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Discussion General VTuber Drama / Gossip Thread

future talents should 100% include some sort of royalties clause in their contracts. or cover should offer it. there no way this can be sustainable financially. ending a successful IP like that. if they offer royalties after say staying for 3-4 years it would encourage retention and they would be able to continue profit off the IP long after theyre gone.
I know this may shock you, partner, but some bitches are actually gay; and statistically some of them have to be VTubers. I don't give a fuck about the keyfable or about the chuuba ships; I just know some women enjoy fornicating with other women and I know a woman fornicator when I see one. Kson likes chicks. Maybe she likes cocks too, but she 100% likes chicks.
Didn't say they can't be gay but it's clear a lot of them yuri bait despite having partners. Not that there's anything wrong with it but to suggest they're banging each other is just delusional coomer brain in action.
Didn't say they can't be gay but it's clear a lot of them yuri bait despite having partners. Not that there's anything wrong with it but to suggest they're banging each other is just delusional coomer brain in action.
Oh, I agree most of them are yuri baiting for coomer bucks, I just disagree Kson is one of them. That woman loves pussy as much as us.
Hm... I dunno. Going by Pekora, Marine, Botan and Suisei, a lot of people tried dissuading her from graduating. I would imagine things would be WAY grayer if this was an administration issue. There's also the fact that the HoloStars and Hololive integration only ever worked decently post 4th generation with Tempus, Myth and Council. This is sadly not new, it happened before.

Especially if we're to believe Pekora and Suisei, plus Aqua not wanting people to speculate, this is a personal issue. Which, going by all the organizational culture talks, seems to be what we (and the JP bros) usually speculated: being an idol vtuber in a small agency is one thing. Being an idol vtuber in an agency the size of the current Hololive while having to juggle untreated neurodivergence and/or mental illness, is another thing entirely.

I think this is mostly her being chuuni - except all her references to Coco's graduation. Since, well, all those years and she's the first one getting a decent send-off.

So, something that may or may not really tell she was already well intending to graduate, as I believe here it was mentioned and she was on hiatus for a good while during 2023, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but in her fanbox (as Rin-chan), the latest post she made in it (at march 19th) suggest that she had a lot going through, and some of the wording, not saying it outright says or implies anything, but reading it gives one the idea she was already struggling quite a lot even by late 2023.

Thankfully Kemono had her Fanbox page in it, so it was a matter of just using Google Translate, again apologies for the weird and rigid wording, but you sometimes need to take Google Translations with a huge spoon of salt, kek. Still here's her Fanbox post.

Original FANBOX (Paid) Post
Same Fanbox post in Kemono.

Just wanted to let you know.

I finally got the iPhone 15 Pro!

I've been using the 13 for a long time, but I've finally upgraded to the new model!

(The 13 has passed away...)

The camera on the Pro model seems to have amazing image quality,
so I'm really looking forward to taking pictures (◜◡◝)

To everyone who has been in my Fanbox.

I'm really sorry it's been so long since I last posted.

I've been busy and haven't been able to update for a while,
but thank you all for waiting...!

There have been a lot of difficult things over the past year,
and I've had many opportunities to look back on myself,
so I'm updating my Fanbox now.

I've always had a hard time fitting in with society,
and I can't do the obvious things,
and I can't do the same things as everyone else,
and I often struggle and struggle in a suffocating environment.

Even now, I sometimes worry a lot about it, and sometimes I don't know what to do, but as long as everyone supports me, I feel like I'll be okay wherever I am. I'm sure you all have fun, depressing, and worrying things in your daily lives and work, but I'll also do my best, struggling desperately, so let's all do our best together, even if it's slowly. I'm getting a little serious, but it's Fanbox, so it's okay, right?!?!?!?!?!?! I convince myself, and I'll do my best from tomorrow onwards! (つ﹏<。)

Today's low pressure is so intense that I'm getting a terrible headache, so I'm going to bed now! See you again! Good night~((ノ)ω(ヾ))

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So, something that may or may not really tell she was already well intending to graduate, as I believe here it was mentioned and she was on hiatus for a good while during 2023, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but in her fanbox (as Rin-chan), the latest post she made in it (at march 19th) suggest that she had a lot going through, and some of the wording, not saying it outright says or implies anything, but reading it gives one the idea she was already struggling quite a lot even by late 2023.

Thankfully Kemono had her Fanbox page in it, so it was a matter of just using Google Translate, again apologies for the weird and rigid wording, but you sometimes need to take Google Translations with a huge spoon of salt, kek. Still here's her Fanbox post.

Original FANBOX (Paid) Post
Same Fanbox post in Kemono.

Just wanted to let you know.

I finally got the iPhone 15 Pro!

I've been using the 13 for a long time, but I've finally upgraded to the new model!

(The 13 has passed away...)

The camera on the Pro model seems to have amazing image quality,
so I'm really looking forward to taking pictures (◜◡◝)

To everyone who has been in my Fanbox.

I'm really sorry it's been so long since I last posted.

I've been busy and haven't been able to update for a while,
but thank you all for waiting...!

There have been a lot of difficult things over the past year,
and I've had many opportunities to look back on myself,
so I'm updating my Fanbox now.

I've always had a hard time fitting in with society,
and I can't do the obvious things,
and I can't do the same things as everyone else,
and I often struggle and struggle in a suffocating environment.

Even now, I sometimes worry a lot about it, and sometimes I don't know what to do, but as long as everyone supports me, I feel like I'll be okay wherever I am. I'm sure you all have fun, depressing, and worrying things in your daily lives and work, but I'll also do my best, struggling desperately, so let's all do our best together, even if it's slowly. I'm getting a little serious, but it's Fanbox, so it's okay, right?!?!?!?!?!?! I convince myself, and I'll do my best from tomorrow onwards! (つ﹏<。)

Today's low pressure is so intense that I'm getting a terrible headache, so I'm going to bed now! See you again! Good night~((ノ)ω(ヾ))

Damn, poor thing. She was feeling performance pressure for a long time. I reinforce my position: it does seem like she cracked under the slew of new responsabilities and people and would much like to just stream her shit instead

i wonder what she meant by this title... was she lowkey hoping for idol's downfall?
So, something that may or may not really tell she was already well intending to graduate, as I believe here it was mentioned and she was on hiatus for a good while during 2023, right? Correct me if I'm wrong, but in her fanbox (as Rin-chan), the latest post she made in it (at march 19th) suggest that she had a lot going through, and some of the wording, not saying it outright says or implies anything, but reading it gives one the idea she was already struggling quite a lot even by late 2023.

Thankfully Kemono had her Fanbox page in it, so it was a matter of just using Google Translate, again apologies for the weird and rigid wording, but you sometimes need to take Google Translations with a huge spoon of salt, kek. Still here's her Fanbox post.

Original FANBOX (Paid) Post
Same Fanbox post in Kemono.

Just wanted to let you know.

I finally got the iPhone 15 Pro!

I've been using the 13 for a long time, but I've finally upgraded to the new model!

(The 13 has passed away...)

The camera on the Pro model seems to have amazing image quality,
so I'm really looking forward to taking pictures (◜◡◝)

To everyone who has been in my Fanbox.

I'm really sorry it's been so long since I last posted.

I've been busy and haven't been able to update for a while,
but thank you all for waiting...!

There have been a lot of difficult things over the past year,
and I've had many opportunities to look back on myself,
so I'm updating my Fanbox now.

I've always had a hard time fitting in with society,
and I can't do the obvious things,
and I can't do the same things as everyone else,
and I often struggle and struggle in a suffocating environment.

Even now, I sometimes worry a lot about it, and sometimes I don't know what to do, but as long as everyone supports me, I feel like I'll be okay wherever I am. I'm sure you all have fun, depressing, and worrying things in your daily lives and work, but I'll also do my best, struggling desperately, so let's all do our best together, even if it's slowly. I'm getting a little serious, but it's Fanbox, so it's okay, right?!?!?!?!?!?! I convince myself, and I'll do my best from tomorrow onwards! (つ﹏<。)

Today's low pressure is so intense that I'm getting a terrible headache, so I'm going to bed now! See you again! Good night~((ノ)ω(ヾ))

Did she have a twitter account under Rin Chan?
WELP, Keekihime's old stalker decided to rear his ugly mug at Comiket yesterday and the poor girl had a fucking panic attack.

Dude has a criminal record for stalking and someway, somehow, he is NOT on some sort of banlist. Organizers fucked up BIG time.
It's literally impossible to ban people from these events. The guy could pay with cash, have someone else buy his tickets, or do a million different things to enter anonymously. If the guards have his photo then he can just wear a hat and sunglasses. This is a circlejerk for otakus, not an airport where TSA molests you like Uncle Fester.

The real fault lies with police if the stalker is a Japanese native who's been reported before. I wonder if the Austrian embassy can pressure them somehow.
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It's literally impossible to enforce bans at these events. The guy could pay with cash, have someone else buy his tickets, or do a million different things to enter anonymously. If the guards have his photo then he can just wear a hat and sunglasses. This is a circlejerk for otakus, not an airport where TSA molests you like Uncler Fester.

The real fault lies with police if the stalker is a Japanese native who's been reported before. I wonder if the Austrian embassy can pressure them somehow.
Right now its fully on the fans and the organizers. He seems to pissed of the vtuber, cosplayer and anime communities in a single swoop.
I love when people just say "nuh uh" without any reasoning lol. This isn't the organizers' fault. Blame the incompetent police who ignore stalking. Dealing with the mentally insane isn't a burden that the "protectors of society" should outsource to some random anime event.

The guy could show up anywhere; the fact that it happened at a public event is the silver lining.
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The worst part is that apparently he's been stalking her since her NND days. That's at least 12 years. And he has a fucking criminal record.
Last time it was at Tokyo Game Show. It pisses me off how authorities ignore stalking. Then when the victims end up dead, it becomes "OH THERE AIN'T NOTHING WE COULD DO"
The worst part is regarding her tweet I believe like an hour or so after the entire thing happened, she recounted how this piece of shit has been stalking her (regarding the episode on the airport), but also this is what gets me, and I quote directly from Keeki's tweet here:

"(...), I got the police involved but basically they said they can't do anything until he gets physical
soo.. when its too late, right?"

The fact that the system works in such a way until either the japanese people themselves make a huge stinker on a real issue or problem, OR something happens that gives them proof that said crime can be brought into court with a high rate, then even then it's a big IF, but imagine not only being Keeki but also being a foreigner, to the point she mentioned she was going to hire a private security service when such thing happens again.
The fact that the implications is that either Keeki "would" have to end up dead or close to it (sorry for bringing something like this up, and this isn't me wishing any malice on her or anything, but this shit seriously gets me under my skin) something SERIOUSLY fucked up isn't enough to make the police move their asses, is just telling of how fucked Japan is in regards to the many problems and flaws it has as a country.
The worst part is regarding her tweet I believe like an hour or so after the entire thing happened, she recounted how this piece of shit has been stalking her (regarding the episode on the airport), but also this is what gets me, and I quote directly from Keeki's tweet here:

"(...), I got the police involved but basically they said they can't do anything until he gets physical
soo.. when its too late, right?"

The fact that the system works in such a way until either the japanese people themselves make a huge stinker on a real issue or problem, OR something happens that gives them proof that said crime can be brought into court with a high rate, then even then it's a big IF, but imagine not only being Keeki but also being a foreigner, to the point she mentioned she was going to hire a private security service when such thing happens again.
The fact that the implications is that either Keeki "would" have to end up dead or close to it (sorry for bringing something like this up, and this isn't me wishing any malice on her or anything, but this shit seriously gets me under my skin) something SERIOUSLY fucked up isn't enough to make the police move their asses, is just telling of how fucked Japan is in regards to the many problems and flaws it has as a country.
its not just Japan though authorities all over the world ignore stalking as a serious threat until the stalker does something physically to the victim
The fact that the system works in such a way until either the japanese people themselves make a huge stinker on a real issue or problem, OR something happens that gives them proof that said crime can be brought into court with a high rate, then even then it's a big IF, but imagine not only being Keeki but also being a foreigner, to the point she mentioned she was going to hire a private security service when such thing happens again.
sadly this type of shit isn't exclusive to japan. sweet_anita had (probably still has) a very similar case where she had to deal with a stalker for months, and the police had their hands tied cause he hadn't done anything "yet"

there's also the case of amouranth's stalker from estonia that sold all of his possessions to travel to america and live outside her house or something like that
Yeah... you guys are right... it's just so fucking frustrating in how powerless one feels when something like this happens, and as immediate action could have been taken... nothing ends up getting done. :SadgeCry:
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