Simp Chat FrivolousFox ASMR - Discussion Thread

Mar 4, 2024
Damn bro. Iā€™m a casual viewer that found myself getting gradually attached to her emotionally, especially because of those early videos where she seemed pure as day. Iā€™m glad I had the nerve to dig deep and find anything to change my mind about her, pain be damned. Starting to realize all of this ASMR girl coping when youā€™re mentally unwell is fucking dangerous. I easily see myself in that nerdy guy feeling so desperate and torn to confess his feelings in an innocuous post: and then for her to shit on him like that as sexual degeneracy rather than an endearing passion write? Yeah, I think itā€™s time to turn away from all of this. At least with OF you know what youā€™re getting into and canā€™t be reeled in with an aura of baiting authenticity.

Really hurts, though. I made an account just for this and it sucks I truly have to move on. From watching her videos, etc. fuck.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 22, 2023
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Well welcome abroad, happy you woke tf up :peepoClap:

Your story reminded me of how I used to feel about her as well. I thought I was the only one that had romantic feelings for her and how we'd make a good couple. Turns out It seems a lot of guys feel that way about her.

That's why I can't stand her anymore because what she is doing is very dangerous with these parasocial relationships. She plays one end where she tries to act all light hearted and shit and then gives sexual undertones on purpose in her videos that make us get attracted to her. Then gets angry when someone confesses their love for her.

Instead of being mature and apologizing for making that person feel that way in a private dm, she acts like a mean hearted bitch! and puts him on blast. So I hope all her male viewers wake the fuck up and realize she is not the innocent fragile good girl we all want to love, but she is a mentally unstable, privileged narcissist that has to have things her way or she goes in her little depression hissy fits! and points the blame on others.
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Bathwater Drinker
Oct 31, 2022
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I can't tell if this is satire or not
I really hope it is cause you are saying someone in frivi's position should be apologising privately via DM for making a complete stranger on the internet catch feelings for her. Do you hear yourself? And you say she is the immature one :KEKWlaugh:


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 22, 2023
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I'm sure you would feel very different if it was you that was put on blast in public. Everything she handles she does it very sloppy like airing out all that drama with Tyler on the internet instead of doing it in private.

And yes apologize or at the very least let the guy off easy by saying she is not interested but he is more then welcome to hang out in stream. All I'm saying is she could of went about it in much better ways then being a straight bitch!
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Bathwater Drinker
Oct 31, 2022
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See thats the thing. It would not happen to me because there is no scenario were I would confess my love for a content creator on the internet. They are a total stranger to me. I might find them attractive and I might enjoy their content but I have a good enough grip on reality to not have "romantic feelings for her and how we'd make a good couple" (your words)

How she handled the tyler thing was laughable and she is quite unstable. She craves attention. And that dude should run far far away from her while he still can. Putting some random person on blast for being kinda odd is not the worst thing she could have done. People find themselves being reported to the police for shit like that because that is how stalkers start. It might not feel good to not have feelings reciprocated but like I said they are a total stranger to her and she owes them nothing
Mar 4, 2024
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I tend to agree with you here, even though neither party is generally in the wrong regarding that situation. Like most of what Frivvi does online, it was simply mishandled and driven by defensive emotion that only serves to ruin her reputation. She's too invested online, maybe being isolated in a small Colorado town (stuck with an codependent partner to top it off) has something to do with it, so she hyperfixates on any person that she can accuse of misrepresenting her motives, when in truth its a more marketable decision to react in passing positivity. I think she crossed over a subscriber peak a few years ago and is really only getting viewership from coomers and white knights these days. All of the early attention is wearing off now, especially since she never does meet-and-greets anymore. She's probably aware that the walls are closing in on her internet fame and I can't even remember the last time she did a high-effort video that would make a viewer swoon over her charms - maybe nearly a year ago? She panders to a certain audience now, yet wants nothing to do with the reception and gives herself immunity online because she knows there's orbiters that will come to her aid.

This self-aware baiting has been going on for years now - there's a lesser-known interview from about 7 years ago where she admits she doesn't mind people jerking off to her videos. She continues to say not to tell her about it, but then if you see how she treats the interviewer throughout the video and just her content in general, she will gradually lead on any person attracted to her, only to victimize herself in the end. This is probably from her upbringing and traumatic history; not to say it's her fault, but it's been a long time coming and people fail to realize beyond the surface.

In a vacuum, her content is gold for all of the coomers who only want to feel half-guilty about their fapping by saying Frivvi is something "more". But this is where it becomes the most dangerous if decide to step further in. You will deny yourself of her true character until you're so close, you feed into her toxic web of hate brigading on her boyfriend and endemic reassurances among her fans that tell her she's always been an authentic girl.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 22, 2023
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Well great, but that's you not everyone is going to view things the same. I gained a parasocial relationship with her because I was lonely and she offered a comforting place for me to join and then I started to get sexually attracted with her videos mic licking, kissing ect... I found myself thinking wow I think she is my dream girl.

Then as time progressed I started to see her attitude more and more until I realized she herself has serious issues and I would not want to be with a high maintenance person like that, I also realized what I wanted was unrealistic even tho my heart was in the right place at the time.
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Bathwater Drinker
Oct 31, 2022
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I get that. feelings are tough sometimes. And I am glad you don't see her that way anymore. But some of the things you said are worrying. Replacing feelings of love with feelings of hate is equally as unhealthy. Best just to forget her entirely and not give her another thought one way or another


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 22, 2023
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I understand your concern and I don't hate her the person, I hate her shitty attitude. I'm really not interested in her anymore besides a good jerk every now and then because I still find her attractive but romantic feelings have shifted to me being upset with my expectations, more upset of myself tbh for falling into her trap.


Diamond Tier
Nov 18, 2023
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There you go, bud. That's the way you should look at these content creators. They're nothing more than very minor internet celebrities that make content for our entertainment/sexual pleasure. That's it. They really don't care about any of us personally, and why would they? They don't know us. We're just some rando on the internet. The girls around you in real life are the ones you should focus on if you're wanting something real and meaningful.


Tier 1 Sub
Jun 15, 2023
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True. We cared about the content and a little bit of they personal life while the other side cares about being supported and respected. If she wants to deal with her personal issues, she do it privatly rather than saying shit after shit with a bunch of people who doesn't even know the half of her life
Mar 4, 2024
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I envy your position; I'm still in the "grieving process", if you will. If by any chance you can find that disparaging tweet I think that would help me get more closure regarding her terribly flawed character.

A part of me still remains baffled why I happened to fall for her so hard, similar to the way you describe. Especially since she starting getting that corporate sheen alongside her contemporaries like Gibi and Glow, who I personally find to be too cold and impersonal for my tastes. Was it this "frivolous" aspect of her personality that led to my depressed self grow this compulsion of saying "I can fix her"? Was it her unique facial features and schoolgirl vibes that gave off this feeling of idyllic nostalgia and spontaneity? Her constant teasing and sexual undertones, which she chronically denies of such performances being anything but, leading to this attached perversion that surpasses the cyclical nature of regular porn? Hell, even on her Twitch streams she constantly calls out weirdos who don't even exist half the time as some "boogeyman", whenever she shows a bit of cleavage on accident as she leans over the camera. Perhaps all of this alongside the Nightingale Effect of her bedside manner, getting so close that every part of her face has become imprinted on the back of my head, and leading me to drown in an irrational, unrequited love. If anything, I think her readiness to display herself so openly was a dead giveaway for her not expressing herself in entirely good faith, and taking advantage of obsessive fans through psychological games she may have not been completely conscious about.

It would be interesting to get more background how exactly she got with Tyler: I wouldn't be surprised if he was an orbiter that tickled her need for validation as she lost herself in the whole Australia saga. I think a recurring theme in her behavior is a need to be "seen" in every way imaginable; I think she's the youngest of three siblings and grew up to be an ugly duckling of sorts, not even sure if she got her undergrad degree with a workaholic father who blatantly disapproved of Simon, in a socially conservative base of Orange County...all a recipe for narcissistic traits. Perhaps she's quieted down the past few years, but the whole marriage and health fiasco (is she struggling with fertility like so many other millennials her age? I know she says she doesn't want kids, but still.) with her parents still trying to help frame her livelihood as the "baby" of the family and Tyler being villainized eating shit every which way...really just set her off again. I don't know how she's managed her finances throughout the years, most likely north of a million by now, but it would be interesting to see how incomes and mortgage agreement play into all of this, and if Tyler finds himself as the subjugate in the relationship by default. And Lauren is enabled by his submission to grandstand across all media platforms to attempt to vindicate herself from the neuroticism and unhealthy attachments she shows to him.

Anyway, sorry for this mess of a message, I'm just fascinated by this effect she placed on you and me that hasn't seemed to replicate in spite of myself watching dozens of other asmrtists. And I'm starving for more bits and pieces to create a story in my mind that will give me a push to move on. Truthfully, its probably a foolish exercise.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 22, 2023
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Erm not sure about finding that tweet, some guy here mentioned it a few post back. As far as her and Tyler go they met because her parents and his parents are mutual friends and thought it would be a good idea for them to hook up or some shit. Obviously they knew she's a fucking mental wreck and needs a stable companion to bring balance in her life. Just a bit fucked they fed him to the wolf.

Before they got together she was with some fat Aussie fuck back in Australia that acted like her bodyguard/internet white knight then they broke up and she moved back to the states and yeah she lived by herself or with her parents for a bit before she met Tyler.

And I feel ya man, I hate being labeled crazy, but some people just feel lonely at times like you and me and she was someone I thought I could relate to with the depression and I found solace in her presence on streams discord etc. This was back when she either was real good at hiding her true personality or maybe before she was corrupted by her internet fame/persona.

Either way I may have played myself like a fool but couldn't help it at the time thinking I really had feelings for her. I think like you said its something about those big dilated green eyes, that flat nose and her plump lips that draw you in and then the way she stares at you and bites her lips or licks the mic real slow, She knows wtf she's doing!. She doesn't look like your usual hot chick but theirs something so hot about her.

But yeah I knew something was off about her, and I honestly truly believe that whole incident with Tori has made her go a bit mental as she probably burdens that grief all the time, also the PTSD, meds, etc. so I actually feel for her in that sense and I'm not going to point the blame on her for the incident. the only one that can and chose to forgive Lauren is God and Tori.
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Mar 4, 2024
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That sounds like the most toxic familial relationship I've ever heard of, but I wouldn't be surprised. A lot of that demographic likes to set up relatives with each other's families, I just find it ironic that I've heard so much passive-aggressiveness coming from Frivvi's end regarding her relationship with family, yet she still relies on them as a support network and hence her resistance to any OF content.

I think her actual number of friends outside of professional connections or family is next to none, though I could be wrong. There were forums from a few years ago on this dead website (Zag Forums, I think?) that would talk about her friends from high school recalling her as a self-absorbed brat who enabled Tori to engage in activities that she may have not considered doing without Frivvi there. She had a lot of falling out with family and friends until Simon recalibrated her : I think he actually popped in a few forums and insisted Lauren had a "good heart", but was a conflicted individual. I would love to interview him, maybe in a decade or so when all of this has blown over. We are talking years ago, and a lot of this could be BS, but I remember hearing rumors of Frivvi first encouraging Tori to go with her on a spontaneous 24 hour road trip through Arizona to meet up with some "friends" during the holiday season, singing their lungs out to some indie pop on the drive with their newly found 18 year-old freedoms, while swaying the car back and forth 80 miles an hour until Frivvi hits a ditch and overcorrects... and we all know the rest. It's like Lauren had a date with death, and when she survived, she didn't know what the fuck to do. All of this behavior reeks of Frivvi being a sheltered and emotionally fragile soul. Her early stream recollections of the event, while probably a coping mechanism, were very flippant. I don't feel like paying a subscription to some legal website, but there are documents of the Cahill family wanting to seize footage of Lauren's IPhone to civilly prosecute her for negligence leading to injury. But the case never went through because their families probably made up.

Regarding the face, I think you're right. It's gotta be the eyes, man. Lips a close second. Perhaps her personality being intentionally two-faced makes it harder to find closure with her, because she plays her role so well. The last few years haven't been as kind to her as she attests herself, but those prime 2016-2018 years were golden. She was just accumulating a fanbase, she made herself physically accessible to fans, she became an ASMR icon whose personality flaws went understated... I mean people still vouch for her today from a professional standpoint, but the substance is now truly lacking. I would be surprised if she remained this active a couple years from now.

Side note, while I'm not truly caught up with everything he says, Tyler has to be the playing the quietest game of silent treatment I've ever seen. Everything I see from him feels so aloof, unconfident, and awkward. I can see why Frivvi falls head over heels for him. In terms of you and me, maybe we just have to realize our ability to call out on her bullshit makes us unsuitable for her partnership or friendship. It will definitely take a while, but I hope I can reach your stage of growth where I can just use her for blowing a load, and find emotional reinforcement elsewhere. She has to be one of the most devious players of emotions throughout the entire ASMR community, but in truth she should just be a softcore channel for jerking, no more, no less. Acknowledge the sexual deviance of her facial fellatio, appreciate it for what it is, and just move on.


Bathwater Drinker
Sep 22, 2023
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Well said brother! You'll get over her, just need to realize she is not the person you built up in your head and think damn would I actually want to be with someone with all those issues? Just view her as nothing more then jerk material like a porn star as fucked up as it sounds it will get easier with time.

Also find other things that interest you like productive hobbies etc. Get your mind off her and think about how toxic she is and how you only want positivity around you and a person like her will only bring you to her level.

Sounds harsh but it will help you get over her, I used to hate Tyler and think he was a douche bag when they first met and I still had romantic feelings for her. I mean with a name like Bustinthenuts I could only imagine what shit they do together and I was honestly jealous.

But the more I thought about the shit he must put up with I honestly started to pity the poor bloake, not sure why her and Simon broke up but that fat bastard dodged a bullet with her :KEKWlaugh:

Also she used to have friends outside of ASRM Like that Timmo Timmy guy cant remember and Hamletz/hamz??? I think was his name they would game together, I think she ran all them off over the years. I used to know all her OG subs and people she considered friends from her discord that met her at Twitchcon and not sure if any of them even communicate anymore.
Mar 4, 2024
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Cheers brother! You seem to have such a positive outlook. The more you go on about how her OG subs seem to abandon her left and right makes it clear they most likely had a romanticized image of her in their head before meeting, and then she ended being more dismissive and fake to them when actually meeting, LMAO. Pretty sad actually. Sad that such a pretty face has put that poor sucker Tyler into bondage.

Youā€™re right, at this point going cold turkey probably is too harsh of a change - probably just need to sexualize her to oblivion until that emotional connection is removed. Admittedly, as you can see from the way I talk, Iā€™m terrible at conventionally meeting people, group hobbies, shit like that. I can only imagine being on the other side of things in denial, as a mod for Frivvi. Jesus, are they some poor insufferable bastards in constant need of her attention. Even this recent guy sheā€™s streamed with, I think Ninja?sounds like an obnoxious twat. About time Iā€™ve consider disassociating from this mess. Itā€™s only going to get harder for her to fool people from here on out.

As for Simon, god bless him, he seems like a chill guy from what Iā€™ve seen. Iā€™ve seen some social media from him and he looks pretty well-together now with a son and everything. Once again, Iā€™d love to talk to him but heā€™d probably think Iā€™m absolutely mental.

Please, if you have any more beans to spill about this poor girl to get more steps removed, Iā€™m all ears. If not, good day to you sir, Iā€™ll hang around in case anything else comes to light.
Mar 4, 2024
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Yeah, Iā€™ve been through this internal battle a number of times, without really rising through the cracks. This kind of breaks away too much from the scope of this conversation, but at least for me personally she was kind of the first woman Ive really pined over, and being unfamiliar with the feeling, I probably magnified the event in my mind as some spectacle that needed some physical intervention in order to get past it. Like literally pumping heroin into a baby, or popping your romance cherry. But where she is in life and how she responds to people, this is virtually impossible to do at this time.

Porn never felt the same after finding her, unfortunately, even where my erections got fully hard upon watching a video of just Lauren. But I think braving new frontiers, as you say, should ease the pain.