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Support Can't enter simpcity.su without VPN


Bathwater Drinker
Mar 14, 2022

I can not connect to simpcity.su without using an VPN for two days now. It works even with the same country I am located but only with VPN. I have just absolutly basic knowledge about network and domains and stuff and don't know whats the problem and how to fix it.

Any hints for me?
Hi, I'm having the same issue, except that I don't use a VPN.
When I try to access the website through my wifi or my mobile data, it says:
Address Not Found The browser could not find the host server for the provided address.

But if I use my second mobile operator I can access the website without a problem.
Maybe a routing issue for wifi and my first mobile operator?
Hi, I'm having the same issue, except that I don't use a VPN.
When I try to access the website through my wifi or my mobile data, it says:
Address Not Found The browser could not find the host server for the provided address.

But if I use my second mobile operator I can access the website without a problem.
Maybe a routing issue for wifi and my first mobile operator?
i have same problem
Hi, I'm having the same issue, except that I don't use a VPN.
When I try to access the website through my wifi or my mobile data, it says:
Address Not Found The browser could not find the host server for the provided address.

But if I use my second mobile operator I can access the website without a problem.
Maybe a routing issue for wifi and my first mobile operator?
i have same problem

Could be DNS hiccups... Give it some time or try using a public DNS like this one
same issue here...if i use my vpn and connect to say canada...loads up no problem....tried clearing cache\cookies....restarting router etc...no dice
Having this same exact issue and believe it's something on my end. Maybe my ip has been flagged as a bot by the site for clicking too much stuff? Not really knowledgeable on any of this but it was confusing seeing no reported outages and not being able to connect.
Yup, same here, but on my end it says that it is a DNS issue... I tried everything from my end, from flushing my DNS to changing my DNS server... nothing seems to work.
yeah been going nuts thinking it was just site overloaded, hope it gets fixed, only thing that works is turning on or off ad blocker and that is like 20% success rate so probably doesnt do anything and im getting lucky trying again lol
It started for me like 2 days ago, without vpns it keeps loading forever, changing DNS didn't make any change.

It's strange because sometimes the site loads, so I don't think it's my ip range being banned.
It started for me like 2 days ago, without vpns it keeps loading forever, changing DNS didn't make any change.

It's strange because sometimes the site loads, so I don't think it's my ip range being banned.
Same thing for me except VPN doesn’t fix anything either. I literally am not able to access the website these past few days except if Im using cellphone data
The same thing happens with me, i can't enter the website without the use of VPN, i changed my DNS, cache, everything i could find in other posts, any recommendations?
Seems like this issue happened for some back in April, 2023. It just started for me the past couple of days. Inconsistent access without VPN. I hope there's an easy answer soon.
ISPs have not yet blocked the domain, as far as i've looked. There's currently a rate limiter on top of simpcity and theres another limiter on the server that's tracking requests count per IP and banning IPs for 24 hours.

If you're using a residential IP and you get flagged (the 403 forbidden with simpcity logo page), open a ticket so we can investigate.

This is all happening, because in the last few weeks there were some fellows making >500k requests per few hours (basically either scraping the forum or trying to slow it down).

The changes are not permanent and we'll most likely drop one of the limiters in the upcoming weeks (if the abuse stops).

Edit: It is expected that famous VPN services would get their widely used endpoints banned, because of a lot of traffic going through 1 node.
I'll open a ticket once I get around to it.

This is what happens when I try to access the site:

I can get to the front page of the site just fine. Then, when I click Log In, the page hangs. If I refresh or try again, nothing from the site loads anymore.

Resetting my IP by rebooting my cable modem, I am able to get to the site again, but the same behavior occurs. My ISP is Comcast. I am currently able to post here because I am tethered to my phone's mobile data, where the issue doesn't occur.
I'll open a ticket once I get around to it.

This is what happens when I try to access the site:

I can get to the front page of the site just fine. Then, when I click Log In, the page hangs. If I refresh or try again, nothing from the site loads anymore.

Resetting my IP by rebooting my cable modem, I am able to get to the site again, but the same behavior occurs. My ISP is Comcast. I am currently able to post here because I am tethered to my phone's mobile data, where the issue doesn't occur.
I don't have any issues while using a VPN or without one. What sort of extensions/plugins are you running in your browser? Are you using an AdBlocker or settings to restrict or minimize Javascript?
As Poki mentioned earlier, you can try to change your DNS provider for your computers/phones or you can use a secure DNS provider (e.g. CloudFlare/NextDNS) and try to bypass what seems to be your ISP blocking access to the site.
Most likely, they have a blacklist based off of hostnames instead of IP's (but who knows...)
Setting a private/secure DNS provider is free and I will leave a link for the Cloudflare documentation how to do this in your (desktop) webbrowser:

If you're on a recent version of Android, you can go into the Settings menu and go to Networks and set up Private DNS there.
If all else fails, try a free VPN from the thread here:

Or try something like the Tor browser, which seems to work just fine for me, although it is very. very slow.
Let us know if any of this helps or not.
I am using an adblocker, but I don't have any issues with the site while using it before, or now.

Like I mentioned, I can get to the front page just fine, but then when I try to log in, DDoS-Guard shows me a blank white page with two broken images, and then the page gets stuck loading forever. This occurs when connecting from my home internet ISP (comcast) and now my mobile ISP (T-Mobile USA) does it too. After the blank white page, I can no longer access the front page unless I cycle my IP lease, which may change my IP.

On my home internet router, I do use as my default DNS with Google's as a backup.

I am now posting because I have connected with a VPN. Frankly, this is too much of a hassle, and I'll probably just visit this site less then. I hope you get your traffic issues figured out.
My problem is similar to beeohess, but I don't use any addons, nor adblockers. It's a plain firefox (also tried chrome) installations.

Also I have tried a bunch of DNSs, google, cloudflare, dnswatch, open dns, quad9... None of it solves it.
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