• Before starting a new thread for an issue, please use the search bar to see if a topic already exists.
    Please ensure you include as much detail as possible when reporting any issues. (Include error, pictures, etc. What have you tried/not tried.)

    For further information about using this section: Support Guidelines
    To submit and vote on ideas for new features: Ideas and Suggestions
    For answers to our Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ
    For a guide on how to level up: Noob Guide
  • We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
  • Bunkr are having some temporary issues with some videos showing cloudflare tos violations and are restricted.
    Please be patient while the issue is resolved and DONT ask for re-ups.

Support General Support


Mar 11, 2022
Here you can ask general support questions.

Before you ask a question, read this because the answer is probably already here!

1. Missing functionalities: Are you planning to add back *? What happened with *?

Things are missing because Xenforo forums are heavily rely on addons and we did not add most of them back yet.
Yes, we are planning to add them back but:
  • Before we start to add them back, we want everything to run stable. Right now it is not the case.
  • We updated the forum to 2.3 we can only add addons that get updated to support 2.3.

2. I can't login with my connected reddit / discord account.

Connected login was possible because an addon. The addon is not updated to 2.3 so we can't use it anymore.
We know about the issue and we are trying to find a solution.

You can try to use a password recovery with the email you are using for your reddit account. It may work, but it may not. You can also make a ticket with the contact us button at the bottom of the page.

3. Why I can't post there? Where is my simp rank?

You can't posts in certain threads, because you need Simp rank. Here is the guide how to get it:

3.1 "I already have the requirements but I didn't get my Simp rank":
The server is running the update once an hour past *:20, and you need to be online when it runs the update.
After the update is done you need to logout and login again.

4. I can't reset my password due to the captcha/verification not loading.

Your adblock or the browser built in shield (maybe both) is blocking the cloudflare captcha widget.
Turn off your adblock or try different browser or make an exception.

5. I can't mark all alerts as read.

There is a bug with the latest version of the alerts addon we use which was installed to help resolve issues with users not getting alerts.
There is a workaround whereby you go directly to the 'Mark all alerts read' page which you can get to with a right click / long press of the button in the drop down and open in a new tab, or here https://simpcity.su/account/alerts/mark-read which does work.

6. I can't see Saint videos / they are just a white square or other not showing issue.

If you have XFINITY / Spectrum and you can't view saint2.su, it's because XFINITY has their own security filter and it is being blocked via a webapp called safebrowse.io

You can either:
1. log into the xFi app and disable the added security filter there (i didn't do this method so you'll have to play around and find the setting and report back)

2. Open microsoft edge and visit saint2.su directly which should redirect you to safebrowse.io and tell you the site is potentially dangerous. Click proceed and it will continue to the site. This should unlock the site for other browsers.

If this is happening to you recently but you have a different provider we recommend also looking if there is some sort of extra security filter enabled via your account page/app with your provider.

7. I can't see any jpg images or saint vids.

Set your DNS to cloudflares. Some guides here:

8. I have a rate limit error on a page that wont clear.

Press F12 on your keyboard, right click the reload button and click the last option "Empty cache and hard reload" (that's how its named for Chrome).
On Mobile, please google for a similar option, it will likely vary with browser and android vs ios.

9. I want to delete my account / I cant find the deactivate or delete account option.

These both required addons that we no longer have or are available to us on this latest version of xenforo.
Instead just logout and don't log back in.
We only keep 2 weeks of IP logs and the only other information we have of yours is your username and email, both of which you can change before logging out.

10. I keep getting stuck on a DDoS-guard checking page.

If you get stuck in a loop you can try clearing your cookies for the site, google will have instructions for your device/browser.

Getting stuck in this loop can be caused by a change of IP if using a VPN, if you are using apple private relay then you will be changing IP often and sharing IP with a lot of other users which DDoS-Guard considers suspicious.

11. I get an error telling me my message contains is spam-like or contains inappropriate elements.

The spam filter is the same for conversations and posts with no option to configure differently.
There's a number of phrases in our spam filter that greatly reduce the amount of spam posted in threads such as 'anything new?', 'videos?', 're-up?' etc. Re-up is included because of the large number of reup posts we get for links that are still up but either not streamable on all devices i.e. mov, mkv, ts vids or the site they are on undergoing maintenance preventing downloads.

If the spam filter is triggered when trying to send a message in a conversation it is auto rejected and you will see a message like this:
Spam Filter.png

You will need to find an alternative way to word your message in order to send.
Note: do not bypass the filter in threads, you will receive a warning when we see it.

12. My posts keep needing to be approved by a Moderator.

Everything from 11 applies to this topic when posting outside of conversations.
The spam filter also applies when you are either replying to or quoting a post that contains anything that triggers the spam filter such as what was previously mentioned (reup, videos? etc.) or anything else in our filter.
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i'm not sure if this is the right place to post about this, but these tags:

are misspelled version of these tags: (which have a lot more threads)
Thanks, I've just fixed these

So, I'm having a couple issues with the site. One is annoying. The other is a quality-of-life issue.

The annoying: When I click the login button, I get a security error. But, if I click on a thread, click on something that requires me to be logged in to see (like a user profile), that is the only way I can get to a login panel to log in. I understand that this is some sort of XenForo issue that has existed for many versions now, but this time it's especially bad.
I will pass it on, there's quite a few things behind the scenes that need fixing so please bare with us

Quality of Life: The quick search always sorts by relevancy. On the old board, there was a button to change it to sort by date, and clicking that button made it stick where all future search results are sorted by date. Now, in order to do a search and sort the results by date, I have to do an advanced search.
This requires an addon to change, one we don't have installed yet, again something on the list to be sorted.
Is the warning points resetted or is it a missing functionality? Is the automated banning system in place?
Is the warning points resetted or is it a missing functionality? Is the automated banning system in place?
Its still in place, unfortunately we dont have the addon that lets you see your own warnings, I think the only way to let you see your warnings without it is to let you see everyones warnings which we'd rather not do. I still need to look into this more.
As of right now you have 4 warning points.

The developer of the addon has other addons they will be updating to xenforo 2.3 (version we're using) before this one so may be a while
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Is there a way to bookmark searches?

Up until the forum went down and then back up I had a bookmark of a search for a certain category term, that always showed the newest posts containing that keyword. But now it seems every search is unique, so if I do a search now and I bookmark it, when I open the bookmark tomorrow it's going to give me today's results, not tomorrow's, like it did before the recent shutdown.

I also tried to bookmark the advanced search page, to at least shave some steps off the process. But that doesn't work either.

Any solutions/suggestions?
Some questions about request, model, and discussion threads. Should responses if adding the content to a request thread be posted in a new or existing model thread? Should request threads only contain requests but not any links to filling the requests (other than a link to the model/site page with the added post)? Sometimes I see request threads becoming the defacto model page mixing requests and content and they will not have for example a corresponding thread in manyvids only in requests which is confusing. Similarly there are a lot of manyvids threads that don't have a corresponding requests thread and instead just regularly have people posting requests that usually get deleted by mods but no request thread ever gets created. A similar situation with discussion.

Shouldn't whenever a new model is added all three thread types be created immediately and linked together in a clear way to make it more obvious where to post?
Some questions about request, model, and discussion threads. Should responses if adding the content to a request thread be posted in a new or existing model thread? Should request threads only contain requests but not any links to filling the requests (other than a link to the model/site page with the added post)? Sometimes I see request threads becoming the defacto model page mixing requests and content and they will not have for example a corresponding thread in manyvids only in requests which is confusing. Similarly there are a lot of manyvids threads that don't have a corresponding requests thread and instead just regularly have people posting requests that usually get deleted by mods but no request thread ever gets created. A similar situation with discussion.

Shouldn't whenever a new model is added all three thread types be created immediately and linked together in a clear way to make it more obvious where to post?
I will try to make this simple:

Request Thread = Content + Requests
Content Thread/Non-Request Threads = Content Only
Model Discussion Threads = Discussion + Requests if the model's thread is not in the request section

If a model is in a content only thread and does not have a discussion thread, make a discussion thread. Do not make a separate request thread.
I will try to make this simple:

Request Thread = Content + Requests
Content Thread/Non-Request Threads = Content Only
Model Discussion Threads = Discussion + Requests if the model's thread is not in the request section

If a model is in a content only thread and does not have a discussion thread, make a discussion thread. Do not make a separate request thread.
Thanks for the response, might be good to add to FAQ.

You do see how that is confusing having basically an arbitrary policy on which combination of threads should exist based on whether someone happened to create a request thread first or a content thread? Why not do away with request threads entirely and just always have the combination of content thread and model discussion thread to simplify things?

Also am I misremembering or did content threads used to automatically link to discussion threads with like a sticked post or something before the downtime? Was this lost - I can't find anything about it in the news updates?
Why not do away with request threads entirely and just always have the combination of content thread and model discussion thread to simplify things?
If theres no content for a model how does anyone start a thread?
Request threads still have their place and this is all described in the rules
If theres no content for a model how does anyone start a thread?
Request threads still have their place and this is all described in the rules
I was initially only focused on manyvids content threads which only require links to socials and at least one photo in which case that should be doable 100% of the time over creating a request thread. I see onlyfans content threads specially require more content on the thread creation post. I guess i'm not seeing the downside to content threads always just starting with just links to socials only? Just because someone started a thread as request now as the thread continues and users subscribing/watching are stuck receiving notifications for both new content and requests (and a content only thread never gets created) but if it happened to be created as a content thread now they can only get notifications for content.

Seems the simpler and clearer things can be the less errant posts and mod work. Also am I right about stickied posts being lost? I found a post about all these being unstickied almost a year ago but not regarding the recent downtime. In content threads should people be posting any existing discussion threads and asking mods to sticky them?
How do I update a title for a thread I created?

OF creator changed their name and I want to add it to it.
Thanks for the response, might be good to add to FAQ.

You do see how that is confusing having basically an arbitrary policy on which combination of threads should exist based on whether someone happened to create a request thread first or a content thread? Why not do away with request threads entirely and just always have the combination of content thread and model discussion thread to simplify things?
It's not arbitrary. It's been in the Community Guide. We ask all of our users to read it.
I was initially only focused on manyvids content threads which only require links to socials and at least one photo in which case that should be doable 100% of the time over creating a request thread. I see onlyfans content threads specially require more content on the thread creation post. I guess i'm not seeing the downside to content threads always just starting with just links to socials only? Just because someone started a thread as request now as the thread continues and users subscribing/watching are stuck receiving notifications for both new content and requests (and a content only thread never gets created) but if it happened to be created as a content thread now they can only get notifications for content.

Seems the simpler and clearer things can be the less errant posts and mod work.
If a request thread gets enough content, report it and request it be moved to a content only section (e.g. OF, ManyVids, XXX, etc.).

Also am I right about stickied posts being lost? I found a post about all these being unstickied almost a year ago but not regarding the recent downtime. In content threads should people be posting any existing discussion threads and asking mods to sticky them?
Stickied posts were an add-on. Will likely get added back as everything gets updated.
When i open the website on my phone i can see the reply box, but when i open the website from my pc, i can't see the reply box, also i can't see link that was set as spoiler, any help?
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