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Discussion General Vtuber Discussions

This is also the place where one can almost just comfortably discuss vtubers with a hot mug of choccy milk and a blanket cuz you'll freeze to just how unbelievably chill everybody here is... Until Nymoussy returns at least. HEHEEHhEHEHEhehe! HA... ha... WAAAAAAHHHHH šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
almost forgot about her
Have you guys ever lose an interest in a vtuber after seeing them do a face reveal? For me, I'm mostly neutral when they show their actual face, except for Juniper. When I saw her irl face, I just lost interest for some reason. She's plenty attractive but I just don't watch her as much anymore after she showed her face
Chachamaru recent RPlay is probably her lewdest one yet. Oil massage with her thighs (or hands or crouch, couldn't really tell) and then she did a longer than usual ear licking+vibrator combo. I think it's the first time I've heard her came before. Hope she does it more.
Have you guys ever lose an interest in a vtuber after seeing them do a face reveal? For me, I'm mostly neutral when they show their actual face, except for Juniper. When I saw her irl face, I just lost interest for some reason. She's plenty attractive but I just don't watch her as much anymore after she showed her face
i really don't wanna sound like a 2/10 wouldn't bang guy, but i've dropped a chuba before because her hands were kinda ugly : (
just listened to Miori Celesta's succubus RP ASMR. is she usually that suggestive or was that a rare thing?
Chachamaru recent RPlay is probably her lewdest one yet. Oil massage with her thighs (or hands or crouch, couldn't really tell) and then she did a longer than usual ear licking+vibrator combo. I think it's the first time I've heard her came before. Hope she does it more.
Her ci-en has R18 ASMR.
More lewd than it.
just listened to Miori Celesta's succubus RP ASMR. is she usually that suggestive or was that a rare thing?
I wanna assume rare because she usually doesn't go that hard on her asmr. Or if she did, they're deleted now.
As someone who have been watching Mio for years... Rare, but not entirely unheard of
Who was it?
now that i think it's more than one. bao, grimmi, lyra. i'm sure there's a couple more. (i might have undiagnosed tizm, normally this is not a reason to stop enjoying someones content)
Have you guys ever lose an interest in a vtuber after seeing them do a face reveal? For me, I'm mostly neutral when they show their actual face, except for Juniper. When I saw her irl face, I just lost interest for some reason. She's plenty attractive but I just don't watch her as much anymore after she showed her face
I had the opposite experience. For the longest time I thought Mel was a cute asian girl in her early 20s and for some reason that intimidated me and made me avoid her. But when I discovered her PL I felt comfortable with her.
How did Bao manage to get Tetanus in 2024 šŸ’€
Was she not vaccinated? That's one of the most basic vaccinations there is.. Hope she recovers, that sh1t can f u you up permanently.

Edit: What is this cringe censorship mods?
I got vaccinated with anti-tetanus when I was a baby my old man got scared because he almost succumb to it on his teenage years. Not only it can F u up, u can frickin die It would take weeks to monitor your health just to make sure you're healthy. Hope she's ok.
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