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Simp Chat Pinkchyu - Discussion thread

jesus.... at this point I rly hope Yyy777 is just pink on her alt account. things got out of hand rly quickly here even tho its just highschool drama between people nobody here knows irl and I thought people are here to fap to some streamers and update people with the newest content but turns out I was wrong
Because that whole latter portion of your message is bound to a massive "if". I didn't know someone talked about Fream cheating, do you have it so i can read/listen it by any chance?

For the deleted tweets you could try the wayback machine, but i do remember how it went.
In the middle of the Genshin drama Envy brought up Tect's divorce and that was seen as a really low blow, and people went to Fream's profile and latched on a post she said saying "I'm free!" (From her subathon) and they implied it was free from Tect.
Fream made a post clarifying it and Tect commented on it to imply it was all good, to which Fream replied that it wasn't then nade a post saying that things weren't good with Tect but they were doing everything with lawyers (just like any normal divorce).
Then out of the fucking blue and with noone mentioning her Pinks replied calling her an stalker and that she was being acosted by her, then she went and made her own post with the pics related calling her out.
Of course people saw what the pics that Pinks herself posted implied and called her out, to which she then deleted everything and said "My bad, i'm gonna go with lawyers".

So yeah, she just randonly showed up, wanted to start shit and posted pics of a heavily implied relationship of some sort between the two.

Man this was a wall text and what an amazing site that has no character limit.
Sure, it's referenced here: https://simpcity.su/threads/pinkchyu-discussion-thread.162659/post-3530962 There's also mentions of it scattered around twitter when Pink first started talking about what's happened recently. But I'm far too lazy and not invested enough to look for them lmao.

About one part of your timeline, the fact that Fream was privately sharing camera footage from a house she's no longer a member of, to other people while slandering Pink was very blatant. (This was also 1 month AFTER the divorce was filed by Fream)

I guess from Pinkchyus perspective Fream would've 'started' it, if we treat the marriage and then divorce drama, and the Pinkchyu being 'stalked' drama as two seperate issues, I think its something that build up from a long time and some idiot drama farmer on twitter lit the flame. (Fream absolutely gave him the go-ahead to post that car argument though)
We're gonna learn the truth today anyway. She's going live and said she's going to make everything public and has recipts of everything.
There's no proof of any of what Pink is saying is true.

Let's learn the truth first and the motive behind everything first before we start pointing fingers and blindly believing people
if you actually read and heard all the info provided how is that blindly believing someone? you make no sense. defending Fream is blindly believing someone. All she said was "its all a lie" and "my lawyers haven't been contacted". She could easily debunk all the claims without putting herself in jeopardy if she was innocent but no she wants this to be swept under the rug. Also what motive would pink have? please tell me?
if you actually read and heard all the info provided how is that blindly believing someone? you make no sense. defending Fream is blindly believing someone. All she said was "its all a lie" and "my lawyers haven't been contacted". She could easily debunk all the claims without putting herself in jeopardy if she was innocent but no she wants this to be swept under the rug. Also what motive would pink have? please tell me?
so when are you going to show your tits...?
if you actually read and heard all the info provided how is that blindly believing someone? you make no sense. defending Fream is blindly believing someone. All she said was "its all a lie" and "my lawyers haven't been contacted". She could easily debunk all the claims without putting herself in jeopardy if she was innocent but no she wants this to be swept under the rug. Also what motive would pink have? please tell me?
No where did I say I was believing in Fream. I'm saying that Pink has no evidence to back up her claims and we should wait for actual evidence. Shit can easily be fabricated these days. Let's leave it to the behind the scenes people who are investigating this and wait for the outcome

Pink has no motive other than to maybe "cash in" on the whole drama that was happening and make Fream look like an awful human being.
I like both Pink and Fream, and I hate that this shit is happening
so when are you going to show your tits...?
Pink has before, if you mean full on nudity, then leave cause she won't do that for a while and it's best to stop asking.

Trust me, as someone who wants more of something from her as well, It's better to just be patient
We're gonna learn the truth today anyway. She's going live and said she's going to make everything public and has recipts of everything.

I dont care about this at all but I really hope for her sake it's actually new stuff and not her saying the same stuff she's been saying. Because if it is at that point its "i think the lady doth protest too much" tier
its kinda sus that she always says that nothing happened between her and tectone, but wont disclose what the "revenge porn" is:unsure:
No where did I say I was believing in Fream. I'm saying that Pink has no evidence to back up her claims and we should wait for actual evidence. Shit can easily be fabricated these days. Let's leave it to the behind the scenes people who are investigating this and wait for the outcome

Pink has no motive other than to maybe "cash in" on the whole drama that was happening and make Fream look like an awful human being.
I like both Pink and Fream, and I hate that this shit is happening
Saying "Pink has no evidence" then say "Pink has no motive other than maybe to cash in" makes me think you only believe in Fream, her major motive is to clear up her image of being a slut who "ruins" marriages.

from what it seems, Fream is salty af that Tectone left her ass. And going around the ppl around her to destroy those relationships.
Saying "Pink has no evidence" then say "Pink has no motive other than maybe to cash in" makes me think you only believe in Fream, her major motive is to clear up her image of being a slut who "ruins" marriages.

from what it seems, Fream is salty af that Tectone left her ass. And going around the ppl around her to destroy those relationships.
Which is strange since Fream is the one that filed for divorce. Unless it's an extreme version of pushing someone away to make them want you more lol

Edit: It's public record so i assume it's fine to show it.

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