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Discussion VAllure Thread

Also to throw my hat into the ring, I'm genuinely convinced this girl has Multiple Personality Disorder or something. It's not strange for content creators to rebrand themselves, but like other people have pointed out: each of her personas fucking act differently, and you'll get a different response depending on what persona you bring up to which.

If I brought up Soe to Exoe, it'd fine. If I brought up Stronny to Exoe, it'd be fine. But if I bring up DTL to Stronny, then I'm liable to get my message deleted.

PS. RIP that one guy in Stronny's chat who said she sounded like DTL and got publically executed like twice.
Also to throw my hat into the ring, I'm genuinely convinced this girl has Multiple Personality Disorder or something. It's not strange for content creators to rebrand themselves, but like other people have pointed out: each of her personas fucking act differently, and you'll get a different response depending on what persona you bring up to which.

If I brought up Soe to Exoe, it'd fine. If I brought up Stronny to Exoe, it'd be fine. But if I bring up DTL to Stronny, then I'm liable to get my message deleted.

PS. RIP that one guy in Stronny's chat who said she sounded like DTL and got publically executed like twice.
This isn't even close to multiple personality disorder, you're letting fakers deceive you. She's just triking to keep up a facade, to keep her stuff separate. But Soe has always been tiptoeing the line between normal content and porn. You were just a victim of her mod staff, nothing else.
And no, they aren't "different" at all, in fact part of the fun comes from the fact that she changes nothing except names.
I think she does a very good job of hiding her accent as DTL. I'm Scottish myself - it took me a couple of months of hanging around in her (long defunct) discord before I twigged that she wasn't American and it was because I recognised the baking ingredients she was using in a cooking stream were from a major UK supermarket chain with the labels torn off.

Once you know she's Scottish there are some tells, but nothing big enough that I picked up on it beforehand. It seemed like an awful lot of work tbh, she had to maintain some pretty elaborate / layered lies to try and keep her story straight (to what end I'm not really sure - my knowledge of the DTL schizo lore iceberg doesn't go that deep).
Respect to a member of the OGs from the discord. It's sad how fondly I remember those days and I still keep up with a couple fellows
From an outside perspective, I think its very obvious that its her. If anything, I would believe she is trying to stay in a mid range audience so she doesn't get too much attention.
Jesus, was this thread the agreed meet up point for the DTL schizos to converge on?
To be fair, this is "her" project. She's wanted to be the leader of the pack and get into a position where she can profit off other girls for a long time.

From an outside perspective, I think its very obvious that its her. If anything, I would believe she is trying to stay in a mid range audience so she doesn't get too much attention.
Which is ridiculous because every iteration of her online presence has all of her quirks and mannerisms. At this point i'm betting on her not wanting her family to notice she does this for a living.
To be fair, this is "her" project. She's wanted to be the leader of the pack and get into a position where she can profit off other girls for a long time.

Which is ridiculous because every iteration of her online presence has all of her quirks and mannerisms. At this point i'm betting on her not wanting her family to notice she does this for a living.
I think you're absolutely correct. I just don't think she's that bright and leaves herself exposed. Its very likely she misunderstands how a digital footprint works, and that she doesn't have a good vocal range.
Her family knows everything about what she does for a living lol. DTL being Stronny is an open secret, she's gone over her reasons for separating stuff if you actually watch streams and follow her twitter, but I guess circlejerking about conspiracy theories is more entertaining.
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