• We have blocked access to our website from TOR nodes and a datacenter in France (some VPN connections to the country might be faulty) due to abusive behaviour. If things quiet down - they'll be enabled again in a few days/weeks.
  • Bunkr are having some temporary issues with some videos showing cloudflare tos violations and are restricted.
    Please be patient while the issue is resolved and DONT ask for re-ups.

Discussion Bunkr Discussion

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It's with some videos on that server; when i click play nothing happens and when I try to grab the link to play in my own media player I get a 403 error. and so the only way to play them is to just download them. And when I do that it goes to the ddos guard page and sometimes they download. What I generally use is this simple script that takes bunkr albums and puts all the video links in an m3u file and just play that file as a playlist. and some times when I get to the videos on that burger server, I get the same 403 issue.

Edit: I can't give you any examples now because all of the links I had problems with seem to work now lol
DDOS guard doesnt like your VPN server, try another or turn it off briefly

As for your use case with a script, bunkr doesnt support such things and likely never will, their web player and download pages have ads which provide the revenue that pay for the servers. Their servers are several thousand dollars per month each and you can get a rough idea for their monthly costs by adding up all the servers listed here https://status.bunkr.ru/ and adding a bit more for networking.

I personally have no problems with the burger server, I was just asking that guy.

As for fries, I don't think a link would help since it's listed as 'Maintenance' in their own Status Page.
You worded your post badly, hence the confusion.

Anyway, fries is likely down for maintenance for a few weeks, nothings been deleted, the server will come back, its not the end of the world, its like you all forgot they do maintenance occasionally. You're quite literally bitching 'Seems like the site is falling apart' when they're doing maintenance specifically to stop their site falling apart :PepeClown:

This thread will just get locked if you guys keep bitching about maintenance.
Burger server seems fine, if you have a video that doesn't play, it's possible that you're using a browser that doesn't support HEVC/h265 like Firefox or it's probably a wmv file. In both cases, clicking download and playing it locally will help if your device supports those formats. I do wish Firefox would support HEVC already, fuck patent issues!

Also as an example, this will play in Chrome/Edge/Safari, but not Firefox.
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First link, not the fastest speeds but def not bad:


Second file I couldnt even take a screenshot, if finished before I was able to do so.

That said, the server is a bit overloaded, but even so speeds are not bad.
First link, not the fastest speeds but def not bad:


Second file I couldnt even take a screenshot, if finished before I was able to do so.

That said, the server is a bit overloaded, but even so speeds are not bad.
More on this, just noticed that the server has a broken drive.

Will put into maintenance and replace the drive.
Any chance for albums to have an indicator on content that is down due to maintenance?
Would require a bit of rewrite on the front/back/database, not sure will be added.
I actually made a lil userscript for that, it will darken links on the fries server as seen in the image:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         Darken links on Bunkr's fries server
// @description  Darken fries links, RIP
// @match       https://bunkr.*/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.site/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.se/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.ci/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.nu/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.ac/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.black/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.cat/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.media/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.red/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.si/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.site/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.sk/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.su/a/*
// @match       https://bunkr.ws/a/*
// @match       https://bunkrr.*/a/*
// @match       https://bunkrr.su/a/*
// ==/UserScript==

(async function() {
    'use strict';

    function darkenImages() {
        const images = document.querySelectorAll('img');
        images.forEach((img) => {
            if (img.src.includes('i-fries.bunkr.ru')) {
                img.style.opacity = '0.1';

How come, when uploading to bunkr, the upload will just fail instantly?
How come, when uploading to bunkr, the upload will just fail instantly?
I believe it means the server is full. You can refresh the page to change server - I managed to upload a file to nacho I think it was but a few fail, yeah. I wish they would remove servers that are full so we don't waste our time uploading :p
I believe it means the server is full. You can refresh the page to change server - I managed to upload a file to nacho I think it was but a few fail, yeah. I wish they would remove servers that are full so we don't waste our time uploading :p
They've been disabled, they got full while I was sleeping, and the rest of the team was on their time off.

We're working on getting new ssd servers.
now ddos guard is stuck when I try to go to the bunkr albums search page and then get a 504
We're dealing with a ddos attack.

JS captcha will remain until further notice.
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