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Simp Chat STPeach Retirement Party Simp Chat

That and you can tell by the way he interacts with her that she absolutely wears the pants. He has no control over her at all. When she was making out with that girl at the party he looked completely defeated and helpless trying to get her to stop lol I'd imagine it's that way for "most" E-girl boyfriends. They can replace a dude in a heartbeat and most of them are very average if not below average dudes. 9/10 she could fuck another dude and he'd be like oh well. Just the reality of being in that kind of scene. It's like 80s Hollywood. Plenty of swinging and such involved at these "parties" I'm sure.
Do you have the video with him trying to separate her making out with another girl? Looks priceless :ROFLMAO:
She doesn't know how to take flattering pictures of herself sometimes. She is embarrassed about getting nude but many of the pictures she takes look like she is constipated in agony trying to rip farts and are not flattering.

Girls are really dumb sometimes but that shouldn't surprise anybody cause she got cat fished by a 15 year old boy.
how much before? Its has 91 pages here LUL
Yeah it's somewhere in the content thread but I can't remember exactly where, I'll see if I can find it again.If it helps I remember there's a thumbnail, looking for a bout 8 people standing around in a room with purple lighting. I'll check later though. Maybe 10ish or so pages back.
Yeah it's somewhere in the content thread but I can't remember exactly where, I'll see if I can find it again.If it helps I remember there's a thumbnail, looking for a bout 8 people standing around in a room with purple lighting. I'll check later though. Maybe 10ish or so pages back.
Found it, its in page 78. She starts telling people she thinks jay kissing other girls its bad and then it cuts to her kissing fandy
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