make it up.


Sep 29, 2023
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The model that I’m subbed to and who I’m sure is running her page herself is often can say she can’t do sexting at the moment because she’s not home or having friends over or going to sleep or sometimes sick etc Even sometimes she warns that she has hair oil and silly hat on. When she sexts it’s definitely her though she’s sending videos of what she’s doing and saying name, responds exactly to what we talk about in 1 minute long videos, can wear specific outfits if I request. Also Snapchat sexting is definitely they can’t fake because purple snaps are recorded in live time only.

Imo things like this clearly tell if it’s girl herself or not, test it like I said - request something specific or do it on Snap.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
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100% agree with you, agencies are shitty but they seem like a necessary evil in a perfect world Onlyfans would require a page to disclose that the page is being ran by someone other than the model. But thats not going to happen because agencies line the pockets of Onlyfans and that is all they care about.


Bathwater Drinker
Oct 21, 2023
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I definitely don’t condone harassment and stalking. Respectfully, I think you’re missing the point a little. It sounds like both of those girls you brought up run their own accounts, so they would be part of the solution, not the problem that everyone here is complaining about.

There are absolutely accounts that are way too big and popular to be managed by the creator themselves. Anyone who’s been on OF for more than a minute knows you aren’t talking to those massively popular models.

I can only speak for me, but I’m talking about the ones that live a carefree life, vacation all the time, and specifically say on their page you’re talking to them, only to be clearly run by an agency. If you don’t want to put “account run by my agency” then fine, don’t. Just don’t put “come here if you want to talk directly to me!” If the only defense for lying about that is that they’ll make more money while having to do less work, I think it’s completely fair for people to get pissed off and complain about it.
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Goth & Latina Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
This gonna sound fucked up.. but one of these days one of these girls is gonna deal with some crazy stalker who thinks he's been talking to her... 😬


Mar 12, 2022
So if the account is run by the agency you are talking to a random person not the model?


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
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Agency have multiple people taking multiple models accounts, like it was said before they just try to resell content as much as possible, and answer in the most cringe and thirsty way possible.
For some models is understandable, they get nearly 300 messages daily, I just hate how they keep reposting old content without giving you any details


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 17, 2022
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they make more money without having to spend the entire day in front of their computer. the agency takes a percentage of the profits. it's only worth it for models who make lots of money.

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usually it's only very popular models who have agencies. go to page 1 of this thread and you'll see signs that let you know if it's an agency.


Bathwater Drinker
Jun 1, 2023
The other day one creator I was briefly subbed to during a trial had the agency accidentally send a bundle unlocked before deleting it later. The content was so bad it wasn't even worth downloading and sharing. Description said best POV and BJ clips but NONE of the clips had that. All the clips were like 6 seconds long with her doing nothing interesting. Big scam and I'm curious how much it would've cost if wasn't unlocked and feel sorry to anyone who bought that bundle before. Piss off enough fans and they'll sacrifice their account for deletion to hit the agency and the girl with chargeback fees which OnlyFans doesn't cover.
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