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Captain Marvel

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 10, 2022
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1. Technically there is no way to do that. For most of those Premium thread's members who trying to help are well known. Main issue here it's with CW thread. Maybe we can figure it out with those who already helping and want to help tho (DM me if u have an idea and etc.).

2. We can not allow those kind a post's on main thread's. I mean there is a place where everyone can discuss an specific model, also a place where they can share what they have. As they are now categorys/threads are look pretty neat. So there is no need for such changes.
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Toe Peeper
Jun 23, 2022
I think request content should be merged with the main thread they are part of and then deleted. That way when you do a search only the unanswered requests remain and the main thread with all the content. Keeps the request posts clutter down and the search cleaner. Consolidates the content under one thread. Reduces reposts of content from the request thread in the main thread. Instead of seeing 10 request posts of one girl and 9 of them are answered, you'd see the content from the 9 posts in the main thread and 1 request post.

Another idea could be a request post thread for the model in question. Like, discussion thread, content thread, request thread. So there aren't 10 request posts for 1 girl asking for different content in each of the 10 threads. Instead having 1 thread where people would post requests and as they are marked answered, the content is moved into the main thread. Kind of like a trigger, request thread linked to content thread. If message marked answered, if and only if reply has links, then replies moved to main thread and request and replies are deleted from request thread. Request thread remains even if empty with only 1 post, the initial post directing people to the content thread and the discussion thread.

Captain Marvel

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 10, 2022
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So there is a 1493 page's with 20 thread's per page in Request category. So staff should check every single thread for every single marked answer and move em to main thread?

Like i said we do allow request's although there is already that specific model have a main thread.

Also the main idea at least on our forum it's to sharing some content, no a Request's forum only tho :).
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Toe Peeper
Jun 23, 2022
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You don't have to do it all at once, or at all. But moving forward would be good for consolidation at least. People are gonna request regardless. So a request thread is not gonna change the main idea of the forum. Requests don't only serve as a, "give me this", it also serves as a "there's this kind of content out there."

Captain Marvel

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 10, 2022
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Like i said the main idea it's contributing with content, not asking for more. Doing changes for favor to a request's will not help at all. Serving "there's this kind of content out there" without any content also it's pointless for us. Most of the request's are filled with non-content post's instead some content. Of course most of them will continue to do requests and it always will be a part of the whole idea, but let's to reduce it to a minimum :).
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Bathwater Drinker
Jan 11, 2022
I dont know if this suggestion has been made or even how difficult it is to do lol. But like when you mouseover like the little thumbnail on a thread... have it show a bigger pic of the model. I dont remember what forum it was but thats quite useful imho :)


Dark Lord of the Simps
Aug 28, 2022
Separate the General Discussion Thread into; Model Discussion Threads and then Other General Discussion?

You could possibly break to down further into Models, 'Interests' such as "Women of Professional Wrestling" & "Gloryhole Swallow Discussion Thread", the other for all the "Where are they now?" and "What are you currently listening to", but that may be getting too detailed and trying to decide could get messy.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 12, 2022
You could hide the site from Google results and also block non-users from viewing content. I search the name of the forum and the name of some model and it returns the result and even images are visualized by Google Images. It seems inevitable not to use "@" and numbers to describe model names, as the result is open to anyone who knows the least about this universe.

Captain Marvel

Bathwater Drinker
Mar 10, 2022
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Using @, 1, 0 or similar things for describing model names and etc. will make it almost impossible to users who are looking for a particular model. That's why we do not allow such kind a things. Using em will not help at all.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 11, 2022
Suggestion: create a [nevernude] thread prefix.

I like to browse threads of girls I’ve never seen or don’t know anything about, but it gets a bit annoying to figure out if they’re a nevernude or not.

A thread prefix indicating this would be pretty useful, I think. Like, aside from the source prefixes (OF, IG, YT, etc), there are also ones for things like MILF etc, so the precedent is there. I guess a possible concern is that people who make threads might not want to indicate the girl doesn’t do nudity, which would essentially create more work for mods… but then again, it should also eliminate the “does she ever show her tits“ posts that you guys have to deal with.

What do you guys think?
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