Simp Chat mira.004 discussion thread


Tier 3 Sub
Mar 22, 2022
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Exactly, everything else she does is so obviously transparent and clumsy, she literally just sits there and tells people to give her money and subs, there is absolutely no subtlety to her streams. It's a complete thirst trap, It isn't a complicated thing she's doing, and she doesn't hide it. Spending your life manipulating people into giving you money isn't the behaviour of a well adjusted person, it's base and cynical.

I don't think she's a virgin because of purity or morality or part of an elaborate act, I think it's because she's emotionally and socially stunted, and she seems to have no idea of how to relate to other people on a human level, and make an interpersonal connection - and to fake that day after day would require superhuman acting and immersion abilities.

I watch her vods because the whole show is hilarious, but it is like a car accident, you definitely don't want to be involved, but everyone slows down to have a look.
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Apr 9, 2023
I don't watch the stream that much - I mostly just look at pictures of her ass on instagram - so I'm not capable of giving you the full psychoanalytical breakdown, but from what I've seen it seems likely she has some cluster C personality type disorder. Just from watching her a little bit I can tell she's extremely neurotic, anxious, avoidant, prone towards depression, etc.
Possibly an undiagnosed case of the 'tism as well. Autism frequently goes undiagnosed in women because they don't suffer from the symptomatic expression of it as much i.e. they can get away with acting like social rucktards because chicks are given more leeway socially.
Also, despite sexualizing herself for financial gain, she's simultaneously very prudish. Judging from the leaked JOI videos I wonder if she's ever even seen a penis outside of a biology textbook.
I guess what I'm saying is that it wouldn't surprise me if she's genuinely a virgin, but I wouldn't bet my life on it.
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Bathwater Drinker
Mar 28, 2022
Haven't seen her in a while, why does everybody in her chat have "004" in their names


Oct 24, 2023
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The things that she is able to monetize to her audience are fucking ridicolous. From dudes paying to get a text saying good morning from her, to the overpriced merch she is going to make, to guys basically gambling on her wheel spin thing during her stream, or her just straight up bullying them to get a useless VPN subscription. She might be alongside the greatest entrepreneurs of our generation.

Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Mira.004.