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Tier 3 Sub
Jun 15, 2023
What up bros.

Never heard of this chick, but but just spent a while reading the last few pages of this thread and it is selling her to me.

Usually I like to chase cam girls, but I know this one is a different kind of cam girl.

I've done some googling, and I like what I see of this bitch. She is at least a 7/11 or 7/12 and I like slim girls (but she could be slimmer and it would be an objective upgrade). Good face, seems fun, and she hangs around with some scruffy dude called AsmonGold, apparently, so she can probably get GRIMY herself when it's pound time. This is good.

I can't even find porn of her online, so she seems to be maximally leveraging her body to virgins, without even having to unleash her rat and asshole. It is impressive.

So anyway I'm considering whether I should get involved in following Emiru purely for the goals of boners and blasting off. Does she play into it? Does she know people are shredding meat to her?

This important for me. I must know her psychology to masturbate to her from afar.

Can someone update me and summarise the lore?

I also see that she is known for a gorilla grip pussy. Is there lore or videos of her discussing her vice-like rat?

What about her asshole? If anyone has THE LORE on her tunnel situation, please share.

How much time would I need to commit to following this bitch effectively?

Based on appearance alone, I would not commit time or jizz to her. But this thread has made me interested.



Tier 3 Sub
Jun 15, 2023
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She has a billion comments and she is not elite tier in terms of visuals.

There are clearly deeper things at play. More factors and lore.

It is similar to how when you find out someone you know has joined a niche, invite-only religion and then when you join the religion (because you also want the blessing from the true god), you realize it is just the same as all the other religions except even worse because now you handed over your house and some strange celebrity actor is actually supposed to be a Tier 6 Red Angel.

You get me.

So where do I commit and where is her hottest shit?


Tier 3 Sub
Jun 15, 2023
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I've been investing some time, looking at her clips, trying to read the literature.

I watched a 40min clip where her and some guy went to the scruffy guy's GRIMY house (where the dude had dead cockroaches, dirt everywhere, apparently a dead rat had marked the floor as it decomposed after the scruffy dude ignored it???). Anyway and then Emiru and this other dude got served what looked like the DRIEST steak in the entire world, cooked in filth, which somehow actually looked like it probably tasted fine. Scruffy dude basically jerkified the steak, which genuinely makes a lot of sense given his living conditions, so he effectively served them freshly made jerky with slathered in nice sauce. I was actually into it and honestly I like the approach of the scruffy dude. I think if you live in a shit hole, you need to be careful with germs, so absolutely obliterating all living material is a W strat. I'm going to have steak for dinner, I think. The scruff seemed to have a poor diet, and overall, seeing his living conditions made me sad. He also seems to sleep in basically random conditions (just piles of stray comforters he'd found on the street), in his normal clothes, sleeping on mattresses and sofas he'd also dragged home off the street. I wasn't really prepared for it, going into the video. I was expecting more bust focused time. Emiru seemed nice. Had nice sweats on. Her secondary add-on follower guy may as well have not existed.

Anyway so it distracted from my Bust Hunt and I spent a while watching Emiru visit the scruff.

Still, I appreciated her body in the pants and top. You could see the tautness of her physique and I liked that.

I'm not sure if she lets that follower guy shove his face in her ass and then blast her asshole, but you could tell that he absolutely would love it.

Does she ever talk about getting her tunnel blasted by men?


Tier 3 Sub
Jun 15, 2023
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You can still bust even if her nipples are replaced with non-nipple pixels, but even putting you in this position to solve the puzzle is basically the biggest problem with robots running showbiz.

I have a lot of experience and so can easily bypass pixelated nips or assholes solely through my mental ability and fortitude. I an very resistant and can just picture the tit in its fullest in my mind.

But, I have found from experience and can give you the same advice. When you print off your pictures of the girl you're gonna bust to... My advice is to print pictures of some other girls' nipples and assholes, and then you can literally just cut them out and stick them on top of the censored element of the bitch you're jerking it to.

Sometimes you can even print off and replace ENTIRE TITS, if you can find the right angle, and have the skills to cut them out correctly and neatly. You can even create new topless pics this way, or even upgrade the boobs of a lesser chick.

Anyway you can easily bypass censorship and still bust how you want, even if the algorithm from MIT nerds says no.


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 17, 2022
Is Lie's of P bad or do viewers not want to watch her play it. 11k is the lowest I've seen Emi at in a long time


Jan 30, 2024
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poor man dark souls. No one actually played it so the excitement isn't there of course the viewership won't be good by emi standards 11k playing a game is still pretty fucking good. Emi need to start playing big games on release because imagine her viewership if she played Elden ring on release or any other major game with a big fan base.
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