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  • We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.

Feedback Ideas and Suggestions

:peepoSad: I understand, the key issue here is that the responsibility for many failed pools would fall on your shoulders. So, since the only option is to do it privately, I’d like to know if at least the idea of pooling can be suggested in the model discussion threads. I say this because, for example, otherwise one would have to send a lot of DMs to people who might potentially be interested (based on what they post in the discussion threads), and it could come across as some kind of "user is sending a lot of msgs, it might be (bot) spam" by filters that forum might have. Thank you in advance, now I know.
Can we get a Preferences option to change the number of threads listed on our watched page? It's currently 20 which feels a bit limiting now that I've started watching more threads than that. Especially for threads that have fallen off of page 1 it is often quicker to just do a site search for what I'm looking for rather than ctrl-f on page 1,2,3,4 etc. until I find it.

Could reduce site traffic a little too if there's a lot of people using the search like that, eh? eh?
:peepoSad: I understand, the key issue here is that the responsibility for many failed pools would fall on your shoulders. So, since the only option is to do it privately, I’d like to know if at least the idea of pooling can be suggested in the model discussion threads. I say this because, for example, otherwise one would have to send a lot of DMs to people who might potentially be interested (based on what they post in the discussion threads), and it could come across as some kind of "user is sending a lot of msgs, it might be (bot) spam" by filters that forum might have. Thank you in advance, now I know.

No, you aren't allowed to suggest it in threads. If you do so you will receive warnings and potentially a temporary/permanent site ban.

Similarly messaging users to suggest/discuss it will also result in action, if reported.
This may sound dumb, but could we get a mute feature on our posts? It’s a little annoying when the alerts page gets clogged up with reactions
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