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Simp Chat MaimyNyan Parasocial Activity Thread

Ive been in this situation myself so i know getting into therapy is usually the hardest. But i just realized maybe she quit when she moved to canada, that would make sense. Well, i just really hope she gets her shit together, for her sake and for ours.
When I went to a therapist she just told what I already knew deep down inside, she said At the end of the day no one can help you but your own self, so accept who you are, and try to live with it.
I learned to live with my situation and complaining will only makes the situation worse.
Different therapists follow different schools of thought. Some schools of thought don’t work for some people. Often you’ll have to try different therapists to find what works, which can be difficult.

If you have a condition like autism or adhd you will need a particular kind of therapy, that is difficult to get access to.

You can also have bad experiences with not so great therapists, in those situations you almost need therapy to deal with therapy.
You can also have bad experiences with not so great therapists, in those situations you almost need therapy to deal with therapy.
First of all: I think she mentioned she wanted to learn how to sing because she's always liked it but she wanted to "get better at it" or something? And something about being able to sing in ASMR videos (like a lullaby or something maybe?) Either that or I'm totally mandela effecting myself right now :peepoComfy:

Also speaking of mental health: It fucking sucks being as self critical as she is. As someone who's been very low mentally, I know how hard it can get. I never went to therapy, too autistic to actually take that step. But when things ended between me and my ex a few years ago I went into such an all-time low that I basically just wanted to disappear. I enjoyed nothing, thought about all my faults and things I could've done different, for literal months on end.
Eventually I just had enough. And this is what sucks about it because I can't really use this info to help anyone in a similar position, but for me it just kinda "clicked" one day.
I got tired of being sad, tired of feeling useless and feeling down. I basically just told myself "Fuck it, I don't wanna be sad anymore" and started trying to think differently on things. Sappy shit like "I'm only human" and "This is out of my control, so it's fine" and it unironically worked wonders. A few months or a year of that and I basically made a complete 180 turn. I'm in my late 20's with no job at the moment and I'm overweight, but I can honestly despite that say that I love myself for who I am and for where I am in life atm.
Are things great? Fuck no! :KEKW: But they're far from bad, and that's what matters. I am my own worst enemy but also my own best friend. Sometimes life sucks, sometimes I still have bad days. But you know what? Life keeps going, I have friends and family who love me (and you guys!) and that's enough for me. No matter what you do, time keeps ticking, life keeps moving forward and the best you can do is just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Apologies for the wall of text, but since this is something I kinda resonate with I felt like I should share :pepoLove:

I just hope Mai doesn't fall in too much of a lull and it affects her any more than it already has today :Sadge:

Apologies for the wall of text, but since this is something I kinda resonate with I felt like I should share :pepoLove:


Na im just kidding. Mental health struggles are a bitch do deal with. Very few can manage them on their own and if you keep putting off dealing with it, it only gets worse. And i dont know anybody that wouldnt benefit from a therapy even if its not necessary.
So i hope Mai gets back into therapy and gets her shit together not just because i want a steady stream of good vids but becaue it would be nice to know she is well. She deserves it.
Different therapists follow different schools of thought. Some schools of thought don’t work for some people. Often you’ll have to try different therapists to find what works, which can be difficult.

If you have a condition like autism or adhd you will need a particular kind of therapy, that is difficult to get access to.

You can also have bad experiences with not so great therapists, in those situations you almost need therapy to deal with therapy.
What if her therapist told her the only way for her to "fix" herself would be to stop making videos where she is imitating to have sex with her viewers, and telling them all the dirty stuff she would let them do to her?:monkaS::SadgeCry:😱:PepeWhy:
I basically made a complete 180 turn. I'm in my late 20's with no job at the moment and I'm overweight, but I can honestly despite that say that I love myself for who I am and for where I am in life atm.
Are things great? Fuck no! :KEKW: But they're far from bad, and that's what matters. I am my own worst enemy but also my own best friend. Sometimes life sucks, sometimes I still have bad days. But you know what? Life keeps going, I have friends and family who love me (and you guys!) and that's enough for me. No matter what you do, time keeps ticking, life keeps moving forward and the best you can do is just sit back and enjoy the ride.

this thread very likely has the best chemistry between users in the entire site. The fact that the (soon-to-be-former) Patients :KEKWlaugh: are included in the list of your closest people speaks for itself.
First of all: I think she mentioned she wanted to learn how to sing because she's always liked it but she wanted to "get better at it" or something? And something about being able to sing in ASMR videos (like a lullaby or something maybe?) Either that or I'm totally mandela effecting myself right now :peepoComfy:

Also speaking of mental health: It fucking sucks being as self critical as she is. As someone who's been very low mentally, I know how hard it can get. I never went to therapy, too autistic to actually take that step. But when things ended between me and my ex a few years ago I went into such an all-time low that I basically just wanted to disappear. I enjoyed nothing, thought about all my faults and things I could've done different, for literal months on end.
Eventually I just had enough. And this is what sucks about it because I can't really use this info to help anyone in a similar position, but for me it just kinda "clicked" one day.
I got tired of being sad, tired of feeling useless and feeling down. I basically just told myself "Fuck it, I don't wanna be sad anymore" and started trying to think differently on things. Sappy shit like "I'm only human" and "This is out of my control, so it's fine" and it unironically worked wonders. A few months or a year of that and I basically made a complete 180 turn. I'm in my late 20's with no job at the moment and I'm overweight, but I can honestly despite that say that I love myself for who I am and for where I am in life atm.
Are things great? Fuck no! :KEKW: But they're far from bad, and that's what matters. I am my own worst enemy but also my own best friend. Sometimes life sucks, sometimes I still have bad days. But you know what? Life keeps going, I have friends and family who love me (and you guys!) and that's enough for me. No matter what you do, time keeps ticking, life keeps moving forward and the best you can do is just sit back and enjoy the ride.

Apologies for the wall of text, but since this is something I kinda resonate with I felt like I should share :pepoLove:

I just hope Mai doesn't fall in too much of a lull and it affects her any more than it already has today :Sadge:
Being 100% serious for a moment, you're a beautiful human being and you are loved. The world would be a darker place without you.

The thing about therapy, about talking is that these kind of things can only work if you want them to; and in that I mean more than simply saying "I want to get better". Maimy like most people comes across as someone who needs constant validation.
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