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Simp Chat FrivolousFox ASMR - Discussion Thread

On her stream tonight she is saying she doesn't have many friends and that is why she needs to talk with her chat. Parasocial goes both ways. Sometimes the streamer needs their audience and tells them things they probably shouldn't cause they see them as their friends. When they are not.
Yeah I just saw the notification. Hoped it would be for a new video.
Man I’m not jealous of her now ex bf I guess how she’s talking about him. But I’m not sure he’s really the issue with the way she talks about herself and him.
But I do hope she gets better and the help she needs.

Genuine question though, am I the only one who finds it extremely odd how she’s going online and shows herself to so many people publicly like this? I’m not shaming, I’m just the complete opposite and would keep all this much more private and certainly don’t put …all this out there.
Definitely agree about not being jealous of her (ex?) boyfriend. Sounds like he's trying to fix whatever it is going on with them, but she comes out and puts all this stuff online on X and her streams. Certainly not a healthy relationship to be in if your partner's running to tell the internet about things that should be handled privately.
She is just whining about Tyler to a bunch of people who don't need to be hearing her personal problems. Now her chat is trying to mentally diagnose him which is not fair since again, it's no one's business other than her and him. Especially strangers on the internet. All she is doing is making things worse.

She should be ranting to a trained therapist. Not strangers in her chat and telling them their personal business. That isn't fair to him since he might not want this on the internet. But she is making that choice for him. It shows she wasn't exactly making it a healthy relationship either. Don't air your dirty laundry to strangers.
She is just whining about Tyler to a bunch of people who don't need to be hearing her personal problems. Now her chat is trying to mentally diagnose him which is not fair since again, it's no one's business other than her and him. Especially strangers on the internet. All she is doing is making things worse.

She should be ranting to a trained therapist. Not strangers in her chat and telling them their personal business. That isn't fair to him since he might not want this on the internet. But she is making that choice for him. It shows she wasn't exactly making it a healthy relationship either. Don't air your dirty laundry to strangers.
THIS. Having her chat bash him is the dumbest thing she could do. If I was this guy I would be furious if my fiance decided to run to her chat and air all our personal problems to complete strangers. Stuff that I might not want told to complete strangers over the internet. It's sad her chat was the only thing she could turn to for sympathy. But this is the equivalent to going up to strangers in McDonalds and telling them your emotional problems. Even worse since it's live on a streaming platform with hundreds of people watching.

This is not a well person.
THIS. Having her chat bash him is the dumbest thing she could do. If I was this guy I would be furious if my fiance decided to run to her chat and air all our personal problems to complete strangers. Stuff that I might not want told to complete strangers over the internet. It's sad her chat was the only thing she could turn to for sympathy. But this is the equivalent to going up to strangers in McDonalds and telling them your emotional problems. Even worse since it's live on a streaming platform with hundreds of people watching.

This is not a well person.
Absolutely. I watched his stream from a few days ago and he was taking accountability for what she seen as a problem with him and I guess he now accepts is a problem he has. Not sure if he really believes it is or if he's just agreeing to try to make this issue go away and make her happy. She clearly has some unresolved issues she needs help with, hopefully she's able to get it. A break from the internet seems like it would do her some good.
Yeah exactly. You guys said perfectly what was on my mind and what was putting me off about this whole thing.
Despite really being biased in favor of Frivvi if anything. But not just her putting all the blame on him but doing it so publicly and not really involving him does seem pretty toxic and unfair on her part.

For all the talk of love she’s pretty spiteful with how she’s going about this whole issue. And she said repeatedly she knows she shouldn’t do this, put this on her fans, blame him like this etc. So she does recognize what she’s doing wrong but then …does it regardless?!

Now I’m try not to be too harsh because I know she’s far from rational atm and nobody here knows what really happened but I’m not in a delusional parasocial relationship with any of these girls (same generation though) so this mess being so public is just strange and off putting to me.

Certainly doesn’t seem healthy and I wonder if she can get the help she actually needs, probably a clinic recovery if she’s feeling this bad.
She’s got the money and I’d rather have her go offline completely for a few weeks or whatever until she’s got it sorted out mostly instead of now weeks of ongoing drama.
I’m here for the relaxation, Frivvi.😅 I got my own issues to deal with. Like most of us, especially the people looking for ASMR I assume.
I've been a follower of Lauren for so long, talked to her, sent her fan mail, had a crush on her one point. So I don't want to bash her either but the truth hurts. She needs to handle adult shit on her own in private and stop running to her audience for help, she'll end up getting mixed opinions anyways that will end up making her more confused! as to what to do And her fans need to call her out on her bull and sad fishing. They empower this kind of toxic behavior.

Part of me thinks she actually enjoys getting coddled and told everything is going to be alright by her fans, all the attention etc. She grew up in an overprotective family so this kind of behavior for her to be the victim is all she knows, instead of owning up to her side of what could have made the relationship not work out. No ones perfect and it takes balls to say you have flaws that need work. So as much as I don't like her Ex, I'll give him props for saying he has problems.

Like I said in an earlier post the best thing for her is to seek a therapist that can work with her to try to resolve or ease all her past trauma. I know she's been through more tragic events then most people in life so I feel for her. I want her to get help, because she looks not in the best shape physically and mentally. And that worries me because I guess even though we all jerk to her and what not. Deep down I still have feelings for her, I want to see her happy and doing well in life. And not a sobbing crying mess online.
Anybody manage to grab the VOD? Or did she just not publish it?
She must have deleted it pretty quickly. You didn't miss much, literally just 30 minutes of her sobbing and essentially saying Tyler didn't love her enough and she deserves more than that. And that people don't need to put up walls, etc. Nothing particularly interesting, just...really sad she felt the need to run to her audience with that instead of talking about it with the person she should be talking about it with. It's like she's purposely sabotaging her own relationship, because if she wanted to fix what was going on between them....that was the worst thing she could have decided to do in that moment, air out all the dirty laundry on Twitch for a bunch of strangers.
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She was ranting tonight about some other female creator who was talking shit about her breakup. Apparently the other girl brought up the revenge porn and Frivi once again said that isn't her sucking dick. But the nudes are her. She then claimed this girl has videos of her sucking dick out there. I don't know who she is feuding with now. Well at least she isn't crying all stream.
She was ranting tonight about some other female creator who was talking shit about her breakup. Apparently the other girl brought up the revenge porn and Frivi once again said that isn't her sucking dick. But the nudes are her. She then claimed this girl has videos of her sucking dick out there. I don't know who she is feuding with now. Well at least she isn't crying all stream.
Maybe if this feud gets really heated they will actually dig up videos of each other sucking dick and being naughty. A win win for us :KEKWlaugh:

But for real she needs to chill tf out and stop worrying what others say, she needs to focus on getting mental help and not stressing even more!
She was ranting tonight about some other female creator who was talking shit about her breakup. Apparently the other girl brought up the revenge porn and Frivi once again said that isn't her sucking dick. But the nudes are her. She then claimed this girl has videos of her sucking dick out there. I don't know who she is feuding with now. Well at least she isn't crying all stream.
If only women would fight each other more, the drama shit would stop. Like with guys, there's a healthy amount of respect between them because they know if they pop off at the mouth, they might get punched in the face.
She was ranting tonight about some other female creator who was talking shit about her breakup. Apparently the other girl brought up the revenge porn and Frivi once again said that isn't her sucking dick. But the nudes are her. She then claimed this girl has videos of her sucking dick out there. I don't know who she is feuding with now. Well at least she isn't crying all stream.
Now I'm curious to find out who the other creator she was having the fight with is so I can uh, umm check out her content. lul
She was ranting tonight about some other female creator who was talking shit about her breakup. Apparently the other girl brought up the revenge porn and Frivi once again said that isn't her sucking dick. But the nudes are her. She then claimed this girl has videos of her sucking dick out there. I don't know who she is feuding with now. Well at least she isn't crying all stream.
Do you have a link or something to where she talks about it?. Honestly would be a good idea to download and post it here so we never have to debate if it is her giving head again.
Wonder why she made the last stream sub only? She usually always keeps the vods open for everyone to watch? Wonder if its because its a stream with Slight?

On that note, It seems like she's hanging out with Slight to get her mind off of the breakup which is good. She needs an outlet and someone she can talk to about it, I know they have been friends for a while. But I do wonder if Slight could convenience Frivvi to do lewd content?

I mean long ago, I never thought I'd see Slight do it, but here she is. I honestly thought Frivvi would be the first because her style of ASMR was more sexual with all the licking videos etc. Never thought Slight would be the first to do Lewd :pogU:

Maybe Frivvi gets curious and ask Slight how is it and ends up liking what she hears. Also, I think Lauren has a good heart, I do, but her feelings may want to get back at her Ex for the emotional distress he caused her and what better way then showing yourself off to strangers. She may try to pull a "Look at what your missing out on" to make him jealous.

I don't think It would be out of an evil heart, but more of anger and frustration towards him and she needs to get out. Its like yelling F you! But I love you deep down.

Idk, But maybe just maybe Slight will be the influence she needs to do Lewd, Peer pressure is a Bitch! And she may see the benefits of being single and making easy money.
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Wonder why she made the last stream sub only? She usually always keeps the vods open for everyone to watch? Wonder if its because its a stream with Slight?

On that note, It seems like she's hanging out with Slight to get her mind off of the breakup which is good. She needs an outlet and someone she can talk to about it, I know they have been friends for a while. But I do wonder if Slight could convenience Frivvi to do lewd content?

I mean long ago, I never thought I'd see Slight do it, but here she is. I honestly thought Frivvi would be the first because her style of ASMR was more sexual with all the licking videos etc. Never thought Slight would be the first to do Lewd :pogU:

Maybe Frivvi gets curious and ask Slight how is it and ends up liking what she hears. Also, I think Lauren has a good heart, I do, but her feelings may want to get back at her Ex for the emotional distress he caused her and what better way then showing yourself off to strangers. She may try to pull a "Look at what your missing out on" to make him jealous.

I don't think It would be out of an evil heart, but more of anger and frustration towards him and she needs to get out. Its like yelling F you! But I love you deep down.

Idk, But maybe just maybe Slight will be the influence she needs to do Lewd, Peer pressure is a Bitch! And she may see the benefits of being single and making easy money.
I hear you brother, it would be nice. But I don't see it happening. Even though we've seen girls that say they don't want to be sexualized before eventually do it, Frivvi seems to be at least somewhat close to her father so I can't imagine she'd want her father finding out she's doing adult content.
I mean, everybody already saw her gorgeous tits and her briefly simulating a masturbation (down here?) and a blowjob with a lollipop - or whatever that was - for FREE. Why not make some money out of it?
Not sure If she actually wants to do explicit content. I mean, I'm not gonna force someone to do but after the teasers she does during her live streams.....maybe is only matter of time, but not right now
Think her family is super religious/christian and frivi seems still somewhat "close" to god given things she has said over the last few weeks. I don't see lewd stuff in her future but then again she wouldn't be the first christian to have an onlyfans
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