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Simp Chat FrivolousFox ASMR - Discussion Thread

When she broke up with her first ex, he leaked her nudes, still the most real frivvi content. If things with her and Tyler ended nasty, he probably has stuff he could leak for us but he seems like a good guy to me. I doubt he would ever do that. I mean if he wasn't watching when she accidentally restarted her stream we would have just watched to see what happens, but he had to be the "gentleman"
I actually thought their comment was satire at first but then they kept going
ASMR and Twitch thot threads are like that. A poster can seem perfectly normal and you even agree with some of what they are saying. Then all of a sudden they start talking about how the girl is communicating with them through their screen or how they messaged them demanding they wear something slutty and expecting them to obey. Then you are like uh, oh...:peepoLeave:

When she broke up with her first ex, he leaked her nudes, still the most real frivvi content. If things with her and Tyler ended nasty, he probably has stuff he could leak for us but he seems like a good guy to me. I doubt he would ever do that. I mean if he wasn't watching when she accidentally restarted her stream we would have just watched to see what happens, but he had to be the "gentleman"
I think it is very telling she talks about her relationship and him constantly in her stream. But apparently, in his stream, he never mentions her or their personal life. And Frivi seems to think that is a bad thing and that his chat(which she assumes are all her fans) should take him to task for their relationship they have nothing to do with and really know nothing about other than what she tells them on stream.
I think it is very telling she talks about her relationship and him constantly in her stream. But apparently, in his stream, he never mentions her or their personal life. And Frivi seems to think that is a bad thing and that his chat(which she assumes are all her fans) should take him to task for their relationship they have nothing to do with and really know nothing about other than what she tells them on stream.
Essentially he thought he was getting into an adult relationship where a couple addresses any issues they might have amongst themselves and work to fix it, but Frivi on the other hand was like "Sike, bitch! We're teenagers in high school again and everyone must know our business!"

Seriously though, I feel bad for the man. The fact that she's basically isolating him from his friends/family is a classic strategy that abusers take. She might not physically abuse him, we don't really know. He'll never admit to it if she did, what guy wants to admit a girl beat on him? But there's some major red flags indicating at least some form of mental/emotional abuse from her.
I watched some of the vod. she got kicked from her soccer team apparently too. Something to do with questioning the captain or leader of their rec team over discrepancies in fees or something. Details were sketchy but from how she talked it seemed like they had issues previously
Messaging someone telling them how to dress, and expecting a response, is peak incel behavior. No sane person is going to entertain that crap.
I'm just telling you a brief description of what I said in my comment. I didn't give the full details as to why she didn't like or respond back to my comment. I think it had more to do with how "real" I was being to her in my advise instead of glazing her like 99.9% of people in her comments section do. I was giving her tough love. Not telling her how to dress. I was responding to her to dress that way if she feels like it. You misread what I was trying to say.
No one was being a fool. Some people were a little uncomfortable with where this thread was heading and said something about it. Nothing wrong with that since it kind of stopped.

It's always a fine line we walk about what is parasocial and what is not when dealing with these thots. This is a discussion thread and that can mean ANYTHING. We are talking about her personal life and her relationship with Tyler, a man we only know about through her. But she is the one constantly bringing it up on stream and talking about it. It's a major issue with her so it would be hard to ignore. But when you start creating scenarios in your head about her then it might make others uncomfortable and they will say something. Again, I don't think the others were fools for feeling uncomfortable about that.

Anyway, now back to worrying about Tyler, a guy we don't even know, and if he is being held hostage in a terrible relationship by an insane ASMR artist :KEKWlaugh:
Okay fair enough. I understand that take. I shouldn't have called ya'll fools. Sorry. However, this is a place to vent or let out our thoughts about these e-thots otherwise, what's the point. Just keep our thoughts about them bottled in? No. Fuck that. Especially if these "wholesome" asmr girls have no problem talking about their personal lives and mental health issues all the time through their social outlets as in some cases to achieve some sympathy from their audiences.
ASMR and Twitch thot threads are like that. A poster can seem perfectly normal and you even agree with some of what they are saying. Then all of a sudden they start talking about how the girl is communicating with them through their screen or how they messaged them demanding they wear something slutty and expecting them to obey. Then you are like uh, oh...:peepoLeave:

I think it is very telling she talks about her relationship and him constantly in her stream. But apparently, in his stream, he never mentions her or their personal life. And Frivi seems to think that is a bad thing and that his chat(which she assumes are all her fans) should take him to task for their relationship they have nothing to do with and really know nothing about other than what she tells them on stream.
If you are referring to me, I never said she was communicating with me through my screen. :peepoGiggles:
And I never demanded her to wear anything slutty or expecting her to obey. I was giving her advise on what SHE was venting out in her video. Another person who mistook what I was saying, ugh.

As for Frivvi. Damn I don't even have to watch a stream from her to know she's a control freak and batshit crazy. Hope her bf finds a way out before it's too late. If not, he may just well wake up one day without his 🍆 intact. :KEKWlaugh:
I'm just telling you a brief description of what I said in my comment. I didn't give the full details as to why she didn't like or respond back to my comment. I think it had more to do with how "real" I was being to her in my advise instead of glazing her like 99.9% of people in her comments section do. I was giving her tough love. Not telling her how to dress. I was responding to her to dress that way if she feels like it. You misread what I was trying to say.
No one misread anything. This is incel shit, and if you can't see it, you really need to step away for a bit.
Seriously though, I feel bad for the man. The fact that she's basically isolating him from his friends/family is a classic strategy that abusers take. She might not physically abuse him, we don't really know. He'll never admit to it if she did, what guy wants to admit a girl beat on him? But there's some major red flags indicating at least some form of mental/emotional abuse from her.
Hilariously enough, she said in her stream the other night that when their friends and parents didn't see anything wrong with him, she "understood what [domestic abuse] victims go through".

Bit of reflection might point out he's not the problem there Friv...
I didn't give the full details as to why she didn't like or respond back to my comment. I think it had more to do with how "real" I was being to her in my advise instead of glazing her like 99.9% of people in her comments section do. I was giving her tough love. Not telling her how to dress. I was responding to her to dress that way if she feels like it. You misread what I was trying to say.
At least for Tiptoe I know she's full of shit cause she can't even like or reply back to my comments advising her to actually dress more "scantily clad" "scandalous" as she was putting it or to do a asmr video in a bikini. This was advise to her since she sounded like she didn't like the haters/sexist people in her comments saying she shouldn't dress like that or that she looks like a slut or whatever. Girl is a hypocrite two face and doesn't actually means what she says in her rambles videos when she vents out like that. She's full of shit.
Dude you need to take a step back and look at what you are saying. You in too deep
I watched some of the vod. she got kicked from her soccer team apparently too. Something to do with questioning the captain or leader of their rec team over discrepancies in fees or something. Details were sketchy but from how she talked it seemed like they had issues previously
General rule, if you find you're constantly having issues and drama in your life, maybe it's not everyone else.
I watched some of the vod. she got kicked from her soccer team apparently too. Something to do with questioning the captain or leader of their rec team over discrepancies in fees or something. Details were sketchy but from how she talked it seemed like they had issues previously
Good. That's good for her ass. I'm glad that shit happened to such a drama queen like herself. This girl seems to have issues with everybody. From her bf, to her asmr audiences and even to her Football captain. She's wicked. I bet she's one of those femi types too. A real smart man would stay far away from someone with Woah is me issues and all that other mental health issues she has. No other real man would put up with a girl like that.
Some people are just addicted to the drama. Seen many (mostly women) in my online circles just going from one drama to another and lose all their friends along the way because everyone just gets sick of the bullshit.
Some people are just addicted to the drama. Seen many (mostly women) in my online circles just going from one drama to another and lose all their friends along the way because everyone just gets sick of the bullshit.
A lot of women are addicted to drama. It's why soap operas are a thing. The acting sucks so that's not keeping them on the air. It's all of the women that watch because they can't get enough drama in their real life so they have to get it from those boring ass shows too.
Some people are just addicted to the drama. Seen many (mostly women) in my online circles just going from one drama to another and lose all their friends along the way because everyone just gets sick of the bullshit.
Which sucks. I always find Frivvi being a nice and care person until her whole drama. Not sure if she is always like this or something happened to act like this, but who knows
Good. That's good for her ass. I'm glad that shit happened to such a drama queen like herself. This girl seems to have issues with everybody. From her bf, to her asmr audiences and even to her Football captain. She's wicked. I bet she's one of those femi types too. A real smart man would stay far away from someone with Woah is me issues and all that other mental health issues she has. No other real man would put up with a girl like that.
Chill dude, we don't know if she's actually annoying feminist karen
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