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Simp Chat lilynstitch discussion thread

sometimes i didn’t know who i was speaking to for me i could never really tell from the way they speak they all seem quite similar maybe im just stupid lol. I only ever figured out who i was speaking to cause of the things they were talking about and i would catch onto it. their slang seem to be repetitive with saying “yk, btw, wbu and idk” etc but once i said i was tired and fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night and she was annoyed at me for falling asleep? she had a go at me in a way and i ignored it and went back to sleep and woke up in the morning and she sent me a massive paragraph saying “im sorry😔 i have woke up in the middle of the night thinking of you. I got ahead of myself and enjoy your company i don’t want your money I just want to go back to us talking everyday like we did” that made me think that can’t be an agency right? Like what agency in their right mind goes out their way to say sorry to someone and just wants to talk for long periods of hours all day. cos at the start we was talking for hours every day and she was sending me essays of paragraphs sending me like 5-10 videos and pictures of her everyday life for free where she was going what food she was eating what she was wearing etc thats when I knew I was talking to her and Idk i had a feeling she had a soft spot for me but i just believed she was doing that to everyone else lol so never paid attention to it
i hate to tell you but that was totally the agency playing you with the sorry bit. they did something similar to me when i noticed it wasnt her and i just left the chat because she left and said it was getting late, and then there is a message all cheery and the tone and sentence structure changed a lot and littered with emojis like every other agency. i cant really say who you were talking to all the time because she wasnt on there 24 7 either, but there were ways to tell if and only if you could notice it. if you were talking to the agency first, and not her, you could have just been talking to the same chatter at that time. she didnt really get all cute with anyone though, again hate to say this to you. she was just chatting about different things and was really a back and forth with her, she didnt try to come on in any way. the agency did though. they tried that shit big time and i just ignored it.
sometimes i didn’t know who i was speaking to for me i could never really tell from the way they speak they all seem quite similar maybe im just stupid lol. I only ever figured out who i was speaking to cause of the things they were talking about and i would catch onto it. their slang seem to be repetitive with saying “yk, btw, wbu and idk” etc but once i said i was tired and fell asleep and woke up in the middle of the night and she was annoyed at me for falling asleep? she had a go at me in a way and i ignored it and went back to sleep and woke up in the morning and she sent me a massive paragraph saying “im sorry😔 i have woke up in the middle of the night thinking of you. I got ahead of myself and enjoy your company i don’t want your money I just want to go back to us talking everyday like we did” that made me think that can’t be an agency right? Like what agency in their right mind goes out their way to say sorry to someone and just wants to talk for long periods of hours all day. cos at the start we was talking for hours every day and she was sending me essays of paragraphs sending me like 5-10 videos and pictures of her everyday life for free where she was going what food she was eating what she was wearing etc thats when I knew I was talking to her and Idk i had a feeling she had a soft spot for me but i just believed she was doing that to everyone else lol so never paid attention to it
The fact that I had almost exactly the same experience, word for word with "her" makes me lean towards it wasn't ever her. These agencies are operating very differently, more like stock brokers than anything else, they will pass guys around a room to different chatters try different things. They build and keep profiles on us and use that as ammo to get us invested. If you make someone feel special they are more likely to stay on even if things seem off. Sure, not making money off you the moment you sign up and start chatting, but in the long run they more than make up for it. They have this game figured out. It's not pickpoketing, it's a long con.
The fact that I had almost exactly the same experience, word for word with "her" makes me lean towards it wasn't ever her. These agencies are operating very differently, more like stock brokers than anything else, they will pass guys around a room to different chatters try different things. They build and keep profiles on us and use that as ammo to get us invested. If you make someone feel special they are more likely to stay on even if things seem off. Sure, not making money off you the moment you sign up and start chatting, but in the long run they more than make up for it. They have this game figured out. It's not pickpoketing, it's a long con.
That is funny because I had some of those same elements too. Again I ignored it when it happened but that was only because I went into it expecting an agency to respond. I just had to try to figure out how and was essentially blind not knowing much. The easiest one was when the agency sent me some random pictures and I happened to be talking to her that I can say was certain, and i thanked her for the pics and she didnt even know what i was talking about. I knew it was from them since the format was just like every other agency, and it was when she would have likely been sleeping. You are right about all of that though and they know how to play the game. They have scripts and flow charts and its a whole goddamn enterprise that is meant to sponge up as much money as they can. Not all of them are in it for the quick buck, but they will get there once they get established. They also bank on dudes being dudes and thinking with their dick instead :PepePolice:
i hate to tell you but that was totally the agency playing you with the sorry bit. they did something similar to me when i noticed it wasnt her and i just left the chat because she left and said it was getting late, and then there is a message all cheery and the tone and sentence structure changed a lot and littered with emojis like every other agency. i cant really say who you were talking to all the time because she wasnt on there 24 7 either, but there were ways to tell if and only if you could notice it. if you were talking to the agency first, and not her, you could have just been talking to the same chatter at that time. she didnt really get all cute with anyone though, again hate to say this to you. she was just chatting about different things and was really a back and forth with her, she didnt try to come on in any way. the agency did though. they tried that shit big time and i just ignored it.
yeah the me falling asleep thing i didn’t pay much attention to lol that’s why I ignored it at first cause they were just getting all flirty and stuff with me and then I was gone they probably thought they was hitting the jackpot but then I went😂. but they rest i know for a fact it was her without going into much detail she told me where she was actually from not Oahu and when I found out her real identity she told me yeah it’s me and told me so much more about herself which the agency said the complete opposite too but also begged me not to say anything but yeah again I didn’t pay much attention to because it’s on OF. and with the videos with the fit checks and what she was eating where she was also saying my name in the videos which i know agencies can say quickly make this video and send it to us but this was like an everyday occurrence for like 2 weeks which I don’t think the agencies would do
The fact that I had almost exactly the same experience, word for word with "her" makes me lean towards it wasn't ever her. These agencies are operating very differently, more like stock brokers than anything else, they will pass guys around a room to different chatters try different things. They build and keep profiles on us and use that as ammo to get us invested. If you make someone feel special they are more likely to stay on even if things seem off. Sure, not making money off you the moment you sign up and start chatting, but in the long run they more than make up for it. They have this game figured out. It's not pickpoketing, it's a long con.
Like I said on my other comment when I fell asleep and she got annoyed I didn’t pay much attention to it lol. but the rest was 100% her like I said videos of her saying my name and lengthy paragraphs I mean like essays😂 I know agencies can do that but she told me so much about herself when the agencies were saying the opposite? she told me where she actually lived, who she lives with (when the agency said she had no siblings) but in fact she does, where she went to high school etc i could go on and when i mentioned i knew her real identity she was open to tell me about her even more and didn’t react to it and told me just keep it between us too but yeah I idk i didnt pay much attention to it then but now it seemed legit lol
yeah the me falling asleep thing i didn’t pay much attention to lol that’s why I ignored it at first cause they were just getting all flirty and stuff with me and then I was gone they probably thought they was hitting the jackpot but then I went😂. but they rest i know for a fact it was her without going into much detail she told me where she was actually from not Oahu and when I found out her real identity she told me yeah it’s me and told me so much more about herself which the agency said the complete opposite too but also begged me not to say anything but yeah again I didn’t pay much attention to because it’s on OF. and with the videos with the fit checks and what she was eating where she was also saying my name in the videos which i know agencies can say quickly make this video and send it to us but this was like an everyday occurrence for like 2 weeks which I don’t think the agencies would do
no i believe it. she was really open about herself and treating OF like another social media account. if she got personal and everything it was because she is a friendly person. there was no sexual conversation with her on my part and having been to hawaii enough times, i knew enough to talk to her about it, but without being too exposing here, she didnt have a problem with people knowing it seems but she was not going to advertise it to the masses either. i just dont think she was counting on it to play out like it did in her personal life. its hard to say what was sent to you because the agencies do use videos and even AI to edit anything that i would be so skeptical of them. i would bet you got videos and had conversations with her, but even if it was really her, she knows shes in it to make money on the back of her mind. she could be nice but she has a bf so i mean you have to question what is up here. these girls are coached hard and given all kinds of tips and tricks and they will pull out everything. the genuine part is harder to see through but she isnt one of those bratty or entitled girls. even though it was a short run, until further notice anyway, she was a little too innocent for the OF grift :KEKWlaugh:
Like I said on my other comment when I fell asleep and she got annoyed I didn’t pay much attention to it lol. but the rest was 100% her like I said videos of her saying my name and lengthy paragraphs I mean like essays😂 I know agencies can do that but she told me so much about herself when the agencies were saying the opposite? she told me where she actually lived, who she lives with (when the agency said she had no siblings) but in fact she does, where she went to high school etc i could go on and when i mentioned i knew her real identity she was open to tell me about her even more and didn’t react to it and told me just keep it between us too but yeah I idk i didnt pay much attention to it then but now it seemed legit lol
it sounds like some of us all had similar experiences with her and her agency too. which is to be expected given how they are present. she is who she is and it isnt too hard to see some things. i never asked her any actual personal info and what she shared was on her, but that agency was really dumb to not even get basic facts right. i thought about trying to call them out but i instead made it a point to waste their time if i had free time then. but it wasnt really wasted since they were just in the chatting phase of their grift until they moved on, but that didnt take long to implode. i hope all of these agencies go under but doubtful it will happen since they bring in some real money to OF. i also hope she returns but without an agency, but i am just as skeptical that will happen at this point. only time will reveal whats next.
it sounds like some of us all had similar experiences with her and her agency too. which is to be expected given how they are present. she is who she is and it isnt too hard to see some things. i never asked her any actual personal info and what she shared was on her, but that agency was really dumb to not even get basic facts right. i thought about trying to call them out but i instead made it a point to waste their time if i had free time then. but it wasnt really wasted since they were just in the chatting phase of their grift until they moved on, but that didnt take long to implode. i hope all of these agencies go under but doubtful it will happen since they bring in some real money to OF. i also hope she returns but without an agency, but i am just as skeptical that will happen at this point. only time will reveal whats next.
Just a shame our similar experiences didn't come with better views of her pussy, lmao. I only ever got her "shower set" I see that's already been shared. After that $600+ I wasn't going to waste anything else.
Just a shame our similar experiences didn't come with better views of her pussy, lmao. I only ever got her "shower set" I see that's already been shared. After that $600+ I wasn't going to waste anything else.
damn how much videos did you buy for that much? I wonder how much content she actually had cause I feel like there’s a lot more than what’s been posted on here
Just a shame our similar experiences didn't come with better views of her pussy, lmao. I only ever got her "shower set" I see that's already been shared. After that $600+ I wasn't going to waste anything else.
lmao thats what im saying too. it also seems those that spent around that amount are the ones who got sent anything at all. i missed the day of the meltdown, but i saw after the fact they sent some of those things, but they were then removed from my messages. i didnt know what they were as i was on here :KEKWlaugh: . the times matched up exactly but if anything else is sent ill buy it just to see. i sent several short messages with tips to try to get a response but it has been over a day since i heard anything. thats where im suspicious of what is next. if the agency does manage to take control of it, hopefully they go all in and start sending content because it will be bought. or hopefully she takes it over and starts sending content because it will be bought just the same :KEKWlaugh::KEKWlaugh:
no i believe it. she was really open about herself and treating OF like another social media account. if she got personal and everything it was because she is a friendly person. there was no sexual conversation with her on my part and having been to hawaii enough times, i knew enough to talk to her about it, but without being too exposing here, she didnt have a problem with people knowing it seems but she was not going to advertise it to the masses either. i just dont think she was counting on it to play out like it did in her personal life. its hard to say what was sent to you because the agencies do use videos and even AI to edit anything that i would be so skeptical of them. i would bet you got videos and had conversations with her, but even if it was really her, she knows shes in it to make money on the back of her mind. she could be nice but she has a bf so i mean you have to question what is up here. these girls are coached hard and given all kinds of tips and tricks and they will pull out everything. the genuine part is harder to see through but she isnt one of those bratty or entitled girls. even though it was a short run, until further notice anyway, she was a little too innocent for the OF grift :KEKWlaugh:
We spoke yesterday in DMs about my situation with her if you remember haha. So yeah you probably understand it better now but the videos 100% were not AI i can tell you that.
damn how much videos did you buy for that much? I wonder how much content she actually had cause I feel like there’s a lot more than what’s been posted on here
im going to go out on a limb here and say it probably wasnt all for content. much of what was spent was getting to know her and just tips through conversation. then the PPVs rolled in real fast
Just to clarify, you guys never chatted with Lily on OF, not once. The agency employs several people to respond to messages and they take turns in shifts so that "Lily" can be available to chat 24/7. If you noticed a change in tone or language, it's not because they were switching between the model and the agency. They were switching between Employee #2 and Employee #3.
We spoke yesterday in DMs about my situation with her if you remember haha. So yeah you probably understand it better now but the videos 100% were not AI i can tell you that.
oh yeah i remember what you are saying. lol my bad man. i didnt mean that you were the ones getting AI messages, but i am always super skeptical of them because i have seen it or had it sent to me by others and its like, really? you couldnt at least clip something stupid like the other agencies? props for going that far but you can just lie to me like a normal person :KEKWlaugh:
lmao thats what im saying too. it also seems those that spent around that amount are the ones who got sent anything at all. i missed the day of the meltdown, but i saw after the fact they sent some of those things, but they were then removed from my messages. i didnt know what they were as i was on here :KEKWlaugh: . the times matched up exactly but if anything else is sent ill buy it just to see. i sent several short messages with tips to try to get a response but it has been over a day since i heard anything. thats where im suspicious of what is next. if the agency does manage to take control of it, hopefully they go all in and start sending content because it will be bought. or hopefully she takes it over and starts sending content because it will be bought just the same :KEKWlaugh::KEKWlaugh:
ill be real honest from what I know she’s not coming back or if she does it will be some kind of B/G content with her BF if he somehow forgave her but from the sounds of it he said “that’s it im done” kind of thing. But then if that was the case i dont understand her deleting everything if they broke up wouldn’t you just carry on? idk this is like a murder investigation lol
oh yeah i remember what you are saying. lol my bad man. i didnt mean that you were the ones getting AI messages, but i am always super skeptical of them because i have seen it or had it sent to me by others and its like, really? you couldnt at least clip something stupid like the other agencies? props for going that far but you can just lie to me like a normal person :KEKWlaugh:
yeah haha i understand I’ve heard situations like it before. the agencies can be right stupid sometimes
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