Simp Chat Vylerria | Jadeyanh Discussion thread


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
Lol she posted on her Twitter yesterday showcasing what she was like 3 years ago. Just a sneak peek but would always either be drunk or on ecstacy. Was a hot mess but still miss that jadey ngl


Jan 13, 2024
people who message the hoes online saying degenerate shit is pretty cringe. They ain’t going to fuck you lil bro.

Either you pay their account to pretend there's isn’t a man in turkey replying to you.

she probably have the right to get mad at the losers flooding her comments and inbox. Get your nut off and go about your day.


Tier 3 Sub
Jan 24, 2023
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Would it kill her to take some responsibility for once? Everyone knows there are creeps online, it's up to you to be safe. (Also, age of consent in germany is 14, it's 16 in most western countries, so not sure why she's claiming she was underage. Correct me if I'm wrong, i'm not all that familiar with german law)
First of all, it's common fucking sense that you remove underage pics of yourself from social media, especially if you have any level of fame. And second of all, her community was formed from her choices; she CHOSE to sexualise herself. Frankly kind of fucking weird to have sexual content on the same profile as underage pics.


Tier 3 Sub
Jan 24, 2023
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Disclaimer: I'm bout to have the most schizo take fyi, frankly because its fun.
1. You're right, she shouldn't, but that's not the world we live in. Using an analogy, imagine there's a minefield, signs everywhere warning people not to go in there, in an ideal world, these mines wouldn't be here, but they are. Assuming someone disregards common sense and strolls into the minefield and steps on one, most of the blame is on those who planted said mines, but the person who ignored common sense is also to blame; these things are not mutually exclusive. Social media is a minefield full of freaks, and she time and time again disregards common sense and then keeps none of the blame for herself.
Regardless, I reiterate my point in that it's weird to have sexual images of yourself on the same account as underage pictures; that's like cutting raw meat on the vege board
2. I also think they're freaks for saying that, but I'm also willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. This is where my point before about keeping the sexual and underage pics seperate; if you don't, theres no distinction between them. I doubt she put her age under the posts, so maybe some cracked out gooners made some idiotic and gross comments.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
here's a hot take. she had hidden these UA images once before already (2020 onwards). at some point she reenabled them. source: i dont remember them from her early years 2020 2021 or so and was genuinely surprised when i stumbled upon rather them recently, because they were older and more numerous than i ever remembered

plot twist: what if she reenabled them to bait coomers deliberately.

or maybe its all a hoax cuz i mixed up her main and alt IG accounts...knowing theres a 3rd private one as well.

edit: i dont get it, she still has 17yo cleavage images up on ja.dey so disregard all that...idk anymore
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
if this isnt the first time then whys she acting surprised at people commenting on her UA bait? just virtue signaling drama farming?


Night Crawler
Mar 15, 2022
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Because it's 2024 and controversy sells. :WeSmart:

But real talk, I've thought for a while now that she goes through phases of regretting her actions/decisions after she's made them. She knows her core audience is horny men who thirst over her pictures, and she plays into that by making her whole personality about sex, uploading teasing pictures of herself for profit or sometimes even doing it for her own personal satisfaction (we know her nymphomanic past). Any random person stumbling across her profiles would instantly come to that conclusion.

I would not be surprised if a lot of this calling out fans and shaming them for sexualising her is partially down to her regretting her own content choices. We've seen her trying to branch out to other things like streaming games, art, making music, etc., but she barely gets a following before she gives up and comes back to do streams talking about sex and uploading provocative pictures for her audience. She's conflicted af, and the whole 'shame on you' comes off like she's conflicted with her own image and the fact she's stuck in this sexualised bubble she's made for herself.


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 11, 2022
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100% with this. She would do gaming streams where she's covered up and it doesn't get the same attention as her just chatting streams with her cleavage for all to see, which almost always ends up talking about sex or the like. I forget when but she was convincing everyone (and herself) her content would change and play games on stream and then complain no one watches her gaming streams. People told her "well duh, no boobies" and she wanted to prove them wrong that people actually wanted to see different content, so she showed cleavage and her viewers went right back up.

Honestly I think she's pretty much reaping what she sowed, built an audience based on sex and that's what she's getting.

Honestly, I watched her gaming streams and it was pretty dull. She wasn't entertaining at all so I can understand the viewership drop. I hate to say this but her personality is literally her tits
Jun 21, 2022
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She's never wrong. It's as simple as that. And if she tells someone she feels bad about something, it magically absolves her of any faults or wrongdoings.

3 years from now she's gonna try to be innocent permanently and behave like her past doesn't define her in the slightest even though she's actively being a slut off stream/offline.