Support JPG Church throwing Error 403 or ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR

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Bathwater Drinker
Apr 2, 2023
Hello guys, something weird is happening since today. Everytime I click any picture that sends me to JPG Church or any of it servers it throws me Error 403 Access Denied.
Yesterday it was working just fine, nothing on my side has changed since then (No updates Google Chrome, no new extensions -I use Ublock Origin-, nothing installed on my PC whatsoever, hell even no changes on my ISP -yes I checked-)

I cleared browsing data, cache and cookies both simpcity and JPG Church, still nothing, however, I can get it to open on Incognito mode but lets say it works 40% of the time.

Maybe missing something? to much fap burned through my last 2 neurons? Google spying on us? So many questions man

I know that Error 403 is an error server side but I'm just making sure is not my fault, unless JPG Church is blocking south american users. I haven't tried VPN tho.

Solution has now been replaced with which should resolve the issue.

All links in posts have been replaced with just in case whatever the issue was prevents redirects from functioning correctly. Note, I cant easily update profile posts, conversation messages etc so they'll just stay as jpg3.

We know the captcha still needs updating, this should be done tomorrow, captcha is only shown when logging in from some IPs so until the captcha is fixed you can workaround this by trying a different VPN server.

If you are still getting 403 errors or similar with please let us know.


Toe Peeper
Jun 23, 2022
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For me the cloudflare dns change did nothing. If it helps any with diagnosis, I have a link that goes through and a link that doesn't go through. I clicked them seconds apart and they have the same results. One lets me see the pic the other says access denied.

Access denied link:
Please, Log in or Register to see links and images

Link that goes through and you can see pic:
Please, Log in or Register to see links and images

EDIT: retested after I sent it and the access denied link let me through. lol I have no Idea.
Mar 27, 2022
Add me to the list of ppl having issues. Sometimes it works other times its just a blank white page sometimes its an access denied message. This is in Firefox and Brave.

As mentioned earlier turning on my VPN works and I still having gotten an error using it yet.

A more low tech work around that I never had issues with was using a private window/session

EDIT: the private window started doing the blank white screen thing. VPN fix still works though


Broke Boi
Mar 8, 2022
Its believed the issue is DDOS-Guard related so it could well be some of their servers in America are messing up again which is why the VPN option might be working best.
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