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Simp Chat MaimyNyan Parasocial Activity Thread

So Voice Coaching didn't go as planned and immediately everything went to shit. I feel like she has 0 ability to handle upsets and throwbacks and at the same time she is kind of a perfectionist and doesn't like it when her videos aren't perfect but on the other hand she doesnt seem to put too much effort into them. Maybe im wrong but that what its looks like to me.
I think she said today on stream only one of her videos ever lived up to the picture in her head. I think she said the "tavern" video so at least we know she can put out videos she doesn't see as perfect. She just chooses not to more often than not. Which is holding her back. I would hate to see her quit but I think people will quit her before she quits them
No. I think she's going to scrap it.:PepeWhy:
So, she stopped going to therapy. That might explain her sudden increase in body dysmorphia.
Ok she went to the studio, and she discovered that she cant sing, whooopti fucking dooo, and now she's back to depression
, but what I don't understand is why did she tried to do multiple things in the same day, ok stream on Twitch then go to a singing class, ok then go back and try to edit and maybe refilm some parts of the video.
IN FAIRNESS - There's some crazy shit going on in Brazil right now, and I think it's enough to put anyone on edge.
If it was the first time something like this happend I would say that you are probably right. But it happens all the time. I mean look at the amount of Vids she worked on, and canceled, that we know of. There are probably dozens more that we dont know about.


Not looking good at all
Mai is the definition of "No matter how hot she is, someone out there is sick of dealing with her shit". She's always either sick, or tired, or needs a break or is depressed.. always something. And look, everyone goes through sht and I wish her the best and all, but how many times have we've seen this stuff/cycle by now? She makes a comeback, starts out slow, seems to find her groove again, becomes insanely active on all her platforms, starts a million projects only to have a mental breakdown and piss off for a couple of months, repeat.

At times, it almost feels like she's aware of the fact she's the only one making proper NSFW ASMR, so she almost tries to overcompensate... idk.
Ok she went to the studio, and she discovered that she cant sing, whooopti fucking dooo, and now she's back to depression
, but what I don't understand is why did she tried to do multiple things in the same day, ok stream on Twitch then go to a singing class, ok then go back and try to edit and maybe refilm some parts of the video.
Part of me is curious and wonders what the instructor said to her that upset her. "Holy fuck, Mai. Why did you assault my ears with the sound of a dying cat being anally raped?!" :peepoGiggles:
damn.... working on a project, and then hating it after hours is a shitty feeling. I hope she doesn't discard the video and that she finds good vibes in her life.:PepeWhy::peepoShrug:
I hope so too. Hopefully she at least releases the youtube version. Maybe a positive reaction to that will encourage her. I know we shit on her choices here and meme about it but its just the frustrations talking

Being your own boss isn't for everyone, maybe she needs some structure in her life
Part of me is curious and wonders what the instructor said to her that upset her. "Holy fuck, Mai. Why did you assault my ears with the sound of a dying cat being anally raped?!" :peepoGiggles:
Its probably not even that. The instructor probably said "There is a decent base level there that we can work with but still lots of room to improve" and what Mai heard was what you said. Because you know, she wasn't perfect on first try.
I always find it fascinating how often this scenario happens...

Girl has many that consider her 'perfect' and 'a goddess' , while she doesn't even have it in her to even LIKE herself..
I can only speak for myself but it happens to me too. I have been called perfect by many but I never believe it :KEKWlaugh:

But seriously those kind of thoughts suck to deal with. Rough stuff
I think she said today on stream only one of her videos ever lived up to the picture in her head. I think she said the "tavern" video so at least we know she can put out videos she doesn't see as perfect. She just chooses not to more often than not. Which is holding her back. I would hate to see her quit but I think people will quit her before she quits them
I mean look at the tavern video. There was a lot more effort in it then 3 hours of Filming and 3 Hours of editing. It had a decent script, a very nice Set and a cool costume. If she would go back to actually put in the effort, her videos would improve again.
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