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Guide Onlyfans Downloading - A complete guide for PC and Mobile

I decided to make my own downloader a few months ago because I was getting tired of digitalcriminals script having issues. Over the past 2-3 days I have been working on a method to download videos from within my program which are DRM protected and I've had some success! My script downloads all of the media from profiles you are subbed to and you can either download media from every single profile you are subbed to or you can select specific profiles you want to download from. I have tested downloading free DRM protected videos from both regular posts and messages but haven't had the opportunity to test if paid posts with videos in them and paid messages with videos in them are downloaded, the code is setup for both scenarios but I have no paid posts or paid messages to test with.

I have tried to explain in as much detail as possible everything you need in order to set up and use the program on the github page https://github.com/sim0n00ps/OF-DL. Hopefully I am alright with posting this here and hopefully it can help some people out!
I'm just giving it a go seeing as you have DRM support.
I'm getting stuck at what .net to download, I tried several but keeps flagging an error:


Which one of these is needed?
I'm just giving it a go seeing as you have DRM support.
I'm getting stuck at what .net to download, I tried several but keeps flagging an error:


Which one of these is needed?
You need version 7.0.4 it should be the next one down on the list, it's probably because I built the latest release using 7.0.4, not 7.0.5. You'll want to download the .NET runtime 7.0.4 hopefully that will fix it.
Same question though, there's several different runtimes, can you be a bit more clear as to which it is?

Same question though, there's several different runtimes, can you be a bit more clear as to which it is?

You can ignore ASP.NET Core Runtime and .NET Desktop Runtime. You just need the .NET Runtime 7.0.4, the bottom option which you highlighted in the screenshot
Cool, so I had to install the x86 version not the x64 version and it started, something to add to your guide

Next issue was I copied path to ffmpeg etc. with shift right click like suggested but the script didn't like that. I had to change the backslashes to forward slashes for it to recognise the locations.

And finally, maybe a note to not include the u at the start of a user ID. I made that mistake because I just copied stuff from Marcus' cookie helper.

Just running it on a profile now to see how it goes :)
Cool, so I had to install the x86 version not the x64 version and it started, something to add to your guide

Next issue was I copied path to ffmpeg etc. with shift right click like suggested but the script didn't like that. I had to change the backslashes to forward slashes for it to recognise the locations.

And finally, maybe a note to not include the u at the start of a user ID. I made that mistake because I just copied stuff from Marcus' cookie helper.

Just running it on a profile now to see how it goes :)
Yeah still early days so will definitely make some changes to the readme to make some clarifications. Hopefully it works for you.
It works, downloaded a paid DRM DM as well.

How are you dealing with the encryption keys. Is it the same key for everyone?

Suggestions for improvement:
The blue is too dark, not enough contrast to black, hard to see what it is you've selected.
I've got a lot of subs so this list selection is a bit annoying, not a major thing but something to look at in future.
It works, downloaded a paid DRM DM as well.

How are you dealing with the encryption keys. Is it the same key for everyone?

Suggestions for improvement:
The blue is too dark, not enough contrast to black, hard to see what it is you've selected.
I've got a lot of subs so this list selection is a bit annoying, not a major thing but something to look at in future.
Glad it worked. I'm getting the PSSH from the XML returned by making the request to the .mpd file and then crafting the license URL using the media ID and message ID for videos from messages and media ID and post ID for videos in regular posts. Then I use https://cdrm-project.com/ to get the decryption keys to then pass to mp4decrypt. I have no idea if they are the same for everyone or if they are different. Thanks for the feedback will definitely look into improving UI aspects in future, I'll see what I can do about the list to make it easier to use.
i installed the x86 .net version, but it's not showing up in --list-runtimes. Any ideas why? Windows 10. the stuff that is showing up is in program files, but this version is in program files x86.
i installed the x86 .net version, but it's not showing up in --list-runtimes. Any ideas why? Windows 10. the stuff that is showing up is in program files, but this version is in program files x86.
Are you running the command dotnet --list-runtimes or just --list-runtimes? You need the word dotnet at the beginning. Maybe try rebooting as well.
sim0n00ps I added a link to your first post about this script to the first post of this thread and in the other DRM guide thread I started
yeah, i did, just didn't wanna type it out again here. i did reboot, didn't work. ran your app anyway and it's scraping. finally something that works, couldn't get digitalcriminal and voldrix to work today.
Can you repackage OF-DL into a Mac compatible format like ".app" or ".pkg" for Mac users? Since I don't have Windows, Paralells, or Bootcamp on my Mac I can't natively run the OF DL.exe file.
Can you repackage OF-DL into a Mac compatible format like ".app" or ".pkg" for Mac users? Since I don't have Windows, Paralells, or Bootcamp on my Mac I can't natively run the OF DL.exe file.
I can definitely look into doing that
I decided to make my own downloader a few months ago because I was getting tired of digitalcriminals script having issues. Over the past 2-3 days I have been working on a method to download videos from within my program which are DRM protected and I've had some success! My script downloads all of the media from profiles you are subbed to and you can either download media from every single profile you are subbed to or you can select specific profiles you want to download from. I have tested downloading free DRM protected videos from both regular posts and messages but haven't had the opportunity to test if paid posts with videos in them and paid messages with videos in them are downloaded, the code is setup for both scenarios but I have no paid posts or paid messages to test with.

I have tried to explain in as much detail as possible everything you need in order to set up and use the program on the github page https://github.com/sim0n00ps/OF-DL. Hopefully I am alright with posting this here and hopefully it can help some people out!
I got this working and thought you should know it downloads everything except a paid DRM message video post I got today. It actually gets stuck on it and won't even download the non DRM messages from that creator
I decided to make my own downloader a few months ago because I was getting tired of digitalcriminals script having issues. Over the past 2-3 days I have been working on a method to download videos from within my program which are DRM protected and I've had some success! My script downloads all of the media from profiles you are subbed to and you can either download media from every single profile you are subbed to or you can select specific profiles you want to download from. I have tested downloading free DRM protected videos from both regular posts and messages but haven't had the opportunity to test if paid posts with videos in them and paid messages with videos in them are downloaded, the code is setup for both scenarios but I have no paid posts or paid messages to test with.

I have tried to explain in as much detail as possible everything you need in order to set up and use the program on the github page https://github.com/sim0n00ps/OF-DL. Hopefully I am alright with posting this here and hopefully it can help some people out!
Would it be possible to include an option whether you want to scrap everything, or just image or just video or just PPV in your inbox ? Right now it's working but it's downloading everything, which includes things that I don't need.

That being said, the tool is very easy to use once set up properly. Set up is very clear as well. Norton will try to delete it due to it's low reputation rating score but nothing suspicious.
I got this working and thought you should know it downloads everything except a paid DRM message video post I got today. It actually gets stuck on it and won't even download the non DRM messages from that creator
I went to download one person and she has 3 DRM videos on the feed and those are not download and i got stuck at 99% been like that for an hour
Would it be possible to include an option whether you want to scrap everything, or just image or just video or just PPV in your inbox ? Right now it's working but it's downloading everything, which includes things that I don't need.

That being said, the tool is very easy to use once set up properly. Set up is very clear as well. Norton will try to delete it due to it's low reputation rating score but nothing suspicious.
I will try and make that option a thing today hopefully.
I went to download one person and she has 3 DRM videos on the feed and those are not download and i got stuck at 99% been like that for an hour
Just a question, are the videos 3 sperate posts or are they all in 1?
Hi, for the Python Scrapper, it turns indefinitely without downloading any media, and for the fork of this one, it finishes but downloads nothing
I don't know why, all my cookies and everything is good, the tools get all my subs and everything
[old imgur media embed was here once, but it's now gone]
I'm pretty lost, don't know what to do
Can you help me so I can share content? Thanks :)
Still nobody that can help me ? :(
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